Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

How are you playing Legion now?

SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858



  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    I've found Bamboozle, Spirit Fury, Enduring, Brutal Strength works kinda great and gives them their vault speed back.

    Their power lowkey sucks now but it's nice when you have these perks to fix some things that REALLY shin kick you. Id like to hear others though.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    complain enough and we might get 100 buffs like survivors -finger guns-

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You basically end up like Plague where people just don't heal and you get looped for 5 gens. Run perks like Bamboozle/Enduring/Spirit Fury to lower the pain of loops but you'll still get cucked around as you're just not viable at high ranks.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Whispers is so hard for me idk how it helps that much

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186

    Ruin, Monitor and Abuse, Enduring, Spirit Fury

    Ruin - Best perk for killers still, it explains itself.

    Monitor and Abuse - Lets Legion get close enough to see survivors, often before they hide, also buffs his ability by revealing survivors further away.

    Enduring + Spirit fury: Classic combo since Legion is now an effective M1 killer.

    I only use the ability to put survivors into wounded state, and to buy some time since they have to mend.

    Overall, use frenzy to get the first hit, then run up nice and close to the survivor and end the ability, get the final hit, repeat.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,934

    At the moment there are 2 builds which I find very good.

    Slow down Legion:

    • One of the 2 blade addons
    • Duration Addon (stolen sketch book, mural sketch, mischief list)


    • Thanatophobia
    • Nurses Calling
    • Monitor and Abuse
    • Hex: Ruin

    They'll waste more time mending and since you can chain hits you can easily get those 4 Thanatophobia stacks to slow the game down even more. Try also hitting injured Survivors with Frenzy, they need to mend longer and then they need to heal even longer.

    Brute Force Legion: (Better build)

    • Iridescent Button
    • Duration Addon)


    • Hex: Ruin
    • Spirit Fury
    • Enduring
    • Save the best for last

    Like the Build title says, it's all about brute force, you get your Stbfl stacks very easy, you can also hit your Obsession because you get them back pretty easy. Iri. Button gives you quick stacks for Spirit Fury which can be a surprise because not every Legion Player uses that combo, and Ruin is yeah, Ruin.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Basic M1 setup, but with Nurse's instead of Ruin and I be as agro as possible.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    I play the ultimate mind game now since the Legion patch day:

    Stopped playing the game and just killing survs with my mind :P.

    More and more survs will die, without any evidence left besides a smile-scratch in the earth - out there in the wilderness around their little campfires - and parents will tell their children at their beds: "That was the ghost of the real Legion before the rework patch".

    Sad story man :|.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553


  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I don't play Legion since their change. The new frenzy is a high risk/low reward concept which is utterly useless against decent survivors.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    What I learnt since his rework:

    Play him as Legion (sounds paradox, I know): you'll lose against competent Survivors.

    Play him as Spirit: you'll do good if you're a successful Spirit main.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Other than standard M1 killer perks; the only perks I've found particularly good on Legion beyond the normal is Bloodhound. Bloodhound is one of the best tracking perks for injured survivors in the game. The main reason it's mid tier instead of high tier is that people normally heal outside of chases. Sometimes they don't do that against Legion; so Bloodhound often becomes a completely amazing tracking perk on him.

    The other perk that interacts with his power much more than normal is Thanataphobia (again with some survivors refusing to heal); but it's not like Plague where they will definitely give you the bonus; so it's usually not good enough in enough games to be worth running in my opinion.

    Other than Bloodhound you should just run standard m1 killer perks. So Ruin, BBQ, Enduring + Fury combo, etc. My personal build is Ruin + BBQ + Whispers + Bloodhound; but that's because of my playstyle and yours may vary.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    He isn't that bad, just bought him with shards, and leveled him to 15.

    Currently I started playing him in rank 4 and de pipped to rank 6, where the games are either really bad or good depending if the survivors gen rush. ( + I have got garbage perks ).

    Although I haven't used this build yet I have seen that is it pretty good.



