"Thank you for sticking with us for 3 years, here's another terrible killer."
uWu Baby.
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1. Dumb mobile put the quote below the comment lmfao. Idk how to fix this.
2. The more I work at my job and get paid, the more I realize my money is valuable. When I was in college, I kept dropping money on this game's DLCs until Spirit, then two others bought me Legion and Plague for God knows what reason. But that money comment is so right, I can't justify spending more money on BHVR products after the work I put in to earn said money. Their products just aren't good enough.
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I might be an ######### but I'm not incapable of reason <3
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Took too long for me to respond to this, but here I go.
I care because I will never deny I loved this game and I was truly passionate about it. Why else would I waste 1.6k hours on it? I wanted (and still want at times) this game to improve and reach its high potential. But after too many terrible patches, the only way BHVR will ever learn is if everyone else also wises up and leaves the game for literally anything else. Maybe then they'll make actual improvements to the game instead of catering to one side and pushing out mediocre content.
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theres some killers that needs buff since they are not some much powerfull and when survivor see those especific killers they be like ooh its gg
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Same here.
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I do this with Plague, Legion, Nurse on Console, Freddy, and Hag. =[
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Why you are jailed now LOL
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Agreed, that's the only way this game will get better. I just don't see it at this point, it's been 3 years and still most killers aren't viable enough, games still end as fast as light and the game is becoming stale and bland in general. I can still find some emjoyment in the game but the more bad discussions and watered down horror icons the devs bring into the game, the more pissed off I get.
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Apparently calling someone out for being dumb and joking about myself drinking bleach are against forum policy. *Shrugs*
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As we play a Murder Simulator.
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They changed his perks?
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Assault people and sacrifice them to an ancient entity who's goal is to become more powerful and have more influence on the real world
Make a bleach joke
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They have turned a lot of cinema icons into jokes with Ghost Face being the latest victim of this string of mediocrity.
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And their are more to come I'm sure.
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Unfortunately :(
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"We've reworked MoM again. To compensate, we removed all of Freddy's stall and aura reading."
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Im buying Ghost Face even if he sucks. You know why? He can teabag a downed survivor and it is hilarious xD A build meant to slug and teabag xD I cracked up in the ptb doing it xD
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The only power that I really want is permanent insidious and no red stain. Be the ultimate jumpscare killer and the stalk option as a bonus but make it unusable next to a hooked survivor 4 meters away to prevent camping abuse. It would be sweet.
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Tell that to Trapper then. He completely sucks. I only got him leveled up for his perks and haven't touched his bum azz since.
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I agree the trapper needs some buffs, he needs his old hit boxes back on his traps so they can actually block passages, its so dumb and frustrating to watch a survivor pretty much walk over your trap and trigger it, while you have to carefully avoid your own traps because of your larger hit box.
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It all boils down to money. That’s all they see. It’s pretty obvious lol.
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I agree Trapper is also trash and not viable at all plus his trap hitboxes are very forgiving.
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I think you're over exaggerating things here because they are looking into Ghost Face to make him a better killer. Also, Ghost Face isn't the only killer being looked at since Freddy is getting an overhaul buff, and they just recently mentioned Leather Face getting an update. A few troublesome perks got changed: DS got a rework a while ago and MoM is getting a balance change; you're actually getting what you asked for and you're still upset about it? BHVR is doing their absolute best to make the game balanced and fun for both roles, not just the killer. While I agree survivors are still really strong, without BHVR, the game would be unplayable for the killer role because there would still be things such as double pallets and pallet vacuum. I know they re-introduced double pallets, but that's just happens when the map doesn't have their minimum amount.
Can you at least be happy for the things BHVR did and not focus solely on their mistakes? Every company makes their mistakes, no one is perfect.
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I was the first one to praise their best patches (2.0 and 2.1). I also said MoM nerf was good in another thread. But just about everything else they have done as of late is either not meaningful enough or flat out sucks.
Freddy never needed a rework, he just needed QoL changes like Adrenaline and Self-Care not waking you up. Instead, they're about to destroy him.
Peanits already said in another thread they won't have time to fix Ghostface.
Plague and Clown are still garbage.
Legion went from trash to dumpster fire.
And you want me to PRAISE BHVR?
If this is BHVR at their best, I don't want to see their worst.
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Let's go for the record of 100 votes up ok?
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I know for a fact that isn't the record, streamers/devs have had much more than that.
But I'm not gonna lie, did not expect as many as I got on the OP. Really happy such a huge number agree with me.
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Only 5 more votes up
Come on, We'll make it!
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But just about everything else they have done as of late is either not meaningful enough or flat out sucks.
Well let's see what you put down, and I'll tell you what I think.
Freddy never needed a rework, he just needed QoL changes like Adrenaline and Self-Care not waking you up. Instead, they're about to destroy him.
