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General Discussions

I can't take those who don't play both sides enough seriously

Member Posts: 819
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

I don't want to insult anyone with this post but your arguments can't be rational at all. I see the same people posting really biased opinions over and over again without knowing how it affects the other side. You base your opinions on emotions only and it is totally anti-balance. You will probably not even realise it but know this, you are hurting this game because devs listen.

This goes for killers and survivors. That is all.

Post edited by Judith on

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  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I’m usually not even that serious when I make a discussion but I do think the MoM nerf is extreme.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    I'm in red ranks for both killer and survivor. So, I usually have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    Devs have their own brains you know even if it doesn't appear with some decision they make. They LISTEN to feedback, not impliment it directly into the game. It doesn't matter if said person is maining one side as long as it's a good idea that improves DBD's health.

  • Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    I think it improved from what I’ve seen in streams, it encourages safe unhooks and protecting the unhooked person for faster stacks (2 per unhooking if the killer is trying to tunnel and you only need 3) it seems easier to get and supports the team and now can be used while healthy which counters NOED but I guess could be seen as a nerf if you used DH and MoM together... overall I think they did okay balancing it compared to what it was initially. (Edit: please disregard this I didn’t realise they removed the safe unhooks in today’s stream that is excessive given the inconsistency in protection hits)

    As for OP it’s true, I often feel like I don’t play killer enough but I play a few sessions of nothing but killer, warm up before my survivor sessions by playing 5-10 killer matches and have at least been to rank 5 and played as every killer so far (except plague). Despite maining survivor (70/30) I feel like I come across as a killer main, because if you do play enough you realise most killers can stomp at early/mid ranks but over half the roster easily gets stomped or need to play really stressful matches in red ranks. Plus the BBQ/NOED OP arguments are just funny. You can easily counter both and I just facepalm when I see other survivors saying these, are they serious...Where as buffs to useless perks on both sides are still needed.

    Playing killer really changes how you play too, you get better for one and two it makes being a pain to the killer with instaheals in their face and teabagging less funny/desirable (and I imagine it’s the same for killer only mains with mori spamming and hitting people on the hook, causing slug bleedouts etc). Taking your own medicine I guess they’d call it. I think only playing one side promotes a lot of the toxicity and flawed opinions on balance.

    Post edited by Kiskashi on
  • Member Posts: 1,773

    Improve for Survivors or Killers? we can look at Freddys launch and see how one sided opinions reflect on the devs.

  • Member Posts: 14,110
    edited June 2019

    *nvm I read it wrong

  • Member Posts: 2,051

    The on-demand 0 Terror Radius is good.

    But I don't know what else they plan on doing with him. His stalk mechanic is so lackluster.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    I'm actually excited to play Ghost Face.

    Stealth Myers is pretty much the only killer I play. Ghost Face looks like an iteration of that by default, no need to even M&A.

  • Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2019

    Still terrible. He'll need more than that to even be decent.

    I still think that survivors shouldn't break your stealth. It wouldn't even be that damaging in game.

  • Member Posts: 458

    I’ve been playing this game for two years.

    i would say my survivor skills are 9/10. I only became a really good survivor AFTER learning what it takes to be a rank one killer, and that’s when you needed those 9 points to get a pip. I would hit a huge wall at rank 2-3.

    But I had to learn and observe rank 1 survivors and what’s it takes to beat them. As killer I would see what they would do against me and I would started using those playable as survivor. I became much better in both aspects of the game.

    The problem with dbd is there is Tons of ignorance going around that it can be maddening

  • Member Posts: 458

    And I got to rank one only using Michael and trapper.

  • Member Posts: 218

    <Plays both sides equally

    <Admits Killer is easy-mode compared to Survivor

    BOOM! - mind blown

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    It's not as clear cut as one role being more powerful than another when you take into account what most people would consider power rankings:

    1. PC Nurse
    2. SWF
    3. Hillbilly
    4. The other killers
    5. Solo survivor
    6. Console Nurse
  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I agree with this view, but I always had the impression most players play both sides. I'm a killer at heart, but I have a lot of fun as survivor (Diversion!!!!!). It's just that most of us, even if we play both roles regularly, are drawn to one side more than to the other, thus we're biased even if we have valid survivor and killer experience.

  • Member Posts: 814
    edited June 2019

    Can't agree more pal. There arent that many players that are consistently high rank on both sides.

