Calling All Shapes, Cannibals, and Pigs!

Grazox Member Posts: 45

I have a few questions for longtime Shape, Cannibal, and Pig mains:

1) What issues do you have with your main's power?

2) Which of your mains' add-ons do you think have unnecessary weaknesses, limitations, or underwhelming effects for their rarity?

3) Which add-ons do you think aren't worth considering using even when first learning/leveling your main?

4) What would you consider to be the least fun aspect of playing as and against your main? (this can include perk/add-on loadouts, glitches, etc.)

5) What would you consider to be the most fun aspect of playing as and against your main?

I am NOT fishing for suggestions to improve these Killers. I am trying to become more informed about these four so I can formulate my own opinion as someone who has only ever played against them as a Survivor. These Killers are generally mid-tier or lower, so I want to understand why.


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Pig---Amanda's Secret is useless and has an unnecessary drawback of not seeing Jigsaw Boxes. It stops you from tunneling Survivors searching Boxes but then tells you where they are when they're done which defeats the purpose of not tunneling them.

    Combat Straps is redundant since they increased her speed on that so the add-on isn't needed at all.

    Pig's roar makes her Ambush almost unusable, when you start charging her power she roars and everyone starts running before you're finished charging so when you actually Ambush they're already gone making any hits with it luck based. I don't use her Ambush, I sneak up to Survivors and then stand back up, because it's stealthy, like she's supposed to be.

    What I love about Pig is that she's sneaky, she can play with Survivors, and she can juggle them. I can sneak right up to them and just grab them off the Gen, I can slug one, put a trap on another and then go back and chase the one I slugged. If the match goes the way I want it to they're at my mercy and like Amanda I don't use my traps with fairness in mind.

    If you're starting out Pig but you've played the game for a while I will say practice with your Ambush now at loops, that's what everyone else does with her useless ability. When you Crouch they can't hear you and when you stand back up you retain that ability for a few seconds. Her best add-ons are the Timer, the Gears, and the extra Boxes. Don't use the extra skill check add-ons unless you're doing an Impossible Skill check build because more skill checks mean they get those traps off faster.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    Okay I guess I’ll go for shape despite playing pig quite frequently, I’m interested to see others responses to this though. It’s really long I’m so sorry.

    1) What issues do you have with your main's power? 

    The build up, yes tier 1 comes with decreased TR however on a large map I feel Michael falls victim to the “setup” phase of the trial against good survivors (much like trapper) I basically use faster stalk addons (mostly J Myers memorial) all the time so I’d assume it’s a habit I’ve developed to immediately tier 2 and 3 giving me the control over my power rather than having it denied by smart survivors. Very few fall to tier 1 on large open maps too, being a stealth killer relies heavily on LOS blockers so open maps/gens like crotus Prenn you can forget about sneaking up as survivors have a 360 view and a tall blue body/white face doesn’t help. So good luck if you’re tier 1 at that stage.

    2) Which of your mains' add-ons do you think have unnecessary weaknesses, limitations, or underwhelming effects for their rarity?

    Hmm I don’t notice it much but I wouldn’t mind the speed decrease of the vanity mirror removed, would give more of a chance to use it on large maps (even though I do so occasionally now anyway), it’s purple rarity and it’s 16m I’ve got like 3 and use them for fun with dead rabbit. I’m one of the strange ones that’s completely okay with Judith’s and fragrant but I honestly never use 90% of my addons (answer below) I don’t have a problem with many addons but I rarely/never use tier 3 duration and stalking movement speed now.

    3) Which add-ons do you think aren't worth considering using even when first learning/leveling your main?

    Anything below yellow really, stalking movement speed increase is also meh, it’s only worth stalking speed (evil gain rate) and TR radius changing (dead rabbit), although when first learning increased tier 3 duration are probably best but come with caveats of generally requiring more evil to get to tier 3. I literally never used my brown addons... and don’t bother with stalking movement speed (jewellery box etc)

    4) What would you consider to be the least fun aspect of playing as and against your main? (this can include perk/add-on loadouts, glitches, etc.)

