Give legion stacking bonuses for chaining survivors
The current thing with Legion is using killer instinct after stabbing 1 person and inflicting deep wound. This, however, makes him an M1 killer, unable to down with his ability since the safest thing for a survivor with deep wound to do is either continue being chased or to move 3 feet and start mending. A fix for this would to give him bonuses leading up to being able to instantly down the 4th survivor if you manage to chain every one of them in the same rush.
1st Hit - Killer Instinct
2nd Hit - Reduced end-of-ability stun
3rd Hit - Reduced survivor action speed (healing, gen, etc) until fully healed
4th Hit - Double damage (Instantly down the 4th survivor), doesn't apply deep wound.
5th Hit - Double damage, able to mori downed survivors until feral frenzy ends, moris refill the ability bar
This give incentive to run after another survivor in the hope of stacking the abilities, as well as rewarding him with 2nd hit potential if he manages to hit every survivor.
Also, if you manage to mend and then get whacked again in the same feral frenzy after he hits everyone else, in punishes you by giving the legion a mori to kill you with, or to continue punishing others with the possability of moris as well.
I think the first 3 sound great; after that it sounds broken af if you run extra long lasting FF add-ons.
Honestly I think it just needs to be more viable/efficent to go for the chains. As of right now, it's just not in most scenarios, even when survivors are grouped up when you hit the first person into DW.
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The 4th+ is meant to be a big reward for managing to streak every survivvor, and to give him proper 2nd hitpotential in some way @SunderMun
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The mori seems a bit much, otherwise I like it.
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The mori is if someone gets hit again in the same frenzy after mending. this would be extremely hard to achieve for the legion since they'd need to keep chaining every survivor near the limit of the power, then manage to hit the first guy again.
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I like 3rd but after that it seems way too OP I find it easy to chain hits as legion currently but they are add-on dependent duration add-ons 4 lyfe
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I've rarely ever managed to chain 4 survivors, and Legion needs something for 2nd hit potential