A question for you Killer mains about the meta

madds Member Posts: 70

So, I'm a Pig main. Trying to grab the rank 1 achievement before rank reset in a week. I've been stuck in a purgatory between rank 3 and 2 recently, because my Ruin is typically cleansed incredibly quick in my matches the further I get into the red ranks. Being a typically high ranked survivor, I know there's very rare instances where that won't be the cases, because you naturally memorize the totem spots on each map.

The early cleanse usually prevents me from getting a good momentum at the start with either a RBT or a hook, and unless the Survivors throw the game, I can typically expect a depip at that point (and with the current emblem system, even if they throw and I get a 4k, I'll be lucky if it's a black pip). The post game chat has been the same each time: they all suggest that I run Corrupt Intervention instead of Ruin. I currently don't have CI unlocked, but I could easily farm up the BP to unlock it in a day or two.

Would you guys suggest this perk as well? Or would it be best to keep Ruin?

(If it's a helpful reference at all, my typical build is: Ruin, BBQ, Whispers and Brutal Strength. Sometimes I swap Brutal Strength for M&A.)


  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Absolutely not, no perk is capable of slowing the game like Ruin does. No perk even comes close tbh.

    Your build is completely fine, overall Enduring is better than Brutal Strength imo but Brutal Strength is still a fine choice. I think Whispers is really nice on Pig.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    I wouldn't use whispers and bs at all. Are you really asking survivors for advice on perks in the chat after the game? :D

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Well CI also has the effect of corraling them to you but I never use it as well. Honestly it's never made a difference in my games as a surv.

  • madds
    madds Member Posts: 70

    IMO Whispers is very helpful on Pig, I'd almost say it's needed. If you wanna take advantage of your crouch for more than just a couple loops, Whispers gives you a general idea of when you're close to a survivor, allowing you to take cover and crouch. It's more effective with M&A, but still helpful regardless. Also, I don't ask for advice, more so comment on the fact Ruin was cleansed in 5 seconds and they always suggest running Corrupt Intervention instead.

    I haven't tried Bamboozle yet. The Enduring/Spirit Fury combo is nice, but personally I feel like it forces me to not use crouch or ambush as much because without Whispers its hard to gain advantage with it aside from shorter loops.

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    problem is, there are no emblems that reward stealth. You have to end chases as quickly as possible and spam headtraps on survivors.

    I'd suggest running Ruin/Enduring/Spirit Fury/Hex: No one escapes Death and just ignore the crying from people.

    Oh also you wanna use last will and crate of gears.

    Just keep winning chases and spamming RBTs, its tons of points and usually you get nice kills.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Try bloodwarden, it is pretty good.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Well that's the thing, "generally" her ambush is trash and in 90% of the cases you are better off just uncrouching and going for the M1. Her ambush is that bad currently.

    Also, until they raise her crouch view point you are using it sparingly. Most Pigs I see use it too much. Learn Pig TR by heart and crouch right as they'd start hearing your heartbeat. You don't want to be just crouching across the entire map as that's costing you a lot of time and pressure.

    I don't think Whispers is a bad perk at all tbh. I personally don't run it because finding survivors isn't the issue, the chase is. However, it's kind of like Nurses Calling in the sense that they're both just generally good perks all around that are a good default if you aren't sure what to pick.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I used to play Pig a lot, and she's definitely my favorite M1 killer. I even got to rank 1 just by playing Pig, but that was before the new, harder emblem system. Here's some tips that I went by when I played her:

    Running Nurse's Calling, M&A, and BBQ gives you a very big advantage as Pig. Stealthy killers benefit from Nurse's Calling because they can sneak up on injured survivors without them noticing, M&A is useful on pig so that you can crouch later, and BBQ can show you where a trapped survivor is and is just a powerful perk in general. For the 4th perk slot, I'd either run Ruin or Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Since traps don't work if they're put on after the last gen's done, I suggest putting one on any survivor you down. If they ever revert that change, then I suggest you save at least 1 for endgame.

    Try to bounce between survivors and try to keep more than one injured and off gens. Know when to give up a chase (this goes for any killer really).

  • AntiPlague12898
    AntiPlague12898 Member Posts: 51

    I'd switch out brutal strength and whispers for noed and enduring or spirit fury and enduring. also don't listen to anyone telling you her ambush can't be used I play at rank 5 and 4 and I land it constantly.

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2019

    Honestly, this is the worst meta this game has ever had, survivors have so many free outs it's redicuous.

    if survivors are running MOM,adreneline, borrowed time/DS and an exhaust perk you litterally can't win. god have marcy on you if more than one of them is running these perks.

    not to mention if you kill one SWF pleb all the other 3 will DC to prevent you from pipping.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    I dont use Ruin for a loong time at my Killers (though I dont use any perks at all lately, but it is for hardcore mode), cause from experience on both sides Ruin has very low impact on game at red ranks. Ppl rarely miss hex checks, even me, as total potato as surv, manage to hit 80% of them.

    Take Discordance to see which gen needs your immediate attention, especially at trial start. Combine with some regression perk like PGTW or Overcharge.

    I dont see need in both BBQ and Whispers tbh, especially on Pig which has standart mobility, I'd keep Whispers only, cause you can use it at bigger maps as radar which tells you if you should still run towards that gen or not and save your time. As soon as Whispers lit you can initiate crouch and keep walking forward.

    Bamboozle is strong perk which shuts down shack, long wall windows and T-L structures very effectively, and lets you either land a hit or push survivor away into open or less safier loops.

    So, my build would be Discordance/PGTW/Whispers/Bamboozle

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i stopped running ruin a long time ago.

    ive had the exact same problem as you currently have, so ive come to the realization that the perk is not nearly as good as many say. its highly overrated.

    yes, ruin helps to tremendously slow down the early game, but like you said it gets found and destroyed extremely fast, forcing you to play with no gen slowing perks and only 3 remaining perks in general.

    i would suggest starting to use sloppy butcher and discordance. both are great at slowing the game down and can not be destroyed.

    however, they do make the early game more difficult. thats the drawback, but when you get used to these, they can be gamechangers.

  • Opekyn
    Opekyn Member Posts: 83

    I've encountered the same issue with totems in general, so I've forgone running Ruin when playing Pig (and the majority of my killers).

    My typical build is M&A, BS, Enduring, & [something]. Typically something is Spirit Fury, but I also use Discordance/Surveillance regularly (depending on if SWF); Overcharge/PGtW (if I feel they will Gen Rush); or BBQ if I need to farm BP for someone. If you have a chance, I would check out PsychoScorpionz of twitch - he plays almost exclusively Pig and he never runs Ruin; he can give you some great insight.

  • MommyDeRose
    MommyDeRose Member Posts: 74

    Ruin is mediocre on every killer except hag. Ruin on hag is broken If you use a totem protect build, otherwise it’s gone instantly or stays the whole game, very 50/50 on every other killer.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Corrupt Intervention is really only useful on Freddy, Trapper, and Hag in my opinion. Pop Goes The Weasel can give you some stall in the mid/late game. But Pig's lack of mobility makes it harder to use at 30 seconds. You can also just swap NOED in for Ruin.