    Loops/chases, honestly if you get a half competent survivor and mess up and let them get to a loop... he can be looped indefinitely at tier 1 so don’t even try it just find someone else, tier 2 can be looped but requires smart play (plus with M&A/ dead rabbit you can sneak close for basically a free 1st hit or grab, or trigger ew3 at close range) tier 3 is slightly better because of increased vault speed and instadowns make people panic if you catch them in a bad spot and they make more mistakes. I just seem to notice it more as a Mikey, spirit has no such problem so it was refreshing to play her. Also not being able to stalk multiples, stalk cap per survivor, decreased stalk range/distance and stalk blockers such as corn. But I’ve adapted to deal with them.

    Against main? Teammates feeding him stalk/running in a straight unobstructed line from him/teabagging him behind a pallet so he can stalk them... not a great feeling for anyone to deprive him the whole match and he comes back to you late match and triggers ew3. I always seem to get the exposed chases but I don’t mind, helps me practice keeping my cool and outrunning/outplaying them. Ew3 loses a lot of power once you cease to be afraid of it and think calmly about pathing. But a smart Mikey will generally aim for tier 3 in a dead zone so...

    5) What would you consider to be the most fun aspect of playing as and against your main?

    Scaring survivors honestly, getting a gen grab, watching them blow up gens in their faces as you close in in open view, triggering ew3 on a group close range and seeing them all scatter in fear, stalking someone through a window or crack in a wall until they notice you’re there, using vanity mirror (so can be used on any map compared to scratched) and tracking the survivors path into the basement and waiting for them to come back up to scare them at the door. Basically just laughing at reactions, I love those people that wait on the gen while their teammate realises you’re there in the window and sneaks away and they finally realise and blow it up, or you give up and grab them, love it.

    Edit: Realised “against” was there...I actually enjoy a good ew3 chase, I know I’m crazy, but they’re thrilling especially when you can escape. I don’t get jumpscared by mikeys I think I’m immune. Most I play against just follow you around until they hit tier 3 anyway, no class or spooky moments there...

    Post edited by Kiskashi on
  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    I play Myers but I am a weird one. I found what works for me and I don't care about the rest. I just go with dead rabbit and jmm every time. I will try to answer tho.

    1 I don't have any issues.

    2 I consider all the purple and pink add ons bad. Mirror is godlike on two maps yes but it is generally worthless because of the cons, we all know them. Infinite t3 and being able to kill, jt and ftoh, against competent survivors->completely useless. Gens will be done until you get to tier 2.

    3 Most of them are useless to me I would stick to rabbits and increasing stalk speed. In fact I would never use anything else, I said I am weird.

    4 and 5 I love playing against and as Myers. He is one of the few that can scare the hell out of you when you play survivor. It is fun. What I dislike playing Myers doesn't have anything to do with him in particular but the way game is. It affects all killers. We already know those issues and I won't go into that now.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    @Judith weird haha, I’m exactly the same, I’ve used J Myers memorial with dead rabbit exclusively for over a year now, considering I’ve only played the game for 1.5y that’s quite substantial. Really makes it look like the rest of the addons aren’t worth using, I only occasionally use tombstone piece as a swap, that’s it and reserved for overwhelming toxicity. Do you find any of the stalk movement speed ones worth it? I wonder if maybe we could get this switched out for something else...I’d like something new that freshens the character up a little, after so long maining him I feel like I’m getting super attached to spirit right now because she’s so much more of a versatile killer and there’s rewards to mastering her that I feel aren’t present for Myers (May allude to him only being mid tier)

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2019

    You played much longer than me so I guess I have to use these add ons for a loooong time lol. Surprised you use them too. Guess it works well then. I don't like increasing stalk movement speed ones. I used monitor and abuse before and it worked so well with the bunny but I had to change my build eventually to perform even better.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    @Judith Don’t think it’s all purely playing killer though, remember I’m a 70/30 survivor main I’m just saying I’ve played Myers for that long during that time and as a result these two addons are all I need now. I feel like there’s stages, as a young Mikey I used hair bow and memorial flower (and deerstalker/dying light hahahaha wow I had terrible perks) and tombstone pieces often because I thought they were really cool at the time (RIP, considering I played survivor a lot then too...) In the middle I didn’t have M&A because Mikey was my first dedicated killer (played through teachables etc up to lv 50 first) so I used dead rabbit and vanity mirror, I loved vanity because I didn’t notice the speed decrease at all and used it for ambushes. I also used to thoroughly enjoy jumpscare builds.

