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SWF: Remove emblems/pips and allow killers to opt-out

Member Posts: 994

Trying to create balance between SWF and solo players is a lost cause. If you look back at the eveloution of all the previous online games, especially RPGs, it is easy to see that it is absolutely impossible to balance a system for 2+ modes of play. So, I propose that when playing SWF, the emblem system and pipping are taken completely out of the equation and only blood points and experience are awarded. Killers and solo survivors (fill-ins) should be given the option to completely opt-out of these matches, to only be in such matches, or allow the matchmaking servers to make the most efficient use of the players at the time (could be either solo or SWF).

Emblems, and thus pips, are only awarded in solo matches. The matchmaking system will always use your current rank, and that of others, to create matches, but only the results of a solo match would change your rank. I think that this would increase the fun factor for all, even killers that get a 4 man SWF group, as everyone can just have fun and earn both bloodpoints and experience. It would also reduce the number DCs due to frustrated players. The only down side I can see is that the queue for SWF might be longer, but then again, it might not.

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  • Member Posts: 1,316
    edited July 2018
    if you run for president, i will be your campaign manager.  i love this idea.  while i am somewhat (quite a bit, actually) elated at the idea that we now can not be wrecked as easily (point and rank wise) by 4 man mic teams, i was still quite agitated at the inundation of swf last night.  they have become inescapable and mics provide the function of 10 extra perks.
  • Member Posts: 8,816
    I'm not sure why Emblems would need to go. Like Master said, just make it a mode separate from ranked.

    Inb4 "bUt ThE COMmuNiTy iS tOo SMalL tO bE deViDed"
  • Member Posts: 15,095
    I'm not sure why Emblems would need to go. Like Master said, just make it a mode separate from ranked.

    Inb4 "bUt ThE COMmuNiTy iS tOo SMalL tO bE deViDed"
    I consider emblems a failure. They were balanced when they first released for survivors. But ranking up was to hard for survivors. It tries to hard to force a certain play style. It was disarmed for survivors but killers can do a 4k and black pip.
  • Member Posts: 493

    @brokedownpalace said:
    I'm not sure why Emblems would need to go. Like Master said, just make it a mode separate from ranked.

    Inb4 "bUt ThE COMmuNiTy iS tOo SMalL tO bE deViDed"

    Ah let me guess, you are one of those people that sees 12000 people are playing and that should be sufficient for 2 gamemodes. Think again. 12000 isnt only killers and survivors but its also played vastly spread among different regions in the world. so yes "ThE COMmuNiTy iS tOo SMalL tO bE deViDed" in your own "I try to be funny by copying a meme format"

  • Member Posts: 3,918
    edited July 2018

    @Master said:
    Or just introduce casual and ranked mode like any other Competitive game, don't allow SWF in ranked

    I HIGHLY doubt casual people want to deal with something even remotely that hellish. No one wants them, they’re the ugly step child. Like PS4 with dlc

  • Member Posts: 994

    @Master said:
    Or just introduce casual and ranked mode like any other Competitive game, don't allow SWF in ranked

    I thought about that a lot, but kept coming back to, is there really such a thing as a casual player in a PvP setting? Sure, there are people who don’t have hundreds of hours a month to spend playing games, but they still play competitively. My proposal has an additional plus side. Once you have reached the rank that you are comfortable playing at, you can stop playing solo only (ranked) matches. Just switch to SWF only matches and play others at that rank, or let the matchmaking system mix it up for you.

    When rank is completely removed as a reward/penalty it allows players to compete, but not become overly invested in the win or loss. It comes down to having fun and getting as many blood points as you can. Some of my favorite matches as killer were where I picked up the last dying survivor and carried them to hatch. I can see chases lasting much longer, as both killers and survivors will want to hone their skills. It won’t change anything about the Toxic Fortnite children, but there really isn’t anything to be done with them, unless strict rules are created and enforced. The bottom line is to ENJOY THE FOG!

  • Member Posts: 262
    I play SWF with my friends it’s what makes it fun for me i don’t mind playing against a swf lobby because I play for fun if your a good killer you’ll be able to kill a swf lobby no problem or adleast get 2-3 of them you tubers who play this game play it with friends there’s no reason to be angry or irritated about people having fun I’ll admit some of them can be toxic but you always have an option to leave you’d know if they’re a swf lobby if they all load in at the same time so it’s completely avoidable so unless you want to lose a chunk of the player base by dividing them and giving them no insentive to play such removing their rank and emblem gain just because them and they’re friends wanted to play together that’s pretty crappy ngl
  • Member Posts: 535

    This thread will have two sides.

