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General Discussions

How do you use the new Legion?

Member Posts: 9

Ever since BE nerfed legion, he's said to be as bad as the current Freddy (Before the rework if you read this when the reworks gets released).

Is there a way or a game style to make this new legion decent? I'm not expecting a four-man in every game, just a way to get decent games.


  • Member Posts: 27

    I wouldn't say Legion is as bad as current Freddy. They function more like a slightly weaker Wraith. Very easy to get the first hit but that down hit will take more work.

    As far as power add-ons go you can go for longer mend times or shorter stun duration when coming out of frenzy. Waste their time with Deep Wounds to distract them from getting a good position and keep them off gens. Or get up close to them with Frenzy, cancel, and make use of the shorter stun duration.

    Perks like M&A can help for getting closer to people. Enduring/Spirit Fury is also viable for ending chases faster. Sloppy Butcher can keep people injured longer after getting that first Frenzy hit as well

  • Member Posts: 819

    I didn't even dared to try. I play on console and missing a hit can happen because of the lack of sensitivity. Loved playing Susie and even got few cosmetics for her with auric cells. ;(

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