Deep Wounds Change

Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

I think mending should have skill checks just like any other healing, and that if you don't finish mending it starts the time over. I mean your bleeding out, why would you still have the same healing progress as you did before? I think it would help Legion for sure and would make Borrowed Time a little weaker, which I feel it needs after the buff it got from how they changed Deep Wounds to not go down in the terror radius.


  • browalker15
    browalker15 Member Posts: 93

    Yes this is what i was thinking of last night. Deep wounds currently is a joke. Sure the survivor have to waste time doing it, but does anyone now a days go down from it? No. I'm not saying you should have to go down from it. But in all honesty, they could even just change it so that survivors have to restart mending if they stop. Most likely cause a killer is near by, even then, the timer will stop. It gives a little more to deep wound and choices a survivor has to make whether to continue or stop mending.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Yeah, I based most of this on the doctor's Snap out of it, as I feel its similar enough to deep wounds as it prevents working on gens.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    It should also allow debuffs to affect it, seriously.

    Also Nurse's Calling. I get why they removed Snap Out of It, but mending literally means to heal.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Yeah, I agree with that, it would allow that perk to get some use and allow you to actually pressure survivors and make deep wounds a threat.