Please delay Ghostface’s Launch for further testing!

Honestly with the state of Ghostface at the moment, I think we can all agree that Ghostface is a mess and even a few simple ptb tweaks won’t fix him.
imo we should have the dlc delayed and truly fix him to make him a viable killer, since he is fundamentally flawed atm.
This chapter is going to be pretty disappointing unless some very big changes are made. No map, no survivor, a bad killer, and underwhelming perks.
I understand these things take time. I don’t want to only complain about the game to the devs. This is a legitimate suggestion. I think most of us would agree that we should get a solid, at least somewhat viable, killer even if it means the chapters aren’t on a strict 3 month cycle. I’m willing to wait longer for solid content if need be.
Would you guys be cool with having a dlc delayed to have further work put in?
Testing? There is no testing needed at this point, the issues are clear to everyone. The solution is simple aswell: remove the mechanic of survivor stopping GF stalking.
No rocketscience
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@HavelmomDaS1 I know, but what if the devs do not implement that, but do simple number tweaks. Such as it takes 2 secs to get out of stealth now. I highly doubt they’ll remove the survivors ability to take Ghostface out of stealth entirely. Having a longer testing period would allow them to see what is truly wrong, since people will understand the killers mechanics better and voice their concerns to the devs. And the devs will have more time to make drastic changes rather than a measly two weeks.
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They can fix it after launch also, so why shouldn’t they let people who want to play the weaker version in the meantime?
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That’s a fair point. I feel if it was in testing longer, we could change him before they launch a weaker version. Then they wouldn’t have to put more money into implementing the patches. Getting it done right one time is much better than having to be worried about it later imo.
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I personally don't think that tweaking numbers will fix GF and at least he won't become fun cuz still survivors are controlling his power. That's just my opinion, and seriously see no reason why this mechanic was implemented in the first place. Myers doesnt have this and he is midtier. Yeah, Myers takes longer to expose, but his expose lasts longer aswell
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@HavelmomDaS1 I agree 100% if he could stalk freely without survivors being able to remove his power, he’d be pretty solid. Honestly though, I don’t believe the devs will remove it completely since they only have a little over a week and it is something built in his kit.
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And that is just bad design character and gameplay wise lets not sugar coat it is ######### design.
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I love hearing newbies and people who got no clue about this game talking about balance xd
"remove the survivors ability to stop his stalk". LMAO. Let's have a permanent exposed status on anyone at the beginning of the game ;d
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They would have to put some other limit on it like "can't stalk in a chase". But it would feel a lot better if it was a condition the killer could work towards meeting/preventing than something the survivors have way too much control over.
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I feel like interactive killer powers are a good thing. If they actually balance it around the fact that survivors have to look at you (maybe for 4 seconds? Or maybe, they have to actually be watching you with their character model) imho it will make it funnier and more centered around being stealthy (core concept of GF) rather than just walk around/stalk/chase, without fearing to be seen.
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I believe that is the core difference between Ghostface and Myers. One should function more for chasing and stalking in chase and the other should be rewarded for being stealthy.
Ghostface should have to be looked at by a survivor for as long as it takes for him to expose or only the person being stalked should be able to take him out of stealth. He shouldn’t be spotted by those on hook or slugged. He should also make no noises when using stealth otherwise it makes his power too easy counter.
also the time it takes for him to stalk compared to how long he gets in exposed is pretty bad. One good pallet or jungle gym could easily soak up the 20 seconds. Another reason he needs to be muted. To truly catch them off guard.
and for gods sake have him be named “the ghost.” Not “the Ghostface.” Lmao
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These all are valid buffs. I heard most of them already, hearing some streamers opinions like Truetalent or whatever he's called and some others.
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Also I believe he should be immune to detection perks when stealthing since he relies on stealth even more than myers.
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They won't do this they have to have some kind of new content for 3.0.0 and the anniversary...