Where has Legion gone?

Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

I use to see them a lot as killer, but since this nerf, no one is playing legion, have they gone too far? i loved this killer, against and playing, it was fun but now i rarely see them since the nerf...thre has been a rise in Michael players though lol


  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381
    edited June 2019

    I personally still enjoy playing Legion, however from what I've seen a lot of people don't enjoy playing as Legion as much anymore because the movement speed in the frenzy is slower along with the vaulting speeds so it feels less like a frenzy to them. In addition to this if people never heal, people feel like they lose the point of having the power in the first place.

    That being said, although they need some buffs I still find them very fun to play.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I wonder why... 😂

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    i very much agree @PigNRun i don't get legions now due to this rework, they were awesome, it was great to play and play against and now....eh

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019


    In the moment they patching the old frenzy speed back and take that freaking stun after a miss hit out, I will start to play dbd again.

    I have also never understand the arguments against the old Legion. What I had read to that time was mostly:

    -DCs: Breaking news: Survivors dc also to other killers and they also still dcing and have not stop with the rework. If you like to see survivors dcing, you just need to play your killer of choice serious (aka. actual kill some people) and you will get your 1-4 dc screen of the day^^. To take hindsight for something that happens anyways does not make sense.

    -No counterplay: That has always only count for Legion players that either have exploit and/or use purple addons+. A Legion without addons, or only brown-yellow ones was to counter at any time, by any survivor. I know that, because I played in 99% of the time exactly those type of Legion.

    -Exploits: Exploits needs to be fixed. Nothing to say here. But survivors are also exploiting if they got aware of a exploit. Youtube is full of videos with exploiting survivors. Should they all nerfed to the ground, just because a minority of them is to stupid, to play the game without exploits? Clearly not! and so it is my thinking with the Legion.

    -Unfun to play against: First, why I as a killer have to think of the fun of my coutnerpart? But even without that selfish mindset, that was not the case far as I could see it.

    The majority of the players I have play against as Legion - pre patch - had fun to play against me and I had fun to play against them. That was a win-win situation.

    I had even often fun talks with them in the end game chat. I know... some guys of you thinking that I am lieing now, but I am not.

    I can try to post a "evidence .jpg" here, but first I need to figure out how...

    That was a picture I had make with the upcoming Legion patch in mind. So all those comments are towards me playing the pre patch Legion.

    Btw. I can't speak russian, but the german there says something like "Deine Perks machen mich fertig :) - Your perks are finishing me :)".

    The hope that the feeling of the Legion will come back one day, is the only reason why I still reading the dbd forums. The feeling of a fast moving and stabbing killer was just great and no other killer can deliver that.

    Edit: The quote in the picture reflects my thoughts to the patch.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    Legion is in the bin, with leatherface, Plague and Clown.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The "Update" for Legion put him worse off than he was. They addressed the two exploits and then made changes to put in counterplay so the survivors would actually enjoy a game that involved Legion. Turns out though people still disconnect when they see a Legion so a lot of players have moved to other killers. I've been watching a lot of players who stream and talking to players after games. The thing that comes up is that Legion's still the most hated killer and almost everyone is of the mind that Legion is just worse off now. He was never really a strong killer. He was just very annoying to deal with and had two serious exploits.

    Why play a killer who makes the game harder for you with no real benefit. Clown at least slows survivors down with his Afterpiece. Freddy at least can stall the game with his gimmick even though he basically has to ask permission to play the rest of the game. Legion's got a power that doesn't really do anything now and has no addons that really give him anything to do. His tracking is weaker now as it not longer syncs perfectly with his TR and he can't track blood in frenzy cause reasons that aren't quite clear.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    DCs were never be a argument against the Legion. That would have been, if survivors would have only dc if they got matched against a Legion player, but that was never the case.

    Even to the times before the patch, survivors had dc by every killer. Killers had post screenshots and I had also seen it by myself, how they have dc also against meyers, nurse, hag and so on.

    The type of player who dc's is per definition a very toxic one, because he let his team alone against the killer. To listen to toxic people is very wrong and it still backfires on dbd, because the same people still dc. If someone dcs, there is only one right answer for it imo: Ban that guy, or hurt him at his bps until he develops a different mindset.

    Also are exploits are no real reason. They are a reason to take out the exploits of course, but imagine for a secound how the dbd forums would look, if survivors would be nerfed too on the same way as the Legion, just because a minority of them exploits. If someone need evidence for exploiting survs, then Youtube is your friend.

    And what the fun argument matters... I had play the pre Legion a lot and I had often fun games - also the survivors in the match against me had it. I had often fun talks with them in the endgame chat.

