Generator control

So I guess it's time I came out and said this... When are the devs going to do something about gen-rushing? Ruin is starting to become obsolete and all of the other gen protecting perks are ass (Currupt intervention, Pop goes the weasel, etc.). I mean, what's the point on wasting a perk slot on a perk that is survivors can completely just blow through? There is NOTHING else survivors can do except gens, chases, hook saves, and healing. And in the decisions made with the perk combo Thanatophobia and sloppy butcher they really dont care about the killer side. And with each new map, the bigger in size it gets for killers to control unless you're playing Nurse, Billy, or Spirit. And the meta is so outrageous with little counterplay while every killer perk has easy counterplay. I think it's time the devs start listening to killers and not the bitchy survivors. I am not killer main. I love survivor as much as I love killer. But I shouldn't be stressed playing a game I love. But when the side that plays as a victim get's to judge how short the game is going to be, that is not balance. Only the side that is killing should establish how long the game is, without using certain perks or playstyles to do so. The meta of the survivors is also still an issue, with survivors having about 14 second chance perks, which is including exhaustion perks (such as Dead Hard, Balanced landing, etc.). And then the chapters are really becoming lack luster and it really pisses me off to a killer with good potential get nerfed because of survivors. Shouldn't killer be fun while survivor stressful? Or should both sides be fun? Maybe if killer and survivor mains weren't so bullheaded, maybe this game would be in a better state. Devs, dont go by your stats, listen to BOTH sides or experienced players before you implement a change. The Coldwind wall change was a VERY exciting change and I thought that was needed, but listen to your community, not your stats
How is Ruin becoming obsolete?
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@T0xicTyler Hex: Ruin has been in the game for two and a half years, and the game has been out for three. That is two and a half years of Survivors learning to hit Great Skill Checks or hit the totem, and as a result, games that don't have Ruin end way faster because of how skilled Survivors are at hitting Greats. Two and a half years of Survivors learning every totem spawn and checking them out to find Hex: Ruin to knock it out ASAP. Two and a half years of games where at least one perk is almost always Hex: Ruin because it's the most reliable game-slowing perk, and is even still hardly reliable as it can be destroyed extremely shortly after the game starts.
To have to run a specific perk, ability, or whatever to make games last long enough for a player to have the slightest chance of possible victory, is bad game design. We either need generators to be revisited, or more game-slowing perks.
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Blah blah blah git gud and learn to map control better.
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So you ask a question and ignore the answer, and comment instantly after said person who answers you makes their post? What took me five minutes to check the Hag's release date and the game's release date then type out that comment, you took five seconds to completely skip it and mock me for no reason.
Okay. Guess the 'Toxic' in your name speaks for itself.
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You do realize how this game works, correct? Games will always be hit or miss. Just because you get a handful of good survivors who can hit Ruin skill checks does not mean that every survivor has been nonstop mastering their skill checks. Ruin is just fine and genrushing does not exist.
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I'm with Judgement here. I don't even play survivor and I can just bypass Ruin Entirely.
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Agreed, keep map pressure. Try not to lose momentum. Optimally, you want to have 1 on the hook and 1 in a chase, that’s great pressure. Because now a 3rd survivor has to unhook the other, and that means only 1 is on a gen. (Typically).
And Ruin is helpful, I been playing 5 months and yes hex skill checks are ridiculously easy...but it still negates the repair bonus because without Ruin those great checks would give a progression bonus. This is why we all describe Ruin as: Slow the game down a “little bit”
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You should let the big kids talk because you seem to play more survivor than killer
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Doesnt take 2 and a half years of experience to spot the hex totem 3 ft away from a gen, lol
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That actually made me laugh out loud, thanks for that buddy!