    Killers = Thumbs Up, give me the choice for SWF
    Survivors = NO THANKS, the game isn't worth playing if I can have the advantages afforded by comms. And Killer will always avoid SWF.

    I play both, and yes, I agree give Killers the choice.

  • Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @deadbydaylightfan said:
    I play SWF with my friends it’s what makes it fun for me i don’t mind playing against a swf lobby because I play for fun if your a good killer you’ll be able to kill a swf lobby no problem or adleast get 2-3 of them

    Not true, i have to play Nurse exclusively or Huntress with 1 hit-kill to be able to wipe out SWF, playing other killers against them is pretty much gg

    save-happy survivors are easy in SWF, but the ones that aren't are a real threat and finish game in 5 min

    They should either forced all Killers to fight SWF = real balance of game will be shown

    or allow Killer to opt out of SWF, you can do this atm with lobby dodge anyway so why not

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    Should be a seperate que where killers get double bp for playing it (otherwise almost no killers would play it)

    They will never be able to balance the game in its current state

  • Member Posts: 696

    Allowing Killers to queue out of SWF would kill the game.

    What Killer would queue into SWF even with double bloodpoints?????

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    This should have been addressed a long time ago, but it most likely NEVER will be.

  • Member Posts: 994
    edited July 2018
    @Tizzle by removing the rank reward/penalty from SWF, along with the other options, why wouldn’t a killer want to participate?  In the current state, killers will continue to dodge SWF lobbies until they get one without a SWF group, which means that the SWF group will have to requeue multiple times.  The ranking system is designed for a single mode of play, and the devs have already stated that they are designing the perks around solo players, so the current rank is only valid in a solo player scenario.  They could create another rank for SWF, but it wouldn’t have any meaning from a statistical POV.
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @deadbydaylightfan said:
    I play SWF with my friends it’s what makes it fun for me i don’t mind playing against a swf lobby because I play for fun if your a good killer you’ll be able to kill a swf lobby no problem or adleast get 2-3 of them you tubers who play this game play it with friends there’s no reason to be angry or irritated about people having fun I’ll admit some of them can be toxic but you always have an option to leave you’d know if they’re a swf lobby if they all load in at the same time so it’s completely avoidable so unless you want to lose a chunk of the player base by dividing them and giving them no insentive to play such removing their rank and emblem gain just because them and they’re friends wanted to play together that’s pretty crappy ngl

    Its not fun to be bullied.
    And even if you are a good killer, there is no way you gonna kill a good SWF lobby. The fact that you just throw such statements around let me assume that you are still in low ranks :wink:

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Tizzle said:
    Allowing Killers to queue out of SWF would kill the game.

    What Killer would queue into SWF even with double bloodpoints?????

    Because of double bloodpoints.
    I would definitely consider going against a sweaty SWF if I get rewarded for that.
    But in the current state of the game, nope, simply dodge them and have a normal game instead.

  • Member Posts: 696

    @Master said:

    @Tizzle said:
    Allowing Killers to queue out of SWF would kill the game.

    What Killer would queue into SWF even with double bloodpoints?????

    Because of double bloodpoints.
    I would definitely consider going against a sweaty SWF if I get rewarded for that.
    But in the current state of the game, nope, simply dodge them and have a normal game instead.


  • Member Posts: 173

    @Kaelum said:
    The only down side I can see is that the queue for SWF might be longer, but then again, it might not.

    2x bloodpoints for killers that opt into the SWF only mode

    I mean hell, some of us are gluttons for punishment that I know I'd opt in for that since im already basically getting sh*t on for free now :chuffed:

  • Member Posts: 994

    @JusticeZERO I would not be opposed to Double bloodpoints for the killer, but I doubt that BHVR would implement it, as it would be extremely easy to abuse. It would be AWESOME to have though.

  • Member Posts: 535

    @Kaelum said:
    @JusticeZERO I would not be opposed to Double bloodpoints for the killer, but I doubt that BHVR would implement it, as it would be extremely easy to abuse. It would be AWESOME to have though.

    The double points loses appeal once you have gotten it all, and whats left, SWF isn't fun for Killers.

    While nice to have, Killers have said before they want more then a bribe to play SWF.

  • Member Posts: 173

    @Kaelum said:
    @JusticeZERO I would not be opposed to Double bloodpoints for the killer, but I doubt that BHVR would implement it, as it would be extremely easy to abuse. It would be AWESOME to have though.

    Yeah I'm not sure how else to incentivize players other than giving bloodpoints or giving killers some kind of "bragging rights" type thing for choosing to take on SWF groups.