    A Legion without addons, or only with brown-yellow ones was a fun experience for both sides and before someone says something to that, I have screenshots that proof it.

    I miss the old fast and wild stabbing Legion. The hope that this feeling getting maybe one day re patched is the only reason why I still watch sometimes in the dbd&dbd steam forums and have not uninstall the game.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Uh...my post was to inform the OP on the scope of things that happened with Legion. I actually still play Legion and have been quite vocal about the fact that Legion's changes went beyond the point of healthy to being punitive when the vast majority of Legion mains already played him the way they envisioned him playing.

    I mean there are numerous old threads on this forum talking about the fact that players will dc if they see a Legion. There are many steamer users who changed their name to Legion=DC. Youtubers and Streamers used to talk openly about how anytime they saw a Legion they would dc. That sort of negative reaction to a killer is going to make devs go further to address that killer.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    Yeah but this sort of reaction turns into insignificance, if survs also dc towards other killers.

    Besids the Legion I had also sometimes play meyers as example and I had also there my 1-4 dcs.

    But yes I had also 1 time a match against a survivor with the name "Legion=DC" far as I remember.*

    I saw her as first and she just had stay there like as she would be afk. After a while she got more and more active.

    Pre-patch, the people were full of storys of Legions who have exploit, or destroy survs with addons like Franks Mixtape, but when they had meet a Legion like me, even they have develop fun after a small time, they needed to realize that I don't exploit and I don't had the purple addons on.

    Sorry if I have sounded a bit harsh, but I have just type in here my experience in dbd as a Legion main (pre patch).

    Edit: *If I remember correctly it was a Jane.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t want 28 stab wounds Legion back. He needs something but not that.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Legion was never fun to play against. Ever. He was fundamentally broken, he had ZERO counterplay. I don’t agree with some of the changes made but it’s better than getting tunneled and stabbed 28 times in a row.

    I still see PLENTY of Legion players on PS4. The rework hasn’t stopped me from seeing my fair share of Legion players.

  • Cejar13321
    Cejar13321 Member Posts: 38

    How is mending simulator any fun to play

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    Can confirm as one of those people who play them on ps4, except I made it into red ranks (only playing as legion) so I haven't been playing killer as often. I want to be reset so I don't have to play hard as much.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I hope the devs are tracking how often the killers are played and will use this information to address WHY they are not being played. I have only seen a couple of Legion players since the nerf, and one of them was me.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I use to see them a lot as killer

    Well, they removed that bug.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Legion gets more play on console than pc. He is actually extremely popular on Xbox.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    That was before the rework, I'm the only other Legion main I know of on Console, most Legions I run against are complete baby killers and I don't blame them, he sucks. Not to blow my own horn but I just wrote quite a large review on how I feel about him ever since the rework (spoiler, it isn't positive but I put effort into explaining what I feel is bad about him in great detail)

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218

    I'm pretty much exclusively playing Legion at the moment, being the Killer I do the best on? I dunno what all the fuss is about.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    yes i was just saying about i don't much see people playing legion now, i don't see many the pigs either....

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Ive seen a Legion only once after the rework and I play on Ps4

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    i decided to do a tally this week on killers, because i guess i am a lil sad lol but i just wish to see in a week who is played more

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    Over the weekend I played against a lot of Legions, it seems to go in waves for me - some days I see a lot of Trappers, other days a lot of Wraiths etc. I wonder sometimes if it was something to do with the dailies that people have, with regards to seeing a lot of the same killer on the same day.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072
  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    i am rank 8 and mostly see Michaels

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    Well even if i don't like the change they did on it, i must said they pass it from a low tier killer without addons to mid low tier without addons ... So it is not really the worst but it wasn't adapted (in my opinion).

    Otherwise, i still play him but only with addons and i still see some legion sometimes.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I hate playing new Legion. His vault speed and movement speed while in feral frenzy make me feel sluggish and slow. I love playing against the new Legion because every time they vault a pallet they slowly slide across as if he was in slow motion. It's so funny to me XD

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    There are some people think the new version of legion is better. This new version actually requires some thought and planning behind it. No longer can you go into frenzy and just stab someone over and over until you wear them down. You actually have to use his power to slow down the game instead of moonwalking a person into the grave. Those people who enjoyed that type of Legion no longer play him. I'm happy to see less Legions. You're the rare person to enjoy playing against the old Legion.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    .... And that was not possible with the old Legion without addons.

    Without addons, the old Legions have got usually 2-3 hits in frenzy, if the survivors were not afk or something like that.

    How I said... For survivors were the old Legion a totaly different experience. Depending if the Legion had use no addons, or if he had use the higher Addons (purple+).