    Spirit Fury

    Save the best for last

    Spirit fury and enduring could be switched out for sloppy and thana.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I still play Legion the same way I played him before the changes. Not much to else for me to switch to when I was already spreading deep wounds and doing power cancels to get my downs. It is just now everything takes longer to do and feels worse do. I've got no addons to use anymore that are particularly interesting or fun. The best you can do really is run Etched Ruler and Stolen Sketchbook. I run Bamboozle to take some of the sluggishness off the new vault speed. STBFL so I can actually deal with the crazy altruism that happens lately. Franklin's to deal with the slew of items I run into plus it helps that people are obsessed with getting their stuff back so it makes for easy downs. Monitor so I can see better and get closer in frenzy.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Survivor hop, keeping people injured, and building STBFL stacks. Run M&A so you can get easier M1 hits on survivors that refuse to heal, and maybe thanataphobia if you keep running into survivors that don't heal?

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    Bamboozle, Bitter Murmur, Pop Goes the Weasle, and NOED. Replace NOED with whatever community-sanctioned perk you like. :)

    I try for Deep Wound on as many people as I can. Often I save FF until just about to hit someone, so I can use KI to find other nearby Survivors. Yes it refills on hit, but I want to guarantee I don't lose them due to the missing tracking (blood, scratch marks) stuff.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I don't actually have Legion. But I have a build suggestion in mind anyways:

    Ruin, Thanataphobia, Monitor and Abuse, Save the best for last

    Ruin to slow the game down (just a little bit)

    Thanataphobia because of the no heal meta, Legion can Injure really quickly.

    Monitor because having a lower terror radius when approaching an injured survivor helps a LOT with getting downs, plus it helps for using FF for tracking, AND it means once you leave a chase Deep wounds will go down sooner

    STBFL because he can get a lot of stacks very quickly meaning you can very easily get downs without even needing your power after not too long.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    Only ever use the ability if there's a group or if I need information, so rarely ever. I play them as straight m1 and somehow manage the pips with minimum headaches.

    Build: Ruin, BBQ, Thana, Sloppy

    I'm a slow down the game kind of player, which works with them.

    Add-ons: Whatever has been recommended. Personally don't really use add-ons.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    I don't play much Legion anymore, but I can tell you which perks synergize with his kit:

    Franklin's Demise - being able to get the first hit in easier than with the standard killer means easier time knocking items out of hands

    Sloppy Butcher - this perk is especially good if you use killer instinct to switch to a new survivor after getting the one you find into deep wounds (can combo with Thanatophobia)

    Enduring + Spirit Fury - because survivors are more desperate to slam pallets onto your head against Legion than normal to end Feral Frenzy quickly, this is a bit more useful on him than the average killer

    Bamboozle - excellent for quickly blocking off windows with his quicker vaults and also gives Legion some stolen power back

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    You can always go for the standard M1 Enduring+Spirit Fury+2 perks of your choice build.

    I do prefer running BBQ+Ruin+Thanatophobia+Filler. Now people have to play Legion, you know, the way the killer was designed to be played. You actually have to hit multiple targets with your ability to gain pressure instead of tunneling one person down. You actually need to work for your downs now, too.

    Keep in mind that now by cancelling your power manually you keep whatever gauge you have atm. So don't be afraid to cancel when your tracking gives you nothing.

    As it stands, it's pretty much impossible to depip as Legion if you have an okay game. You gain obscene amounts of Malicious and Chaser points, and by nature you slow the game down enough to gain some Gatekeeper points too. Just don't try to commit to the first target you find. I don't know why people think Legion is meant to be played as a easy first hit+end chase killer (or a easy all hits, you go down no matter what, look at how good I am killer like some people liked it to be), but that's just not the intention behind the design, and I'm glad they reworked Legion into a hit-everyone-apply-pressure killer, the way they were always meant to be. A lot more fun than before.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    ruin/corrupt intervention


    spirit fury


    use power on the first person you see. commit to the chase if nobody else is close (even if you see people with killer instinct), otherwise tag as many people as you can to injure them/get them off gens, committing to the last person you tag

    if they run to a very strong structure or setup, drop chase and find someone else

    if they don't, chase them down

    i find legion great at controlling the map, much better than the average M1 killer. getting free first hits regardless of obstacles is great and being a 115 killer means you can force pallet drops pretty quickly. spirit fury makes pallet dense maps like blood lodge more serviceable

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Save the best for last is great for him and his ability