Having Sidney come with Ghostface would have helped mitigate this disaster.

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

Had Sidney been the survivor in the Ghostface CHAPTER, I think people would have been a lot more...forgiving about Ghostface’s “bugs” (quotation marks, because fixing those bugs won’t change the fact that he makes Freddy look threatening.)

People bought Halloween because tbh it was a good chapter, people bought Nightmare on Elm Street for Freddy/his perks, and people bought Leatherface because he had good perks (and it was clearly TCM for said fans.)

There really is absolutely no incentive to buy the Ghostface chapter, and if you ask me, letting people believe it really was Scream only to go “surprise!” and reveal it’s JUST the mask with an original character behind it was more sneaky than this Ghostface could ever hope to be as well as such a letdown.

Had the Halloween chapter not exist yet, it would have been anticipating to see Michael come to the game, you finally see official footage and details that make him look and act like Michael, only for it to later be revealed that this killer is NOT Michael, there would be no Laurie or Haddonfield, and the lore is actually based off of Season of the Witch and not the 1978 classic you’ve been dreaming of.

I cannot express enough how disappointed and unenthused I am in Ghostface now.


  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Ghost face is half a licensed character lol only half

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    Yeah, but survivor perks dont matter like a killer power does. Just learn the good survivor perks for Sydney and Done. Problem solved.

    I think they should have added a survivor that looks a but like Sidney, call her Sindy Philpot and avoid the copyright issues.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited June 2019

    I only say Survivor perks in this case because Survivors have no special abilities by default, so her perks would be the closest comparison I can make to Ghostface's weakness issues.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    It would be easier to sell sidney than current ghostface. You can look at the survivor as a skin, there are already good perks in the game so you don't need new ones. Killer is more complicated because their powers are very important.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Definitely disagree.

    I personally wouldn't think: "Ghostface sucks hard, but at least i got a Survivor from the movies."

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    You forget that when people found out about Ghostface, bhvr was hyping it up as well as talking about big surprises that were in store. It would be easy to believe that maybe they were saving Sidney for a Big Reveal. AND there were debated spoilers for Woodsboro.

    Not only that, but even if it was just Ghostface, we had every hope and reason to believe he was the Ghostface people know and love from Scream. Keep in mind Leatherface has an eponymous “chapter” title. Ghostface was also shown to mori using a PHONE (weird how it changes to a camera post oc reveal.) And Ghostface’s successful attack animation directly mirrors him wiping the knife after “stabbing” Billy.

    Please do not condescend to Scream fans when Scream fans had every reason to believe Ghostface wouldn’t be a bargain bin knock off, a generic Oreo cookie that you know isn’t an actual Oreo.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2019

    This why i stand by and say the Halloween DLC was the only DLC to hit every nail on the head.

    Killer was perfect-

    Survivor was perfect

    They had perks , maybe at least 1 useful one for both sides

    -The map was faithful to the source

    -New audio for chases when playing as Michael.

    Every other Licensed DLC has been a huge let down in some way or another.

    But i still love Leatherface, Ash, and Freddys chapters though.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    I wouldn't, but she'd be my preferred choice of the two.

    And i don't even like playing Survivor anymore.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I think what really bothered people was they hyped this up for it to be only the mask with an "orginal " killer. You follow that up by insulting our intelligence trying to pretend this was a good thing. So instead of a Scream chapter that people really wanted we got a stand alone bargain basement killer. All of which could have still been salvaged if the killer wasn't terrible.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    @KingSavageGaming I highly disagree. She could have come with valuable perks, but regardless, Sidney is just as iconic as Ghostface. Getting the chance to play her would have appealed to every Scream fan, just as every Halloween fan can play Michael AND Laurie. Ghostface being terrible would still need to be addressed but it would certainly be a lot easier to swallow if we got Sidney and it really was Scream.

    @thrawn3054 And what’s more salt in the wound is that now we will never get our Scream chapter, and we’re stuck with this joke of a license dlc.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,084
    edited June 2019

    They said they were trying to get the license for Scream, but apparently they didn't succeed, or it wasn't going fast enough. They've been wanting Ghostface for I think they said 2 years? I can't remember. The point is, they tried and they failed, or something else happened that made it where they could not get the license or it wasn't worth getting based on some factors. If they fix the bugs I definitely think Ghostface will become a lot better. Requiring your character to face Ghostface to signal that you know he's there will be more work than you would think because generally when you see a killer the first thing you try to do is high tail it out of there. In addition if you see him too late, he could already have his expose on you by the time you turn to him, slowing you down and failing to keep from getting exposed at the same time. After the DLC hype dies down, you won't see him every game, and then is when he will be better. When he first comes out he will likely feel a bit weak because of this. Everyone will expect Ghostface, so they'll all be super focused on looking for him. After that dies down though is when he'll get to have a lot more fun playing with survivors.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    They most likely could not get Sidney from what I understand don't blame the devs for something they have no control over they tried to make people happy with adding Ghost Face (although power balance is another thing entirely) but people still aren't the way they could have avoided this mess was to not even try to do Ghost Face as a licensed killer

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    not all chapter are full chapter with map survivor and a killer look at leatherface or bill or ash those are ok and beside they wont do the survivor since it didint came not along time ago ash why more survivor they need to balanced there more survivor than killer and that a no no XD

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,023
    edited June 2019

    @pemberley Just so were on the same page, which Ghostface are you refering to as "The Ghostface from Scream"? The franchise has had multiple characters don the mask. Unlike the franchises you listed which have 1 specific person in those roles, the people who donned the Ghostface mask in the Scream franchise are numerous. The Original film had 2 seperate killers wearing the mask while each sequal had completely new killers taking up the mantle.

    I think the problem with this argument is that "The Ghostface" is just that, a mantle. It's not a character. The Pig from the saw franchise would be the closest comparison to this, since multiple people wore pig masks in that franchise as well. The key difference however is that Amanda was at least a reoccurring character throughout the Saw franchise, while the same cannot be said about any of the killers behind the Ghostface mask.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Nah. Having a survivor wouldn't have fixed Ghostface being garbage.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    The GhostFace killer (1 licence) for a small price OR Scream chapter with map and Sidney survivor (2/3 licenses) for a stupid expensive chapter.

    License holders want their share too.

    The only justified criticism of this GhostFace Chapter is that there is a broken killer power being made live. They could have put together a new map for him too but who knows maybe that's a separate thing to come soon.

    The chapter which Behaviour have made is a very savvy, well thought out bit of business which does get that Scream feel which an actual Scream license would have. It'll be the same product regardless of licence. You're just not paying to use specific names and objects associating them elsewhere.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Having a Survivor come with Ghostface wouldn't change how insanely ######### he is and how absurd it is that you can just look at the poor ######### to put his power on a cooldown. So I don't really think the Survivor would soften the blow. Not to mention we'd still be missing a map too.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I'm not condescending to anyone. I'm a fan of Scream myself, but it wasn't hard to catch on that something was off. When I realized they only really kept talking about Ghostface and nothing else I went an looked up information and saw that the mask was wholly separate entity from the film itself. I also knew that devs do placeholder items to see what things look like in development. So it is fair to say at some point they considered going much closer to Scream, but when they had a solid idea of what they wanted and the fact they could get the makes things clearly changed.

    Others could have came to the same understanding and braced for the fact they we weren't getting what we initial assumed.