    Because if I have the choice, i'll most likely not want the toxic SWF group vs survivors that are all the same rank as me and might not be on comms.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 493

    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    Give killers incentive to play against SWF; for example bonus BP
    Easy fix

  • Member Posts: 535

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    If you don't enjoy the game playing solo... do you really like playing the game at all?

    Or do you just want to team up and bully someone?

  • Member Posts: 535

    @Master said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    Give killers incentive to play against SWF; for example bonus BP
    Easy fix

    Killers do not want a BRIBE, they want fun game play.

  • Member Posts: 493

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    If you don't enjoy the game playing solo... do you really like playing the game at all?

    Or do you just want to team up and bully someone?

    So having fun with a friend automatically means im bullying someone else? Get over yourself. If I want to play single player games I'll play on a console relaxed on a couch. This is a (co-op) multiplayer game.

  • Member Posts: 994
    edited July 2018

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    That is a flawed way of thinking. Killers can, and do, opt-out of matches right now yet SWF matches are being played. When a killer currently opts-out of a match, the survivors need to recreate their SWF group and try again. This can take upwards of 30 minutes to get a group. The ONLY reason killer’s opt-out is because they have no interest in toxic SWF depip-squads. Remove that as a possibility, and killers will be more than happy to play. Besides, ranking up/down with a SWF group has absolutely no meaning at all.

    @Shadoureon said:
    So having fun with a friend automatically means im bullying someone else? Get over yourself. If I want to play single player games I'll play on a console relaxed on a couch. This is a (co-op) multiplayer game.

    I’m surprised that you would even ask this. For some it does mean this, and for others it doesn’t. Because of this one question and your statements, I doubt that you play killer very much, if at all. With the way that BHVR is balancing the game, it does not make any sense to allow players to rank up/down while in comms matches. If the game had comms built-in for the survivors, then they would be balancing it with that in mind, but they are not. Therefore, any matches that could involve comms, should not be included in ranking.

    P.S. If a killer is getting bullied by multiple toxic squads, he/she has every right to not play with such squads. And in doing so, those squads get penalized for being toxic by getting fewer matches. If you are not for this, then you are definitely a part of the currently broken toxic system.

  • Member Posts: 535

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    If you don't enjoy the game playing solo... do you really like playing the game at all?

    Or do you just want to team up and bully someone?

    So having fun with a friend automatically means im bullying someone else? Get over yourself. If I want to play single player games I'll play on a console relaxed on a couch. This is a (co-op) multiplayer game.

    Get informed my friend. This game was designed as a multiplayer game, it was not designed around having teams with full communications. It was meant for 4 strangers to meet up in the level and work together or not to escape. It was never intended to be people playing with their friends, they made KYF for that.

    Just remember that when you and your friends get together to "have fun" with your advantages afforded you by the comms. There is one player that is getting shafted, and that's the guy hosting the game, and playing by the rules.

    SWF are cancer for this game, and its people like you who maintain SWF are fine because it is you that have the upperhand.

    And I maintain that if you don't find the game fun playing solo as it was intended for you to play it, then do you even like the game, unless you can essentially cheat.

  • Member Posts: 270
    I had a thought like this one months ago -  Tie Killer rank to a mode where SWF was exclusive and Survivor rank was bound to only solo que. Expand the time between rank resets. Give exclusive cosmetic items based on rank held at the close of a season on each side. 
  • Member Posts: 10,200
    Outland said:

    @Master said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    Give killers incentive to play against SWF; for example bonus BP
    Easy fix

    Killers do not want a BRIBE, they want fun game play.

    I am a killer and anything is better than the current state 
  • Member Posts: 493

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    If you don't enjoy the game playing solo... do you really like playing the game at all?

    Or do you just want to team up and bully someone?

    So having fun with a friend automatically means im bullying someone else? Get over yourself. If I want to play single player games I'll play on a console relaxed on a couch. This is a (co-op) multiplayer game.

    Get informed my friend. This game was designed as a multiplayer game, it was not designed around having teams with full communications. It was meant for 4 strangers to meet up in the level and work together or not to escape. It was never intended to be people playing with their friends, they made KYF for that.

    Just remember that when you and your friends get together to "have fun" with your advantages afforded you by the comms. There is one player that is getting shafted, and that's the guy hosting the game, and playing by the rules.

    SWF are cancer for this game, and its people like you who maintain SWF are fine because it is you that have the upperhand.

    And I maintain that if you don't find the game fun playing solo as it was intended for you to play it, then do you even like the game, unless you can essentially cheat.

