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Member Posts: 1,604

Even Tru can't wait and had to queue for Survivors at Rank 1, there is a lack of survivors on higher rank, why? because the emblem system is still messed up and too hard to rank up

Why make it so hard when there is no ranking rewards whatsoever? Seems so pointless

I had to Derank myself to otherwise i will have insane high queue times as well as Killer

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  • Member Posts: 3,333

    That's the issue right there. The queues are long on both sides so everyone ranks slowly or deranks to get games. So people who don't derank can't get games without waiting forever and a day. Scoring and rank is just so busted up.

  • Member Posts: 70

    they put new score stuff in the ghostface patch in case u didnt see. apperantly its gonna be easier for survs to rank up then

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    Unfortunately that's more or less pointless when survivors can continue to just disconnect to depip without consequence

  • Member Posts: 923

    Too hard to rank up no i'm rank 1 both i find it way more easily to pip as survivor. Killer pip is more skilled than before i like it but gatekeeper could do some tweaking.

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    pipping as Killer is too easy atm, I wish it was much harder, every game i play i get a guaranteed pip, even with no kills. unless i play as facecamper, that's the only way i will ever get depip as a killer

  • Member Posts: 5,564
    edited June 2019

    It's pretty easy to rank up with both in all honestly. That's why purple ranks still have a lot of useless survivors.

  • Member Posts: 923

    exactly like i said gatekeeper is a problem with the gen rush meta but yes you right.

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    There is 100% a lack of high ranked survivors, as a Rank 1 Killer your queue time is going to be 10 - 20 minutes +, depending on the time zone ofc, Tru3a1ent had to wait a very long time, so he only plays Survivors now

    also the PTB has a new matchmaking, and its very bad, increasing the time to make a killer lobby

  • Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2019

    If you come in here and say, "Survivor too hard............ NEED EASY!!!!!" You are a joke. Killer is actually unbalanced. Survivors can now cleanse normal totems, slam pallets on killers and do normal things that cause them to pip easily. Killers get punished for literally everything and depip. The reason no games are at HIGH RANK is because there isn't almost ANY killers because of the emblem system makes it almost impossible past Rank 6. 2 iridescent and 2 golds? HA! You are such a liar. I didn't get ANYONE but I still pipped. Get that lying ######### out of here. That guarantees a depip from the get-go. Get your survivor main bullshit out of here and stop trying to say survivor is hard. I'm a Rank 1 Survivor right now and it wasn't too hard. I'm still struggling to stay Rank 4 as a Killer without camping and tunneling and slugging to please the damn emblem system. You lost Malicious when they heal. That means 5x hits, 3 heals, 1 hook, lost 3 malicious score because they healed. Gen rush pretty much ignores Gatekeeper. Match lasted 5 minutes? Silver. You depipped. You got iridescent on chaser but silver on malicious because you didn't stop them from healing in your face over and over again because you didn't slug or tunnel? You got silver. That's a guaranteed depip. You got an insta-down ability? Bronze or silver if you killed everyone too fast, depip because of nothing in chaser and malicious. Get that lying garbage ######### out of here. Sick of hearing survivor mains lying out of their teeth to get easy pipping while trying to downtalk killers' emblem system!

  • Member Posts: 3,333
    edited June 2019

    That isn't statistically possible. Even if you hold the gens for the first 9 mins and get everyone two hooked and have decent chases that you won. Not getting a single kill would mean that at best you'd only black pip.

    Devout emblem is the second most important emblem. You not getting kills means you can't get higher than a bronze which severely cripples your score.

  • Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2019

    It's just too easy to lie to make your argument seem more valid, don't you know? I teabagged the killer and pipped. SUPER EASY. Seems a little stupid, doesn't it? I hate when people make ######### up. If you want to rant about the survivor pips, be my guest but the moment you bring in a killers' broken emblem system after the survivor one got buffed to what it technically use to be, I just lost my #########. This isn't directed at you, ReikoMori. It's at the other guy.

