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What are some unpopular or bad perks you like to use?

Member Posts: 7

I don't really like using Meta perks over and over again and sometimes I want to spice it up by using some unpopular perks.

I like to use We'll Make It, Botany, and Empathy from time to time. Not really the best perks, but still fun to use.

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  • Member Posts: 5,069

    This is not happening. Sometimes helps against ruin.

  • Member Posts: 819

    Windows of opportunity.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    <--- That Perk.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Knockout + Deerstalker. I don't do it all that often cause I know it's not fun to be slugged... but it is an entertaining combo to run and watch the survivors running around trying to find where their teammate went down. Knockout is fully countered by SWF though, like so many other things, which makes having fun with it a little hard at times.

  • Member Posts: 620

    play with your food.

  • Member Posts: 833

    I like to use Whispers on Doctor.

    He moves at 115% movement speed in punishment mode and 110% movement speed in treatment mode. There is little to no benefit from Treatment Mode outside of 32 meters, because the amount of madness buildup decreases the further you get away from the Doctor. Whispers lets you know when you are close enough for your Treatment Mode to be effective, so that you can walk around at 115% movement speed whenever your terror radius is not doing all that much. Whispers is also one of the best detection perks in the game, and the Doctor actually kind of struggles to detect survivors once everyone is in Madness Tier I already, if he is not running the detection add-ons. So it's just a really nice quality of life perk on him in general that saves a surprising amount of time.

    I also just like Insidious. .... In general. It's a fun perk.

  • Member Posts: 437

    Resilience. Object of Obsession. Sole Survivor. Bond. Prove Thyself. Kindred (some people say it's bad. I think it's wonderful as a solo survivor).

    Unrelenting (when I just don't care and want to spam). Predator. Shadowborn.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    Boil Over, I think it's because I so badly want it to make a difference. It does of only 1 second if they bump into something

  • Member Posts: 833

    I had a build with Boil Over, Saboteur, Breakdown, and Decisive Strike.

    I bled to death many times.

  • Member Posts: 833

    People make fun of this, but for a solo survivor it really helps to know which pallets your teammates haven't wasted yet.

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Small game is so good for totems I've prevented so many NOEDs

  • Member Posts: 7

    -No Mither (Really fun lynchpin perk for certain builds that aren't as gimmicky as they sound)

    -Stake-Out (Makes Ruin much easier and safer to genrush through while teammates search for the totem)

    -Spine Chill (Detection, bonus speed, and increased skillcheck odds - 3 different benefits that help in different ways, against different Killers)

    -Poised (50 total possible seconds of no scratchmarks makes quickly repositioning and changing focus a breeze, especially with Sprint Burst or Adrenaline)

  • Member Posts: 8,223


  • Member Posts: 833

    This is so much fun to run with No Mither, Resilience, and Dead Hard.

    This is one of the most fun things you can equip alongside a Tombstone Piece :). It's also the only thing that makes "Evil Incarnate" remotely bearable.

    It's all fun and games until you spawn on the Swamp and all the totems spawned in the four separate corners, but you don't know that until after you haven't gotten any gens done all game. <- True story. Happened recently.

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    Dance with me

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    I find "We'll Make It" pretty unpopular. Its def a fav Perk of mine that I can easily get the whole team back up,in a split second. Sure it's not meta and requires Unhooking and isn't useable on yourself, but it's suuuuuch Nirvana to see that healing bar zip up. Still loved the time a Killer had Dying Light and I was the Obsession, dunno if it stacked but I was a Goddess of healing that game xD. Its a nice Altruistic Perk (paired nicely with Borrowed Time in case of campers) instead of the usual selfish meta stuff we all tend to use xD (myself included).

    "Hex: Devour Hope" yeah its a semi meme/fer fun Perk but when it works, ohhh it does so beautifully. Got my 4k non-Sacrifice Trophy thanks to it. Even if you only get 3 tokens before it's cleansed, can still give you momentum and if it remains, huge snowball potential.

    "Stridor" mostly only use this for my Legion build, but it's fanstsic with how Feral Frenzy has you zip around from Survivor to Survivor & across the map. Esp good for ultra immersed Survivors as you'll hear em fully if injured. Def feel it's underutilized/underrated

  • Member Posts: 699

    I always use Lightweight.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Pop Goes The Weasel on my Plague

  • Member Posts: 1,470
    edited June 2019

    We’ll Make It with Botany Knowledge. The healing stacks and can heal other players pretty quickly.

    I’ll occasionally run Small Game in Red Ranks because 90% of the time the killer will have a Hex Perk.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    I've been using Beast of Prey (and Distressing) for Bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2019

    i like using autodidact, i rarely get to use it to it's full potential but when i do it becomes really fun, plus the perk icon looks really cool

  • Member Posts: 5,176

    I like Blood Warden, it's not great but when you get it to work it's amazing

  • Member Posts: 712


  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Do this on Lery's, I at least get so lost on this map as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 982

    Spine Chill and Alert are my favorites even though most people would say they’re “immersion perks.”

    Spine Chill is a great head up perk to know when a killer is coming and also gives you a little speed to help repair or heal faster when a killer is coming it’s also good in chase to know if a killer is moonwalking or looking at you.

    Alert is great for knowing how many randoms drop pallets and to know where the killer is. It’s also good in chase for when a killer drops a pallet and gives me information on where they’re going to turn.

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    Stake out!

  • Member Posts: 198

    Stake out and diversion. I started running diversion as a meme perk but it has helped me so many times that I fell in love with it.  And because of diversion and realizing how much I’m in the terror radius I started using stake out and wowee it does help out a lot

  • Member Posts: 716

    Well I recently just started using Deja Vu and it's actually a pretty nice perk.

    Really helps so you guys don't 3 gen yourselves.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Spine chill, it hard counters Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Plunderers and Ace in the Hole. My go to build.

    Saboteur + Flipflop + Tenacity + No Mither - I've caused many killers to tilt doing this.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Hope! It's super good actually.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    As survivor I'm useless without Windows of Opportunity because I can't learn the maps.

    As killer, I love Bloodhound. If anyone regularly loses survivors immediately after hitting them, try Bloodhound.

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