    Now at late stage Mikey main it’s exclusively J Myers memorial and dead rabbit and using M&A constantly. It feels like I’ve reached the end with this killer, nothing new to learn or try, jumpscare builds aren’t that interesting anymore. I’d like an addon rework for the movement stalking addons or even just re-evaluation of a few of them to make sneaking more viable like adding more dead rabbit like addons that alter TR and maybe even red stain as rare/ultra rare (might even remove/lessen the M&A meta a little and free up for more diverse builds)? I guess I can try the ultra super mega TR snowball build with infectious fright, M&A, distressing etc for fun but I find I’m playing him less right now. Feels sad in a way.

  • AntiPlague12898
    AntiPlague12898 Member Posts: 51

    1) What issues do you have with your main's power?

    chainsaw movement speed and the movement speed while charging up.

    2) Which of your mains' add-ons do you think have unnecessary weaknesses, limitations, or underwhelming effects for their rarity?

    award winning chili. barely noticeable effect for a significant downside.

    3) Which add-ons do you think aren't worth considering using even when first learning/leveling your main?

    chain add ons , speed limiter, sound reducers, and chili.

    4) What would you consider to be the least fun aspect of playing as and against your main? (this can include perk/add-on loadouts, glitches, etc.)

    playing on a map with a ton of safe pallets and windows like lerys. and against well I've never played against another bubba but some have said hook camping isn't fun to encounter.

    5) What would you consider to be the most fun aspect of playing as and against your main?

    landing the chainsaw, downing multiple people, and downing people as they are vaulting a window/pallet. and against I'm not sure perhaps encountering a bad leatherface.

  • MrSunbro
    MrSunbro Member Posts: 111

    Daddy Myers main here with far too many hours

    1. It takes awhile to get to tier 3 (if it was too fast it would obviously be broken) plus maps arent made for stealth, also removing multistalk was a massive middle finger to him (still salty about that)
    2. Vanity mirror slowing you down makes 0 sense. Why does stalking movement speed even exist if it doesn't affect DURING an actual stalk, Tombstone itself is kind of worthless and infinite tombstone never happens. Fragment is a meme build. Faster stalk and rabbit are my go to
    3. Stalking speed, boyfriends memo, any of the mirrors
    4. The setup phase as @Judith pointed out is that he suffers like every other killer does from loops and how @Kiskashi pointed out that Myers suffers from set up like trapper does, and on large maps he hurts (a special ######### you to rotten fields)
    5. 5. He's the only killer that scares me, the rest are laughing stocks of "horror"in the game. Nothing is scary except him
  • Grazox
    Grazox Member Posts: 45

    Thank you everyone who has replied to this post thus far. I really appreciate all of you sharing your experiences and perspective. This is helping me get an idea on where these Killers need work and why you all play them regardless.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I didn't even know myers had add on problems this bad....#########.....

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    @PigMainBigBrain It’s just mostly that the duration, stalking movement speed, mirrors and tombstones aren’t useful in a normal match and especially if going for competitive ranking. Duration ones sound good but they just make everyone go immersed for longer especially on cornfield/LOS blocked maps. They also require more evil the longer the duration (hair bow is the only one I used early on)

    The tombstones require a lot of stalking (if paired with fragrant you need to completely drain approx 2 survivors) plus tombstone piece rips you out of ew3 immediately on a kill meaning it’s likely you’ll get 2 kills on average with this then be stuck in tier 2 (mostly you drain 1 full survivor for 1 kill but doesn’t count who you drain to tier 2) As Judith mentioned above this means without a gen stall build they’ll be done before you even hit it and probably still even if you do stall at higher ranks.

    Stalking movement speed is useless because most times you can stalk without them realising at a distance OR they’ll try hiding at a loop/behind a pallet, stalking movement speed means you’ll follow if in a chase...slightly faster. There are just better addons.

    Mirrors are mostly a meme build. The slow movement speed in tier 1 and reduced lunge means it’s just not useful on a normal map. (I did have fun with it once on auto haven but I killed was that large of a map I had no pressure despite the 32m aura view), there’s a good reason people only use it on lery’s and sometimes the game, you need insane LOS blockers for it to be mildly useful. For vanity it could be viable on a large map for 16m aura reading, if they removed the unnecessary speed decrease, might make it more useful but is that a crime considering it’s a purple rarity item? Wraith has aura reading addons while cloaked for the same rarity without limitation at 12m, I don’t see why this couldn’t be changed especially when trading ew3 for it. Could make matches more fun but the addon still useful in a normal match.