Actually, the community seems to love the new Freddy, especially the Freddy mains. You saying they are going to destroy him doesn't reflect what the community is saying about him. While I agree a few QoL changes would make him better, he still had unfun factors about him such as the dream transition, action penalty, aura reading, and his invisibility. The rework removes all that frustration while making him really strong! :)
Peanits already said in another thread they won't have time to fix Ghostface.
They will have time to fix Ghostface, but just not within the PTB. He's still going to be a good killer after they fix him, and I think they are going to buff him as well!
Plague and Clown are still garbage.
Actually they are really good, but Plague struggles at high ranks a lot more than Clown does. I heard some Clowns are deadly, because they know how to use their AoE gas.
Legion went from trash to dumpster fire.
They can always change him later, such as making his FF status effect add-ons take effect on the first M2. Just remember, they have priorities, which means they can't do everything at once so just give them time. Also, they changed Legion because they didn't like the "No Counter Play" part about him, especially the moonwalking tactic. Now, he has counter play and he's a 115% killer, just like y'all asked for... again.
And you want me to PRAISE BHVR?
Well, I'm not telling you to kiss their shoes, but you should at least respect the effort they put into this game. It's not easy trying to balance an asymmetrical horror game.
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They shouldn’t make killers and perks that need to be buffed and fixed Day 1.
Or if they decide to do that they need to learn their players won’t pay for a crap product. That’s is the Fallout 76 mentality, ship it now fix it later.
I definitely don’t want DbD turning into Fallout 76 so they better learn from this and make better updates and content we will want to pay for.
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I'm nervous about the new freddy. Plague and Clown are pretty mid to low tier. Clown is better then Plague because at least his power isn't controlled by the survivors. Legion is extra terrible now, all they needed to do was fix his moonwalk exploit and make his power so it had to be full to use. Instead they gutted her. Its so sad.
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Not everything is going to be perfect, and telling the developers that they make a crap product won't automatically make things better either. Like @Peanits said:
We can't do anything with "Bad game, bad devs". If you let us know what it is you don't like, we can work with that and try to find a way to make it better.
You have to be patient, and provide constructive feedback. This happened with the Spirit and she got buffed drastically. Legion was seen as a poorly designed killer, they made him have counter play while increasing his movement speed. Clown got his main kit buffed, and his add-ons where slightly nerfed to compensate so he wasn't add-on reliant. Ghostface is going to get fixed, but what you don't understand is that...
It's easier said than done.
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This content has been removed.
They are working very hard on turning it into fallout 76 though with the bad content releases.
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Hey, we did it
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Nope 😂
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LOL got me good, boi
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Just kidding, I can't do that to you :)
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damn gerl who dooty in yo wheatiez?
get u a snickerz bar... u seem irate like a killah main.
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Do I get a prize for being the 100th vote up? :D
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Pig exists you know, and her ability actually works.
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@NMCKE My only gripe is this statement
Legion went from trash to dumpster fire.
"They can always change him later, such as making his FF status effect add-ons take effect on the first M2. Just remember, they have priorities, which means they can't do everything at once so just give them time. Also, they changed Legion because they didn't like the "No Counter Play" part about him, especially the moonwalking tactic. Now, he has counter play and he's a 115% killer, just like y'all asked for... again."
Or more specifically, that last sentence.
They always had counterplay, the very same thing they had now. It's just that they can't exploit DW now like before.
I've never asked for 115% speed, and I don't remember anyone here who asked for it either. Other then that, I sorta agree with your points.
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I heard a lot of people wanted 115% just because we were sick of 110% back to back killers. But now Legion's power is basically useless compared to others which is why I put him at the bottom with Freddy.
Only time will tell if they actually change him and make him Mid tier. Or if his power can even be balanced to do that because they kinda screwed themselves with his power.
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"refuses to communicate clearly with its playerbase. " yes... so they posting dev-status or whatever they name those, making live streams where they answer 5 questions... (i think 10 is the correct number :D ) and posting on social media pics with fanarts, cossplays, etc isn't a way to comunicate with players... i get it now. Dude. learn to program. learn to design. learn everything that you need to know about unreal and game developing, and then start making a game... and try to comunicate .... then we'll see
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Exactly, alot of the time it's too slow to tag multiple survivors and you can loop them around most structures now.
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104 likes holy ding <3
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Funny you say that, cause I'm actually a programmer for my day job. Not a game programmer, but I still code a pretty damn good amount.
I've seen dead games have more communication with their communities than BHVR ever has. If they clearly communicated with us, then Plague wouldn't be so garbage, Legion wouldn't have been so boring, and the game overall would just be in a much better state. But they think they know everything better than everyone else, so they force stuff like Legion rework, the joke known as Ghostface's stealth, and a goddamn battle pass down our throats.
Literally give this IP to anyone not named Gun Media and it would be much better handled.
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GF is so flawed he shouldn't of ever been put on a ptb because he sure as hell isn't ready for a ptb much less the live game. Yet he is due out in a matter of wks and that sure isn't enough time to fix his fundamental flaws.
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The fact that this thread is 6 pages must say something. Hey devs, paying attention yet? Yeah, didn't think so.