4k - no pip... really?

I had 4 rounds of killer play tonight. In 3 of them, I got 4 sacrifices and 26-28 points each. I am currently Rank 4.

I did not pip. Even once. In any of these games.

In one of the rounds, things went poorly, I only got 1 kill and about 16k points, and instantly lost a pip.

How is this system fun? Do you need players to artificially prolong games to farm more points to then earn pips? How is that a good ranking system? I do not camp, I get kills, people say gg afterwards, I get lots of points. But your new ranking system gives me a big middlefinger, nothing more.

This is NOT fun. Please reconsider. Something like "4 kills and 25k+ points always gives 1 pip" or similar rules. Otherwise I feel like I am not rewarded for playing well. I get punished if survivors are not as good because they die too soon. How is that my responsibility? Why do I get punished for that?

Very frustrating.


  • Korghanis
    Korghanis Member Posts: 6

    Oh, feel free to check my account data / game history for today, May 7th. My account name in DBD is "Korghanis" as well. I assume you have statistics anyway, but just to see how the pip system works in this bracket, with a real live example.


  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    > Do you need players to artificially prolong games to farm more points.

    This is how the victory condition is designed. Welcome to the club.

  • Akiro
    Akiro Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2019

    I've been watching ryanpez69 a bit since the pipping changes.

    He's a godlike hillbilly, so when he was moving through the purple ranks he was stomping most games. I'm talking 4k 5 gens or 4k 4 gens most games. He black pipped just as many as he pipped, if not more. And this is purple, not red!

    EDIT: Never mind, I went over some of his vids looking for an example, and I realized at least one person dc's vs. him in most games, so that's probably why

  • Korghanis
    Korghanis Member Posts: 6

    Still stupid. Why should the killer be punished for pussy survivors?

  • fischyhb
    fischyhb Member Posts: 23

    I 4kd with Mikey the other night, T3 frenzy at the last minute and actually depipped. That is just not right.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    If you steamroll the other side, you obviously were not challenged, so no pip. Same goes for survivors that stomp a killer, no pip.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    The ironic part is that obviously red rank people climbing up keep getting matched and stomp the purple, greens, etc. to where those guys don't pip either and remain stuck in lower ranks.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    i had a game with 31.2k bp and a black pip

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Devs seem to want to discourage making kills, considering the ranking and the new Killer.

    Ya' gotta play with them, not kill them.

    Just hook them twice and then just chase them without downing them.

    Sounds stupid? I agree.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    This is actually the topic of my next video lol

    3 Hag matches with some pretty good plays by me and not so good plays by them.

    Every single one was a Brutal win.

    They system is being changed thankfully, but I'm really not excited to find out what the devs decide that new system should score us.