    The most valuable addons for a Mikey are the stalking speed/rate of evil gain (such as J Myers memorial, memorial flowers) because they give you control over your tiers and dead rabbit (reduces TR in tier 2, but increases tier 3) I’d really love to see something that does this, most say they love jumpscare Mikey but he’s not super viable (addons as above) and you need ew3 if you want to create pressure due to time lost in tier 1, especially if trying to rank. If we had more addons for him that reduced TR like dead rabbit or maybe an ultra rare that removes tier 2 red stain, that would be amazing.

    Sorry for the long reply, I guess it’s just that I’ve always kind of noticed how limited I am with addon choice. With any other killer I can use up to 3 sets of addons (and use their ultra rare in a normal match) , with Mikey it’s use normal addons or become a meme or get gen rushed while stalking the whole match but be able to kill people, maybe.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2019

    The way I play with Myers is walking around edges of the map trying to surprise survivors at the start. Either stalking or going for a gen grab. Sometimes both. After I get to tier 2 I play normally being tap away from tier 3 and using it when I think I should. I don't use it always to down healthy survivors. Sometimes I save it for tough situations.

    I am interested in other playstyles. What about you @Kiskashi, what is your strategy?

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,938

    past Shape Main here:

    I don't have a personal problem with his power, rather his Addons. Many of his addons have unnecessary downsides or are completely useless.

    The Jewerly Addons are useless, Boyfriends Memo is only good on Peek a Boo Myers.

    Vanity Mirror has this unnecessary movement speed debuff with a ######### Aura Range, just take Scratched Mirror instead, it's 100 times better. I don't really like the other Aura Addons besides the Mirror Shard Addon which gives 5 second wallhack in Tier 2 when stalking someone. The other 2 are stupid. I don't really like any Tier 3 duration addon beside the Hair Bow. The yellow and brown one have the same stalking requirements as the green one but the green one gives 30 seconds extra Tier 3. The purple one has more stalk requirement and gives 40 seconds which isn't that great. I know the stalking requirements are only noticeable on the first time stalking from Tier 2 to Tier 3 and after that you have your regular 5 second stalk.

    I normally run both Memorial Addons but I lack on them so I use Hair Bow with Mirror Shard to get that Aura reading on top of that longer stalk to have some side effect.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    @Judith Been learning spirit for the past month so been a while since I played a full Myers match. I think generally for me, I find a gen that’s being worked on either via sight/stalk from a distance or discordance, occasionally try gen grabs (heavy LOS blocked and good position of the survivor) but I prefer stalking from a distance to get as much as possible without risk of being seen. I usually get as much early game as I can before survivors notice, to like you do, be one tap away from ew3 when I need it, then I do chase/gen protection as normal, using discordance to know if there’s a gen being rushed, then sometimes sneak up and ew3 the people at that gen (usually the people that split towards nothing, not the one who runs to the pallet etc)

    I also use discordance in chases late game because I know they’re getting desperate to finish the last gen/s so will drop a chase to return to gen protection. I never use ew3 on injured survivors, I usually use it in a dead zone, when I’ve caught them by surprise/in a bad area, on approach to a loop (try to get them before they get it, if they do they make mistakes more often against tier 3 anyway) or at a problematic gen with multiples. Hard to say what a typical strategy is though because I tend to adapt to my survivors. Every match plays different and requires a different strategy but above is my best guess at my habits.

    If you can’t tell discordance is one of my favourite perks recently 😅, what’s your build? I can guess a little based on you mentioning in another post playing red ranks Myers.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    What I meant was I don't use it on every healthy survivor and I down them in two hits instead. Saving ew3 for healthy people who seem to loop better. Using ew3 on injured only if I see them along the way obviously.

