Why does Nea get so many skins?

title says it all
*so many awesome skins
Fixed it for you :3
But the truth is: she is the entity , of course she is gonna be favoured :P
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Trying to hide her ugliness, fam.
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Milla Jovovich is not ugly. How dare you! 😂
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Because she’s popular and they make a ton of money from them
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Because of streamers like Noob3.
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Claudette and Nea are the most popular so they get the most skins :/
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Best guess is she is very popular and her skins keep selling.
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Because she is the best survivor. :P
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@TreemanXD Dwight is obviously superior >:/
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she doesn’t? Off anything meg gets by far the most amount of skins. And feng is neglected :(
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@Boosted_Dwight nuh-uh! >:v
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@TreemanXD yuh-huh! >:v
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Ah, so it's basically the Lux and Ezreal logic from League of Legends.
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She has the around the average amount, seeing as she was one of the first few survivors she's obviously one of the more popular ones. Despite this, she has around the same amount or even less than survivors that were added after her. If anything she should have more than she does. If anyone deserves fewer cosmetics it's Meg.
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She's free.
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Free character with a punk aesthetic. She basically screams "Throw something at me and hope ot sticks".
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Because, along with P3 purple flashlight Kekdette, she's the emblem of toxicity, therefore her skin sell, and sell well.
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Because she pulls double duty as surv and killer.
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ppl play Claudette not because shes popular, but because shes the best survivor in game for hiding
Feng needs more skins, Japanese school girl Feng when
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Doesn't Meg have the most cosmetics out of everyone?
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Nea is the Entity, of course she gets a lot of skins.
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She's unlocked for everyone.
Its a smart business decision to make sure a free character has a lot of cosmetics.
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Unless Feng was an exchange student abroad, there's no reason for her to have a Japanese schoolgirl outfit.
But she's a dropout.
And she's Chinese.
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Chinese girls wear the same Japanese schoolgirl outfits. Behold!
From Chinese manwha "Just One Smile is Very Alluring."
So she's a dropout... that means she went to school once! Hey if Rin, a dead ghost, can wear a highschool girl uniform surely Feng Min can, too.
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To all those saying Nea is the best: I see your Nea and I raise you Kate. Fight me. ;)
Also I thought Feng was Korean, though it was a long time ago that I read her bio, though she has a similar backstory to D.Va, which is actually a Korean stereotype.
That said; Koreans also have similar schoolgirl uniforms.
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Feng Min is obviously Chinese and not Korean; Feng Min is a Chinese name.
Not sure since I have never seen the devs spell her name, but it probably means "Quick Phoenix" ( 馮敏 )
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Silly me. I found Feng Min's name in a Chinese screenshot of the game. It's 凤敏 which still means "Quick Phoenix" though.
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you guys are mad cuz feng doesn't have a lot of cosmetics? look at ma gorl laurie. all she has is a belly button pants and a horse hair. i know shes a licensed survivor and all but come on, tapp and pig somehow got cosmetics. i mean anything can work, even her hospital outfit in the original halloween 2 when she was running from michael
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She's popular so of course she'll get alot of cosmetics.
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Nea is the only killer with more than a couple skins. Relax I'm sure the others will get some too.