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General Discussions

Is "holding someone hostage" bannable anymore?

So previously, bodyblocking someone in a corner and keeping them there for an unreasonable amount of time was bannable (to be clear I'm not talking about blocking basement for BT or blocking someone in a corner to hit them. I mean blocking them and just staying there for who knows how long). People would often refer to this as holding them hostage, because there was nothing they could do except disconnect, unless you moved/attacked them.

However, now we have the end game collapse. So if a survivor traps another survivor in a corner, or a killer traps a survivor in a corner, but there are other survivors to do generators, is that not bannable anymore? Since in this case, the end game collapse could be triggered and kill the survivor(s), effectively meaning they're not being held hostage since there's an "out".

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  • Member Posts: 2,144

    Correct. I think it would only be bannable in cases of trapping the remaining Survivors in the basement before the End Game, or trapping the last Survivor in a corner before the End Game.

    The other scenarios the game will technically eventually end so long as the other Survivors open an exit gate.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    @NoShinyPony Well TECHNICALLY there IS tactical reasons to bodyblock another survivor. However all of the ones I can think off wouldn't qualify as hostage holding anyways and are more along the lines of "I don't have to outrun the Killer, I just have to outrun you"

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @NuclearBurrito I can't think of a situation where it would make sense for a surv to trap another surv in a corner (that was what the op was talking about).

    Forcing another surv to tank a hit for you while being in a chase is something different. ^^

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Yeah yeah. I'm just poking fun at your word choice <3

    But yeah I've had a game where my best option was to farm a survivor on the hook, and then get another survivor who was busy doing gens hooked and then farmed, and then I could go into the hatch.

    Basically on 3 separate occasions I was caught out with a good amount of distance but not enough safe spots nearby while on death hook. So I just used another survivor as a distraction and got back into hiding all 3 times. The other survivors were so mad at me, but I won and they didn't suckers ;)

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    This no longer applies, since collision in basement stairs has been adjusted in the last patch.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @NuclearBurrito "reported for working together with the killer" :P

  • Member Posts: 1,253
    edited June 2019

    I trapped a survivor next to the exit on Lerys (End Game Collapse started) and I was Wraith and he was fully healed. "Im going to get you banned" RAAAAAAAWR "I know a dev, get banned" etc. in end game chat.

    • Get money get mad.
  • Member Posts: 7,669

    yes it is.

    thery have implemented mechanics / fixes that prevent such situations for the most part, but its still possible. doing that is strictly forbidden and should get punished.

  • Member Posts: 696

    Wouldn't be surprised if you actually did receive a ban for this if it was reported.

    It's intentional griefing, doesn't matter if the game ends or not.

  • Member Posts: 330

    Well, you're just wrong. If EGC is active, then the game has a definite end. They went to a corner, and the killer used that situation to get a kill. There's 0 things bannable about that

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Good rule of thumb: If the idea is to try and weasel out of something bannable, it's probably not going to end well for you.

  • Member Posts: 192

    I mean by definition taking the game hostage means there is no way out besides disconnecting, so obviously. It's not technically taking the game hostage to trap someone in a corner and waiting for the other survivors to do the gens and "kill" the cornered person with EGC.

    Should doing that be encouraged in any way though? Not at all if you ask me, as it's legitimately getting rewarded for basically going AFK.

  • Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2019

    Blocking someone so you can get a hit with a chainsaw or a normal hit is fine. If you do it just to waste their time without hitting when you could have for longer than 10 seconds, it's bannable. No matter if endgame has started. That's coming from a guy who plays a LOT of killer and some survivor. You want to get banned? That's how you get banned. 10 seconds is fine to run out BT but otherwise, it's griefing and bannable.

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