    Not on the Steam Store page or Official Site does it say its stupposed to be 4 strangers. Stop making garbage up. The moment they added SWF in this game it became a multiplayer game for friends. Period.

  • Member Posts: 270
    Not on the Steam Store page or Official Site does it say its stupposed to be 4 strangers. Stop making garbage up. The moment they added SWF in this game it became a multiplayer game for friends. Period.

    While I will admit it does not say that on those two pages, the devs have said in their stream on more then one occasion that the game was conceived and balanced around 4 strangers entering a trial. SWF was tacked on a month after the game released due to high demand and to ease wait times (survivors rapidly dodging rooms to be paired with friends). There is also proof of this in the game itself as certain survivor perks are rendered useless in SWF (Bond springs to mind) and survivor groups having to re-invite when a killer dodges SWF groups (staying in a group would require them to make infrastructure changes on their end that could not be made quickly).
  • Member Posts: 535

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    If you don't enjoy the game playing solo... do you really like playing the game at all?

    Or do you just want to team up and bully someone?

    So having fun with a friend automatically means im bullying someone else? Get over yourself. If I want to play single player games I'll play on a console relaxed on a couch. This is a (co-op) multiplayer game.

    Get informed my friend. This game was designed as a multiplayer game, it was not designed around having teams with full communications. It was meant for 4 strangers to meet up in the level and work together or not to escape. It was never intended to be people playing with their friends, they made KYF for that.

    Just remember that when you and your friends get together to "have fun" with your advantages afforded you by the comms. There is one player that is getting shafted, and that's the guy hosting the game, and playing by the rules.

    SWF are cancer for this game, and its people like you who maintain SWF are fine because it is you that have the upperhand.

    And I maintain that if you don't find the game fun playing solo as it was intended for you to play it, then do you even like the game, unless you can essentially cheat.

    Not on the Steam Store page or Official Site does it say its stupposed to be 4 strangers. Stop making garbage up. The moment they added SWF in this game it became a multiplayer game for friends. Period.

    That is my point, the game was never designed to have SWF. It was only added after the fact so NO IT IS NOT A MULTIPLAYER GAME FOR FRIENDS.

    And the fact that there was no SWF portion only KYF, means they INTENDED FOR 4 PLAYERS ONLINE TO TEAM UP OR NOT, to play against a KILLER. They never intended for you and your friends to play together except in KYF mode. Just in true SWF hissy fit fashion you forced the company to add SWF because you just kept dropping lobbies to find your friends.

    Anyways you keep thinking you are right, the rest of us know the history of this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,316
    Outland said:

    @Master said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    Give killers incentive to play against SWF; for example bonus BP
    Easy fix

    Killers do not want a BRIBE, they want fun game play.

    swf isn't fun, i'll take the payola.
  • Member Posts: 1,316

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    If you don't enjoy the game playing solo... do you really like playing the game at all?

    Or do you just want to team up and bully someone?

    So having fun with a friend automatically means im bullying someone else? Get over yourself. If I want to play single player games I'll play on a console relaxed on a couch. This is a (co-op) multiplayer game.

    not buying it.
  • Member Posts: 535

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    Outland said:

    @Master said:

     @Shadoureon said:

    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    Give killers incentive to play against SWF; for example bonus BP

    Easy fix

    Killers do not want a BRIBE, they want fun game play.

    swf isn't fun, i'll take the payola.

    I agree, in the short term the BP boost might be nice, but once you have P3'd everything what does the BP get you? The games are still annoying and you have more BP's then you know what to do with.

  • Member Posts: 1,316
  • Member Posts: 346
    edited July 2018

    OP is a bit sorry, "dumb"*.
    He thinks the devs would do that and kill the game xD
    Why the hell would they punish people for playing with friends?
    If you got no friends it doesn't mean others don't.

  • Member Posts: 1,010
    I like playing in swf groups it’s fun. Idc about emblems or rank so I wouldn’t mind those being removed for swf players
  • Member Posts: 125

    I think this is a great idea. Thanks

  • Member Posts: 493

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    If you don't enjoy the game playing solo... do you really like playing the game at all?

    Or do you just want to team up and bully someone?

    So having fun with a friend automatically means im bullying someone else? Get over yourself. If I want to play single player games I'll play on a console relaxed on a couch. This is a (co-op) multiplayer game.

    Get informed my friend. This game was designed as a multiplayer game, it was not designed around having teams with full communications. It was meant for 4 strangers to meet up in the level and work together or not to escape. It was never intended to be people playing with their friends, they made KYF for that.

    Just remember that when you and your friends get together to "have fun" with your advantages afforded you by the comms. There is one player that is getting shafted, and that's the guy hosting the game, and playing by the rules.