  • Member Posts: 1,604
    edited June 2019

    First i am a Killer main, im simply stating there is a Lack of Survivors on High Rank

    Queues times for Killers on high rank being too high

    and yes its true, you DO NOT NEED TO KILL Anyone to PIP

    If the both of you think you do need to kill to Pip, you are 100% a bad killer or someone who doesn't know how Emblem system works

    I will do some matches now, and show you the proof

  • Member Posts: 798

    I agree. As soon as I hit rank 4 queye gets longer, killer leave when they see items or even 2 people swf and all killers are nurse and billy, super tryhard, with mori or black ward, camping. After 2 games I just get bored and dc

  • Member Posts: 798

    Yes as it is true that you dont have to survive to get pips as survi. Nonetheless there is a underlying problem. If the match is too short good killer-badsurv or vice-versa neither the killer nor the survs get pip. Sometime happens that after 2 min my team is on the hook and after a long chase the killer decides to troll with me and we just farm points otherwise nobody gets anything

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    The thing with survivors, if they get caught in the first minute, and gets camped, they will 100% depip, Killer on the other hand you are in control of the whole game, as long as you do well you are guaranteed to get a pip regardless

    though some weaker killers like Trapper have trouble with emblem cuz their scoring system is just badly designed

    Trying to get some screens, but every match i play survivor give up on the hook or DC

  • Member Posts: 798

    Indeed, but as I said sonetimes happens that they get down too quick so you have to get point in a “different” way. I mean, you have to get them to give you points instead of making points by “naturally” playing

  • Member Posts: 313

    You deal with your fair share of survivors doing things that make it pretty hard to pip as well. Camping also isn't what it used to be. Either your team has to say screw saving you or you decide to not use perks that will give you a more than a fair chance to outplay the killer. You can always link up with people on here or elsewhere to play with you if you want to ensure somebody will go for the save.

    I was a little shocked when I read the patch update saying it would be easier for survs to level, bringing it closer to par with leveling as killer. Which on its face isn't true but then I remembered people at the highest ranks usually main Billy or Nurse; neither of which I do so it might be true in that case. They are fixing that with individual killer ranks thankfully but I think that isn't coming until later in the year.

  • Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2019

    Honestly, I'm a r1-r3 Survivor at all times, even currently. I can say from firsthand experience, I can count the amount of players I've seen in red rank on one hand in the past three months(ish). I've played hundreds of hours since then. It sure feels lonely in red ranks, all I get in my queue (yes, even when I solo, or queue up with one another high rank), are purples, and the occasional green.

    PS: I mean in terms of survivors, I've seen more red rank killers versus survivors. It gets lonely my rank, it sure would be nice to actually see some more people in red rank without having to go out and bust my balls looking for them and hoping they'll queue with me for even matchup.

    Then again guys, rank doesn't really matter in DBD and never has, I'm not saying this to be some try-hard or something. Don't go busting your balls to reach R1 unless you're shooting for the achievement(s) honestly. It's a waste of your time, and no it's not fun playing against constant nurses and billies with the typical perks we've all come to sigh at the sight of.

    EDIT: I still depip when I shouldn't sometimes, and safety pip when I have a wagon of BP, sometimes the emblems don't even correspond with the things I've done in game....

  • Member Posts: 174

    Well i would say wait for the ptb to go live, you will have more tool to rank up.

    Also there is a little problem : the gamecore allow 4 random survivors to beat any killers under two conditions. Following this, you can in fact penalize yourself.

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    Is this really been confirmed? Individual Killer rank?

    Really? Where have they said it, please tell me

    If this is true this is so good news for us all, I am so sick and tired of playing billy/ nurses all day

  • Member Posts: 718

    I'm waiting, Bud because I know for a FACT that is a lie.

  • Member Posts: 718

    @Someissues You are DEFINITELY not a killer main. It requires 2 iridescent and 2 gold to pip from Rank 5-1 as Killer. Killing NO ONE guarantees you a depip. Now don't come lying and saying you're a killer main but saying survivor is too hard but lying on the killers. You know why you get face camped? Because the game is too quick and killer rank doesn't rely on skill. It relies on how fast you can take someone out so you can mess with the last 3 without killing them for a little bit by slugging. That's how you pip.

  • Member Posts: 1,616

    The ranking system is fine.

    Just in every game some survivors DC.

    DC = Derank

    Derank = No players in High Rank

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Rank 4 is the new Rank 1 for survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,604
    edited June 2019

    Oh my bad, so that's why, I never bother to go Rank 1 anymore so i guess they made new changes, I'm rank 15 now as a Killer, okay my bad on that one. Any matches above rank 5 seems to be fully able to pip without killing, so i guess they did make changes for higher rank

    how goes queues for u? Tru3ta1ent had to wait 15 minutes on Killer at Rank 1, because there isn't enough high rank survivors

  • Member Posts: 749

    Glad I'm on console, still get lobbies in like 1 to 2 minutes on both sides even in red ranks.

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