Noob3 is a noob?

I just saw his new video about Freddy and he complains a lot about him, like every 3 seconds throughout the whole video. Sure, Freddy is one of the worst if not the worst killer in the game but that doesn't make him unplayable. I for myself am a Freddy main and I reached rank 1 with him without too much trouble.
Maybe it would be better if people would stop complaining about killers being weak and actually start learning their abilities and how to play them. Putting people alseep from max range is just bad - a lot of non Freddy players don't realize that there is a slow-down when you put someone into sleep, so they complain why it takes so long to catch up to survivors. The same counts for bad perk builds, not running ruin but complaining how gens are done so quickly like duh?!, not knowing the range Freddy's M1 swipes.
Yes, Freddy is a bad killer compared to many others but I have no problem playing him in higher ranks. Nurse for example is by far the best killer, but she needs practice too or you just look like a fool teleporting around and missing every attack.
can you say that again? But with GhostFace this time? ;)
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The mentality of a content creator nowadays is always to hate on things just to generate a sense of outrage in the community.
The post will likely be deleted as you included a name but a lot of content creators who play dbd think they know everything yet they are just plain ignorant.
Some justify their arguments, others just slide it in there and assume what they think is always right.
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Yea you're probably and I get it, they want to entertain people and that is okay but going into a match with the attitude "it's not going to work out whatsoever" is just not fun to watch. I can appreciate bad plays with funny edits and find them highly enjoyable but just complaining all the time is just not cutting it for me idk ^^''
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The dude openly says that he's not that good at killer. Or in his words a "boosted killer main" (Noob3 uses boosted to just mean bad rather than the actual meaning a lot). It's not like he is trying to hide anything.
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Interesting, how are you supposed to play him "correctly" then?
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i dont think he is a noob, but he is a cheater for sure. as far as i know he cheated at least two times already. dunno why is not perma banned tho.
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@DudeDelicious agreed. Totems in general arnt that great for Freddy since his ability to protect them is pretty bad until his rework changes that. His power does do a good job on its own with slowing down the game and other non-totem perks, like PGTW, would probably be a better choice is you still want to run a "slow the game down" perk.
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Did you actually pay attention to what he got banned for?
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ofc i know. everyone knows. he cheated/hacked legacy cosmetics. or are you trying to say thats ok and not cheating?
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Using dream demon is simple. If you're referring to Freddy's that just can't get everyone asleep quick enough then it's not down to playing him badly, more about bad luck.
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Hate sells.
Just look at current politics.
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It's not okay but it does not negatively affect other players. I would not call for someone to get hardware banned because they hacked a cosmetic they owned back in after BHVR's crappy servers deleted it.
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It's not okay but it does not negatively affect other players. I would not call for someone to get hardware banned because they hacked a cosmetic they owned back in after BHVR's crappy servers deleted it. It's still not okay to do, but it's not on the same level as someone using a lag switch, wall hacks, etc.
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It's not okay but it does not negatively affect other players. I would not call for someone to get hardware banned because they hacked a cosmetic they owned back in after BHVR's crappy servers deleted it. It's still not okay to do, but it's not on the same level as someone using a lag switch, wall hacks, etc.