What Cosmetic Would You Like to See Updated?

With the new PTB hair file updates what older paid/unpaid cosmetic do you think could use a visual upgrade through physics, higher polygon counts or higher res textures? My vote goes to Laurie Strode's hair which is currently a mess.
The bottom half of the shirtless David set.
There's too much pants.
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The Pig without her mask
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I'd like to let the Legion use the Ghostface mask.
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Oh shoot! I misinterpreted the post. Ninja Edit.
So, I would love to see any of the pony tails revisited. Kate’s ponytails kinda make her look like an egg.
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I wanna see claudettes like schoolgirl/uniform outfits have better hair, I like them because there not a bright outfit yet not incredibly dark as to make me a blendette and anyway they can be to improved for my lil bio girl Claudette would make me happy 🙂
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Omg yes
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Want boxing shorts for David.
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Feng Min's P3 outfit is missing some blood, I mean she is missing a LOT of blood on her, her hip has very little amounts of blood on it, you cannot tell well she is a p3 sometimes
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Feng's "I'm 5 and I cut my own bangs" Ponytail.
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Feng’s hair looks like the albino from Princess Bride gave her a haircut.
Feng’s cute long sweater is kind of ruined by the major clipping.
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Totally agree!!!
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freddy with sunglasses xd
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Kate's latest skin.
The make up is horrible
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It's not an old cosmetic but for the love of god redesign kates gross big bird looking ass dress. She looks like a damn chocobo but not cool.
How hard is it to simply make its pattern like claudes except gold. Hell even a basic gold shimmer would look better or ditch the gold and make it black with diamond studs to match the skirt.
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Not really sure what they were thinking with my latest outfit. It's like a 7 year old did my hair and makeup and a 5 year old designed my outfit. A black sequin hip slit, backless dress would have been a much better fit, with some nice heels and a silver horseshoe necklace. Hairstyle a long inverse ponytail.
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Would love some wing tips for my makeup too.
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I haven't seen all of the updated cosmetics so I have no idea if this has already changed but Jake's long hair used to look great until the devs decided to turn it into ######### seaweed instead. It looks super horrible and I no longer use it because of that.
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Quentin Smith facial lift, fix it to make it look more of like the movie, will definitely drag in some more players. Laurie needs a face fix as well. Honestly maybe they could look into characters for small facial improvements. Kinda wish they would make David's default beard a little better looking, I disliked all of his hair cosmetics until the more snazzy recent one with his combed hair and cigarette, bad ass.
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I 100% agree, Laurie's hair looks like it's made of lego.
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theyre amazing edits I hope a community manager sees these great job
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@ShrekIsHot Holy Moley! They made Quentin look like a monster (not the EDIT, talking about BHVR)! THEY NEED TO CHANGE HIS FACE TO THAT RIGHT NOW!!
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To bad for the most part the Devs can't use the likenesses of the actors as they don't have the legal ability to. Laurie atleast looks like her comic version apparently. Still would love to see the charecters tweaked atleast, or given a visual update
Edit : sorry thought this was in response to shrekishot!
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@Maelstrom10 I assume you think @deadbydaylightfan is talking about @ShrekIsHot 's post, but if you look again at @deadbydaylightfan you can see he's clearly talking about @Name_Unavailable 's post. So they can change it.
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Oh ######### your right! Whoops
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Default Feng and Laurie hair. I wish the models of them were improved and physics were added. They look so stiff and horrible. I really like the hairstyle of Feng's default as well, but I can't use it because it just looks too damn ugly and stiff.
Feng's ponytail is cute but the bangs look "off." Those could also be improved.
All of Meg's short hair cosmetics look horrendous. They're stiff and just...ugly. I wish they got changed.
Nea's short pink/blue hair with glasses. Again, it looks wrong because it's so stiff looking and the way it's cut looks incredibly unrealistic.
Pretty much my #1 problem is the hair cosmetics in case you can't tell.