    My build is Ruin, Bamboozle, Nurses and Bbq.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    Wow I missed the shards, they’re probably even less notable to me than the stalk movement speed ones hence I completely forgot they exist...I’ve seen some say the shards are useful but not for me personally, feels like a less useful version of the huntress glow addon, at least she can use that information well, most survivors play peek a boo with you while stalking anyway, and basic survivor path prediction overrides the usefulness of seeing the aura. I did however first try them when the addon said 5s but only gave you 1-2s, devs fixed this a while back and I haven’t used it due to the old lie in the duration. Interesting someone uses duration and shards... definitely a different combo to me. But accurate description of the addons...I like vanity though... maybe I’m just strange in liking it, it does seem to be pretty taboo to most.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Okay that’s pretty normal/is a given so I thought you meant something else. Sorry 😔

    That’s actually an interesting build considering most think you need purely an anti loop/M1 build (but bamboozle, BBQ and ruin I expected, nurses was the interesting choice)

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2019

    Bbq and Nurses give me good info on survivors whereabouts through the entire game. If I keep a good pressure people have a hard time hiding from me. Dead rabbit helps as well in that regard.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    Hmm I’ve tried nurses but not for me, currently running discordance, BBQ, M&A and H:DH (usually play mid/purple ranks so don’t have to worry about ruin and can have fun with my build, I know if I want to get competitive I’d have to get meta but nope. I should try ranking with discordance, smart survivors tend to figure it out, dumb survivors fail to it, but over confident survivors think they can rush it before I get there with tier 3... )

    Yours is a solid build, nurses was just a surprise, it used to be very meta but now with the non healing trend/DH/MoM/adrenaline seems it’s not as useful?

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    I switched a lot of perks (I have most of them) until I got to this build. It works best for me so I keep it or maybe I just got so used to it that it is hard to change anything. Like you saw I was thinking about spirit fury and enduring recently.

    M&A is godly on Myers.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Honestly I know the feeling, I used to actually love dying light because it was the best I had early on, then I moved to overcharge and nurses, then thanatophobia and H:DH and currently discordance, I don’t know what it is about these perks but I’ve gone through phases of absolutely loving them, even if they aren’t regarded as “top tier/meta” perks. Definitely the best way to do it, as you’ve done by finding what works for you.

    I’m not a fan of spirit fury/enduring belief that it’s “required” on most killers. Maybe it’s a constant play in red ranks thing but I like using different perks and wasting 2 on pallets...doesn’t sound like it meshes well with my play style, I prefer mindgames and forcing pallets, getting hit on purpose is the least of my priorities. I prefer tracking/aura/gen perks overall (nurses, whispers, surveillance, bbq, discordance etc) brute force perks have never appealed to me personally even though many suggest brutal strength, spirit fury/enduring on Myers.

  • Grazox
    Grazox Member Posts: 45

    Again, thanks to everyone contributing their perspective so far. I've learned a lot and am getting a better idea of what issues these Killers are having when I'm versing them. I'd like to hear more from Cannibals, however. Surely Bubba isn't an endangered species... right?

  • TonToE
    TonToE Member Posts: 24

    I love to play the cannibal so here is my take.

    1.The issue is how useful the power is over Billy. You slow down significantly when using it that almost any way to look at it Billy has it better, besides camping. So to optimally use it you want to trick survivors to go into the basement or hook.

    2.Pretty much all addons are garbage except charge time. Cooldown can be alright. Noise is useless. Speed increases does little and significantly increases charge time. Chili addons are broken and does nothing. Longbar does little to help. The chains are ok but are not really worth it. So your variety it extremely limited.

    3.Only consider charge time tbh.

    4.The least fun aspect as Leatherface is when you become an m1 killer and forget you have a chainsaw. The lest fun aspect against is when he camps the basement and you either die trying or your team dies trying to save.

    5.The most fun thing is either when you walk way from hook just enough to make survivors think its save to unhook then come right back and ruin their day, or when you forget camping and run PWYF. This perk combos really well with your 1 hit power if you can gain the stacks you become an instadown machine. The most fun thing as survivor would be looping a helpless Leatherface into oblivion.

  • Grazox
    Grazox Member Posts: 45

    Thank you again to everyone who commented. With this, I'm satisfied with what I've heard and will be thinking it over now and into the future. Your input has been very informative.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    Not just you I bet everyone learned something from this. I was interested in opinion of other people playing Myers and their playstyle so I could improve my own. This thread is awesome. :)

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    my best tip for playing bubba is to run tuning guide/grease and beast marks. beast marks is the most important addon for bubba

    people don't expect you to be that fast when you chainsaw and it works at loops pretty well, especially when people expect you to respect pallets when you rev your chainsaw only to get chainsawed when you just charge through it