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General Discussions

RANT: I feel like most twitch streamers are a very bad influence on the game

Member Posts: 531
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

DISCLAIMER: This thread has nothing against chill streamers. I'm just very tired and frustrated to see this happening over and over and I needed to talk about it.

Hear me out:

I play this game like, a lot. And since I play both parts equally I do often find some twitch streamers here and then. Sometimes the games go alright, sometimes they don't. But here's the thing: No matter what you did or how fair you played, if the streamer loses... you're getting all of their dumbest #########-talk.

This just happened 3 days ago: I met this streamer guy who I thought was very nice and I decided to gift him the hatch after a fair and fun game (Was playing Pig). I met him again yesterday in another game where I was once again a killer and I was like "Maybe he will remember me!". I beat his group once again because they ######### up big time and right after I went on his stream to introduce myself and leave a message... I got permabanned and called "Piece of ######### tunneler who's not welcome to chill out in his channel"... Wow, ok? Not only that but I discovered that this guy has supposedly blocked me on Steam even after the game I gave him the hatch. What's wrong? Can't take a loss sweetheart?

Back on the topic: Yes, I know there are very good and nice streamers but I'm having a radical change of mind regarding twitch and their community since recently I had the misfortune of having all of my games ruined by streamers being complete and utter entitled jackasses. I cannot bias those who carry a mori or strong survivors perks against them anymore, I too wouldn't enjoy playing against someone this unpleasant.

I ask you guys to share your opinions and experience on the topic. I'm not mad or anything and I do not have anything against those who streams as a job but... really? Is this what we want for the health of the game? If the guy I mentioned before is ever going to be a fog-whisperer i'm seriously gonna lose my #########.


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  • Member Posts: 4,570

    Sometimes you lose because of bugs, unfair "balance" or random teammates doing something stupid, and sometimes you lose simply because you didn't play well.

    The thing is: A lot of players don't realize when they lost because of the last reason, that they didn't play well. And then it doesn't matter if they are a streamer or not. A lot of people will write stupid stuff in the after-game chat. Ignore it.

    Also keep in mind that you are allowed to dodge a lobby if you see somebody with ttv in their name.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited June 2019

    I come from the Soul Calibur community where it is a custom thing to go and say "Hi, gg" to the streamer if you met them in the game. It's just good manners and very appreciated and I keep thinking this can happen even in this hell of a game.

    @NoShinyPony I'm not backing out just because someone has a TTV in their name. I like a challenge and I think that from now I'll have myself some fun targeting them IF and only IF they're very displeasing individuals.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited June 2019

    The streamers I meet are usually 1000+ players and sometimes even legacy so... I do think they have some skills in their pockets.

  • Member Posts: 220

    I get your point, OP. Try to be nice and make the community better and you just get attacked by some no-skill douchebag with two viewers, and the worst part is they never realize how unskilled they are and immediately accuse you of sniping them.

  • Member Posts: 1,141
    edited June 2019

    So the streamer is entitled because they blocked you on stream, and you were permanently banned from their channel?

    It was nice of you to give them the hatch. That is something almost never seen anymore.

    I really don’t play the game much at all anymore, but wearing legacy and a Twitch shirt generally puts a target on your back.

    It goes both ways. It isn’t just streamers. A lot of people in this community are not fun to play or interact with.

    Edit: I assume the streamer had twitch in their name. I never understood this. I only wear the purple shirt because I like it, not for anyone else. I usually will change my name and make my profile private. I don’t want people knowing who I am. But then I get harassed by survivors calling me a cheater 😊.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I honestly feel that blocking me when I wanted to be nice and permabanning me from the channel when I just wanted to drop by to say hi is good enough reason to make me think bad of them.

    And yes, it isn't just the streamers. But you'd expect them to act more decently since they're, at a certain extent, advertising the game and showing people how it's played.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I would honestly prefer for the term ttv or yt to be banned from names in any game. They are normally toxic and just annoying to see.

    Add in the fact they are playing this game just ups the toxicity lol

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    Blocking someone on steam does one thing, it doesn't let the blocked person add you as a friend. That's it.

    The person didn't want you adding them as a friend. It doesn't mean you won't match with them again. It means nothing.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Quoting him: "I though I blocked this piece of #########". This was said regarding the game I did gift the hatch since I killed all of the other survivors which were in the same group.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    Okay.. That doesn't put him into the right. But what does steam blocking someone do?

  • Member Posts: 819

    This community is full of toxic people, streamer or no streamer. If you are playing for a while it should be clear to you by now. People can't accept loss and even if they win they rub it in your face. You shouldn't expect anything when you do stuff like this.

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    I mean the dickiest of streamers might just be being themselves and mean you no harm it's just how they are. However I've noticed some streamers trying to act big as if they are above everyone else so anything they say and do must be right.

    Also some more high profile dbd streamers spouting hate towards certain streamers seems to be an ongoing thing that's not being dealt with very well. It's just a pathetic lack of manners and respect and when their viewers think they can do the same it just breeds hate and toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    That's a problem common to the overwhelming majority of multiplayer games though. I play LoL too (used to play it a lot more) and if we're gonna be honest 90% of the popular streamers do a great job at making the community more toxic. You can't exactly control toxic people with high exposure influencing angsty teens to behave like terrible people in game.

  • Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2019

    Totally agree. A famous streamer was complaining about the recent MOM change lately and his fans immediately started a rampage on this forum and repeated exactly his words. No kidding.

  • Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2019

    I played killer against one of the bigger streamers for this game and after I won the round hundreds of his viewers came into my stream and repeatedly told me to drink bleach and die, burn in hell, and to kill myself. His community has do e it to several other streamers.

    Another streamer on his channel referred to myself and the other survivors a word that rhymes with bagget, f-ing idiots, f-ing aholes, etc. He was mad we didnt fall for his insidous camping with noed because the guy he hooked had kindred with open handed.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Not sure if I'd say most of them are a bad influence. Some are a definitely toxic for the game though.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Well there's a lot of cute people like Umbra, Ralph from the South, Queen_Kuro, Soulfury and I think that Tru3ta1ent is a cool guy

    But I really don't care about boring streams who think they're cool because they call themselves toxics, using the same Nea with pink hair..... whatever

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    I think a lot of it is because certain people who should remained unnamed were allowed to run rampant as toxic streamers for too long. So all the kids think it's "cool" now.

    It doesn't help that the community is absurdly toxic as well - so I suppose you could say the streamers are just a reflection of the community at large.

    But still - if it had been me - those I deem as a "Bad influence" would of been removed a long time ago. They might be giving free advertising - but there's just certain elements I wouldn't want representing my community.

  • Member Posts: 1,192
    edited June 2019

    This is why I'm glad I have a small, polite bunch of viewers on twitch. I don't really advertise my name anywhere and certainly not on DBD, I've never been fussed with getting a ton of views and my guys know there isn't a quicker way to get a ban than being toxic to one of my opponents...not that any of them have tried. I enjoy streaming, because I enjoy talking about the game I'm playing, but I'm always pretty adamant I'm s**t at multiplayer games and they never seem to mind this, because I clearly have fun.

    I've always maintained that I'd rather ban someone and lose a follower than have an a**hole in my small but rather pleasant community. However people can't be forced to play nice and often, with relative anonymity and distance on their side, a lot of people choose to be unpleasant simply because they can.

    @NurseMainBTW I am sorry you had to put up with that crap, and while saying that we aren't all like that is a bit like shouting into a tornado, there are some of us out there, we just seem to be few and far between <3

  • Member Posts: 192

    If there's one thing I don't get it's small streamers with their url in their name just calling everyone bad/dumb. Surely they want people to perhaps check out the match from their perspective, maybe even end up enjoying what they see and giving the stream itself a chance? Which is why it doesn't make sense to me when people like that talk trash about everyone else in the game. How is that entertaining? And since when did it make sense to insult the people you're basically advertising for?

    Or is there some other reason people put their URL in their name that I'm not aware of? I will say the twitch shirt looks nice though regardless, I really like the colour 😄

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I can't speak to your situation, but it can be very frustrating when you get targeted simply because you have in your name. I'm not condoning their behavior, but they may have been having a rough night. People are just trying to grow their channel and people often just go to their page to call them names or, in my case last night, facecamp them and troll them in chat while doing it. A lot of people can be toxic in game, and it sucks when you try not to be but people just make assumptions right off the bat.

  • Member Posts: 1,142

    I don't pay attention to names. If I played against or with a streamer, never knew or cared. People place too much importance on streamers

  • Member Posts: 819

    They are probably underage kids lacking a good role model.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    I never mind most streamers (at least the bigger ones) but it's the viewers that get vicious. And frankly as a content creator, if your content is drawing in toxicity that's your responsibility to deal with it, yet none usually do.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Would you willingly deprive yourself of potential sources of revenue and influence because they might be #########? Most people don't.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Thanks dude. I really like being singled out because I'm just trying to grow my channel. I bet you don't remember all the ttv players who weren't toxic. Confirmation bias.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @edgarpoop Did you try playing without ttv in your name for a while? Is it such a significant help in growing your channel that you stick with it, even if it means that killers treat you differently?

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I'm debating taking it out. Problem is, I'm brand spanking new and got 3 new followers the day I put it in. But it also led to the game being almost unplayable as a survivor. So I don't know. It was fine as a killer. I can still 4k if I get stream sniped on Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 63

    That sucks...

    My advice would be to report the streamer if they did something that breaks the ToS, even if you didn't feel offended by them, just to get some malicious compliance-flavored karma served ice cold to them. Do promote good streamers by sharing their content to your social media place, regardless of how small your follower count is. This should help reduce the bad influence little by little without feeding them attention via The Streisand Effect.

  • Member Posts: 4,427

    While I understand and accept your concerns and worries, threads like this can turn quickly into naming and shaming. Even if it's not your intention, it's very risky.

    Earlier there was some pretty harsh arguments which I had to delete. Like I said, these topics are very sensitive and risky ones.

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