    Edit: Or in short: Without addons = fun, with addons = no counterplay.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Slow vault speed, 4 second stun, add on dependency, crappy mend action that does nothing and has been nerfed with Legion, 20 second wait for a useless power that only allows you to injure Survivors and find others near you? No thanks.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    No more broken mechanics to exploit, no reason to play legion for many. Lol. Rip all the p3 moonwalking or downward facing sloppy butcher legions.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    That is a bit short sighted. In the past, survivors have also exploit.

    If we follow this logic... Survivors should also be reworked in a way, that they can't be played as before and all that because a minoritiy of them had use the one or other exploit.

    Sounds stupid, right? I mean... for me it sounds stupid...

    Imo, to fix the two knifes exploit as example, it would have been enough if they had grey out the green, or purple knife addon, if a Legion player trys to use both of them in the addon screen.

    Then maybe a rework of the strongest addons of the Legion and she would have been still the same, but not so strong anymore.

    I think that would have had fewer negative comments and ratings. I mean if we look at the rating of the darkness among us dlc rating... It's almost overwhelming negative since the patchday... And that is for a reason.

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    Survivors move 4.0 m/s. Killers normally 4.6 m/s. The relative velocity is 0.6 m/s. At 5.0 m/s, the relative velocity is 1 m/s, so The Legion gets a 66% bonus to catchup speed for 10 seconds.

    Comparing a Killer's movespeed increase to the base speed isn't as informative as comparing the increase to the base catchup speed. :)

    Also, since FF is longer now, you can cover 50m in one FF rather than 32m from the old version.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    I can't speak for every Legion, but me had play the Legion, because I loved to be a fast running and stabbing killer.

    Something that is not possible anymore today in the same way, since the frenzy speed got nerfed and the stun after a missed hit. Those 2 points are for me the changes that had gone to far. Sure some of the others are also hard to take, but not everything can sit on the throne, even if it is the throne of unwanted things^^.

    I also like to see exploits fixed and I know that in multiplayer games, buffs and nerfs are just a part of the game, but if something takes the feeling away, its sad :).

    Argh damn I need chocolate now :(.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Legion is not fun anymore

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616
    edited June 2019

    Compared with the map size, 50 m is a rly low number.

    This is my opinion about killer movement speed.

    It needs an update and btw I made a discusion about it:


    Pig should be the best killer for fast attacks with low duration.

    Spirit should be the best killer for normal attacks with medium duration.

    Legion should be the best killer for slow attacks with high duration.

    Some Math


    Survivor with Sprintboost: 6*2,5 = 15 m

    Pig: 6,4*2,5 = 16 m

    Spirit: 7,04*2,5 = 17,6 m

    Legion: 5*2,5 = 12,5 m


    Survivor with Sprintboost: 63 + 42 = 26 m

    Pig: 6,42,5 + 4,62,5 = 27,5 m

    Spirit: 7,04*5 = 35,2 m

    Legion: 5*5 = 25 m


    Survivor with Sprintboost: 63 + 47 = 46 m

    Pig: 6,42,5 4,67,5 = 50,5 m

    Spirit: 7,045 + 4,45 = 57,2 m

    Legion: 5*10 = 50 m

    Legion should have 6 m/s for 12 s and the next chain hit give him only +8 s.

    6 m/s would make sense, because survivors perks like Sprintboost give 6 m/s,too.

    Pig should have 8 m/s for 2 s, but she should get an ambush movement speed addon,too.

    And the addon give + 1,5 m/s.

    And Spirit should have 7 m/s.

    Because 7.04 is a weird number.

    Pls fix this forum bug with the notifications @Almo

    Btw I like the pig picture.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520


    I can't descripe my feelings as I had make on the patchday a few testruns and a survivor had run away for me while I was in frenzy, in a medium sized loop (in the straight line from one loop end to the other).

    That feeling was devastating.

  • citron
    citron Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2019

    legion seems to be pretty damn good for farming bps for me, even if I end the match with 0 kills.. most games I end with ~75k BPs as long as I get 4 stack BBQ.

    I know lots of people dont give a damn about BPS but for me its great as I still have lots of killer perks to unlock.

    DOC might be better but im Prestige 3 on him plus another 50+ webs with no BBQ unlocked :(

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Is it not on the long run to frustrating, to play just for bps?

    Just questioning, because I had mostley just play for the hunt, or with better words... For the frenzy-stabbing feeling. For me it was even secoundary to kill someone as long, as I could a little bit stab around^^.

  • i completely agree with Talmeer, he knows what a serious Legion main felt

This discussion has been closed.