    Most of players just don't see how it is to play x on both high and low rank aswell a y on high and low rank. Sorry guys, but if you don't even have r1 achievements (which is no indicator what so ever really) for both killer and survivor your opinions are just not worth anything.

  • Member Posts: 767

    MoM's nerf is a buff, tbh.

    3 safe unhooks or protection hits (you get these when being near a surviovr and getting hit) for a COMPLETE protection against any hits?

    It's buffed, not nerfed and it should be nerfed properly, there shouldnt be perks, which disguise hits.

    Otherwise killers need perks like this too.

    • When hitting 3 survivors, the next hit on a fully healed survivor, is putting them into dying state. Up to 4 times.

    That would be equally strong to what survivors already can, and imagine the survivors outcry if this perk existed for killers?

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @mcNuggets it is three pro hits again.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Then don't take me seriously. 😊

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    I play both sides but OP says "play enough" I definitely do not play Killer anywhere near enough. I play it here and there but maybe 95% of my playtime is Survivor.

    And it's definitely because I have more fun as a Survivor than as a Killer... even though I am arguably a lot better at the game as a Killer than as a Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    Well there's a lot of killers out there that can one shot you for a good part of the game. And you can bet it's annoying as heck.

    Iridescent hatchet, BIlly, Leatehrface, heck Myers even outright kills you.

  • Member Posts: 1,726

    Lol, you were right. All he's done is state a blatant and obvious fact, and yet 7 monkeys have already downvoted him so far.

  • Member Posts: 819

    No need for insults it is their choice to do so and it is just a number.

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    While I've certainly played both killer and survivor, I've played much more killer.

    That however, does not mean I don't know how to balance something. Whenever I write an argument for something, I try to be as unbiased as possible. When writing for a specific killer, I try to find ways that can balance them.

    I am not a survivor main, but I can see things from both sides. I can understand when a survivor needs something to add their attempts for survival. I am one of the few who felt MoM was not as bad as many claimed, sure, it can be annoying when EVERYONE has it equipped, but it's a tool to be used.

    Anyways, I see your points.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    What is the latest news on the MoM nerf? What does it look like now?

  • Member Posts: 117

    Some people are actually calling it a buff, because now it counters NOED. But I do think it's in a good place.. now it encourages you to take protection hits and doing safe hook rescues.

    On the other hand it also encourages the killer to go after the unhooked survivor just to deny the safe unhook... so there's that.

  • Member Posts: 14,110
    edited June 2019

    In my experience I’ve always had an easier time as killer (even at R1) but now I don’t play as much and don’t hit R1 anymore.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    IMHO killer mains need to play survivor... SOLO SURVIVOR... up to rank 1 (not red ranks, RANK 1) if they want to be a better killer. It seems to me that a lot of killers complain about things survivors do and don't get how to counter them or generate pressure properly. They might THINK that they do, but unless you have the ability to think like a survivor you will have a hard time. Tracking, chasing, objectives, you have to know how the survivor thinks and plays before you can really be a threat.

    Likewise playing killer to red ranks will make you a better survivor. Just to understand the killer's perspective is enough to make you a better survivor. But then knowing what the killer is thinking at any given time helps a lot too. And it would give survivors a better understanding of the game as a whole, because sometimes things just happen a certain way it's not explicitly the killer being toxic with camping/tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 946

    The stupid fun part is, most of the issues with killers and survivors can be cleared if you put in some time to learn the other side too.

    I simply don't get it why people rather complain than just try and figure thing out in their own.

    Having trouble playing against survivors?

    Play some survivors, it will teach you, how you perceive the game and what are the typical reaction of a survivor.

    Having trouble against a killer?

    Play that killer for a while and you will learn what and why works for them and what counters the killer and it's powers.

    You will learn and improve so much!

    Today I had a match as the hag and got flammed for toxic play. But non of the survivors ever crouched to avoid the traps while unhooking. So the piled up in the basement...a hags dream.

    (No ruin or similar, just Franklin's against the 3 toolboxes)

  • Member Posts: 197

    Well, most people who claim "they play both sides" are usually biased as all hell towards one side.

    So... yeah.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Playing the other side definitely helps.

    But in this case those survivors were just potatos who didn't learn the game. You don't need to play Hag to learn that. I don't even have hag unlocked but I understand how to counter her.

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