    SWF are cancer for this game, and its people like you who maintain SWF are fine because it is you that have the upperhand.

    And I maintain that if you don't find the game fun playing solo as it was intended for you to play it, then do you even like the game, unless you can essentially cheat.

    Not on the Steam Store page or Official Site does it say its stupposed to be 4 strangers. Stop making garbage up. The moment they added SWF in this game it became a multiplayer game for friends. Period.

    That is my point, the game was never designed to have SWF. It was only added after the fact so NO IT IS NOT A MULTIPLAYER GAME FOR FRIENDS.

    And the fact that there was no SWF portion only KYF, means they INTENDED FOR 4 PLAYERS ONLINE TO TEAM UP OR NOT, to play against a KILLER. They never intended for you and your friends to play together except in KYF mode. Just in true SWF hissy fit fashion you forced the company to add SWF because you just kept dropping lobbies to find your friends.

    Anyways you keep thinking you are right, the rest of us know the history of this game.

    Ive been playing since day 1. And I didnt say this game was a co-op game from the start. I wrote that it became one the moment SWF was added. Its like saying Fortnite isnt a true BR because it didnt start as one...

  • Member Posts: 493

    Dodging was even worse in the first months than it is now. Back then if you dodged enough lobbies as a rank 2-8 killer for example you eventually were placed against rank 20 survivors for easy pips. Wont lie, thats how I got my rank 1 achievement using the Wraith on July 8th 2016.

    Haha now I look back it took me from July 2nd to 8th to get from Rank 10 to 1 as a killer. However as a survivor I got my rank 10 achievement on August the 30th, Rank 5 on December the 24th and Rank 1 on January 11th 2017. I was a bad survivor in the first half year lol. Also never hit rank 1 again on any character because of the lack of playing in between resets. Rank 4 now as a survivor because I enjoy the game more now so might hit it again. If I really try I should hit it easy by playing more. But that requires me to play solo and then I rather play real single player games to enjow myself.

  • Member Posts: 535

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Outland said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Allowing killers to opt out SWF will make every killer opt out of SWF and that will make SWF people leave the game because they cant find matches and simply dont have fun solo in this game and thats not what the dev want.

    If you don't enjoy the game playing solo... do you really like playing the game at all?

    Or do you just want to team up and bully someone?

    So having fun with a friend automatically means im bullying someone else? Get over yourself. If I want to play single player games I'll play on a console relaxed on a couch. This is a (co-op) multiplayer game.

    Get informed my friend. This game was designed as a multiplayer game, it was not designed around having teams with full communications. It was meant for 4 strangers to meet up in the level and work together or not to escape. It was never intended to be people playing with their friends, they made KYF for that.

    Just remember that when you and your friends get together to "have fun" with your advantages afforded you by the comms. There is one player that is getting shafted, and that's the guy hosting the game, and playing by the rules.

    SWF are cancer for this game, and its people like you who maintain SWF are fine because it is you that have the upperhand.

    And I maintain that if you don't find the game fun playing solo as it was intended for you to play it, then do you even like the game, unless you can essentially cheat.

    I play killer and never dodge lobbies because I enjoy the game and think playing against SWF makes me a better killer.

    Anyone that complains about SWF and dodges SWF lobbies are just bad killers in my opinion.

    You are welcome to your opinion, but calling someone bad because they don't want to spend a game being bullied by mechanic short fallings is a little obtuse.

  • Member Posts: 1

    When I play killer and I see 3 or 4 man SWF join a lobby, I dodge.. yes. Im on to play a game AND have fun.. not BE the fun for a group of griefers. The toxicity of SWF can be very real. Cry-vivors want to moan and complain about killers leaving lobby but the fault lies in your senseless tea-bagging and bullying in games. Guys like Ochido have turned SWF into a money making scheme with all of his trolling, among others and in turn it is making it harder for those who just want to play, find games. Changes DO need to be made. Killers should have the option to block SWF's of their choice.. i.e. 3 man or 4 man. Having the option to block certain players is fine but that comes after the fact. Reporting players for cancerous game-play on consoles is seemingly pointless as we never see results nor can we elaborate as to why we are reporting like PC can. SWF was never meant to be part of the original game but it can be fun if you find a way to balance it. Its amazing how different people behave in a game when they are up against other people as opposed to AI. Just goes to show that a certain % of people on this planet have such little self-respect and self-worth that they feel accomplished when they can make a video or stream a match where they are better at something than others... but its obviously not enough so they have to embellish and embarrass other players to gain that feeling of worthiness.

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