Object of obsession change to help killers with stealth abilitys

AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

So I think we can all agree that OoO is a completely one-sided counter to ghost face and extremely annoying on other killers with a stealth ability and perks that remove or change your terror radius. So I think that this perk should be changed like this

Whenever you look at the killer within X meters you are both revealed to each other. If the killers terror radius is zero this perk does not activate.

This will fix the issue with this perk completely negating ghost faces power and will stop swf info on killers useing their stealth ability and perks.

Edit: down votes are from people who enjoy bullying the poor stealth killers. This is a completely reasonable change that will affect 2 Perks and 3 killers but why would you want that right.

Post edited by AChaoticKiller on


  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    They should really just rework the perk in general. It's either completely overpowered or the reason you died depending on the situation. That's not a healthy spot for a perk to be in.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    While this perk is rarely used its still makes stealth useless since you always know where the killer is which will make useing ghost faces power useless and currently makes playing against OoO users as wraith or pig very annoying since they always know where you are. What's worse is if they are in a swf group since you will rarely get a hit with wraiths or pigs ambush so you basically need to tunnel the OoO user to be able to win assuming the group knows what they are doing. this is also not a one sided change since you won't be revealed to the killer if they have a zero terror radius.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    This is a terrible argument. Just because no one uses it doesn't mean it shouldn't be nerfed.

    It is OP in the cases where it is against stealth Killers. Therefore, it needs to be adjusted so that in CASE someone brings it, the stealth Killer isn't complete dogshit.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    The only counter would be to negate the perks arua revealing and I'm not just talking about ghost face. This perk counters any stealth ability and stealth perks. The info it provides destroys killers that need or benefit from free hits like wraith and pig and its mainly used in swf groups so that one person usually tells the others where the killer is or is going.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited June 2019

    Prevalence is a direct indicator of how strong and versatile a perk is. A perk that hardly sees any use is a perk that is either weak, useless in most situations, or both. These perks do not need to be nerfed.

    Why is this an issue now, when Pig and Wraith have both dealt with OoO this entire time?

    And why should this perk be trash against most killers, troll at best, and also be ######### against killers it's meant to counter?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    It isn't used because there are perks that are vastly more powerful and the stealth Killers are already too weak in the first place. Just because no one runs it, and just because there are stronger perks doesn't stop OoO from being extremely powerful itself. It is. People would just rather use their SC, DS and what have you combo for 2nd chances.

    It's always been an issue for me. I've always felt Wraith should be invisible to detection perks while he is in stealth mode, same for Pig while crouched. The entire point of a Stealth killer is to be stealthy so that Survivors have no clue you are approaching them. It's the same exact reason Myers has this aspect in Tier 1 with Spine Chill and Premonition, but it should also be extended to Aura Reading. Either way, this is a strawman argument so I'm gonna end that here.

    OoO is far from trash and suggesting it is such is absolutely hilarious honestly. Knowing where the Killer is 80% of the time is an easy win. If you know where he is, you only need to look at him every couple seconds to minimize the risk he sees you. Besides, this perk is GREAT for those that excel in the chase, as it makes the Killer chase you down usually, giving your team a chance to repair. Not to mention the information it provides to a SWF squad.

    Detection perks shouldn't counter stealth Killers. Stealth Killers should be IMMUNE to detection perks while using their Stealth abilities. They are already super weak. This alone would be a very good change.

    Besides, going back to your silly argument of no one uses it, if no one uses it, then this change will literally do nothing, so you have nothing to complain about.

    However, you're going to say it will ruin it for the few that do use it. No, it won't, it'll just make it so that if they face a stealth Killer, the game isnt braindead easy.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I'm assuming you have never faced a group useing OoO as wraith or pig. While its rare the fact that it makes the killers power worse due to them needing the element of surprise for a hit because their power does not help in a chase. I have actually played a few games as wraith against OoO users and surprise I never won a game. Same thing with pig altho its only happened twice.

    The logic your useing is very flawed just because its rarely used it shouldn't be changed is just #########. What if you played a character that was useless against a single perk which is often the case here since people only use OoO in swf groups.

    This change will make stealth killers viable against OoO and while not many people use it the fact that it makes such an impact against 2 and soon to be 3 killers is NOT balanced. This change simply does not allow the perk to activate in some situations and will make no difference to other killers or the way you play with OoO

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    You people are acting as if the killer knowing your exact location for most of the game isn't a serious drawback.

    If there is a Survivor that can survive being the OoO and use it against the killer, kudos to him. Killer got outplayed. Deal with it.

    If you think OoO is so powerful why don't you play twenty games straight with OoO and tell us how you liked the experience.

    It's crazy how some killers think. Personally I find Doctor and Freddy screws my game plan entirely with their powers, you don't see me calling for Doctor or Freddy nerfs.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    He only knows your location when you look at him. You control when he gets that information.

    And if you are playing SWF, if they are halfway decent, the only Survivor he's ever going to encounter is the OoO user. Everyone else will get fed his location info and high tail it before he even gets close.

    There is a reason this game was initially balanced around solo players and the lack of communication.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019


    Detection perks shouldn't counter stealth survivors. Stealth Survivors should be immune to Detection perks while using their stealth abilities. They are already very weak. This alone would be a very good change.

    If I wearing my Blendette leathers and crouching with Urban Evasion, BBQ and Chili shouldn't work on me. Stealth Survivors are very weak compared to loop and chase survivors, so this change alone would make them viable against detection killers.

    See how dumb that sounds?

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Once again, killers pretending every match is against an organized 4man bully Squadette.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    This is hilarious considering the fact Survivors don't have anything to designate themselves as different kinds of Survivors, like Killers do. Your argument is completely pointless as every Survivor is exactly the same in terms of gameplay. They don't have "stealth abilities." A perk is not an ability/power. Survivors do not have powers, otherwise if they did, I would agree with you. Except they don't, so your point is completely moot.

    Stealth Killers directly have mechanics that cause them to be stealthy, regardless of their perk selection. Perks the Survivor chooses to take aren't inherent mechanics that make or break playing Survivor.

    Also, did you forget that they added a new perk that prevents your Aura from being detected by the Killer? It's called Distortion.

    Seriously, do you people actually play the game or do you only watch? Why do people sarcastically repeat something someone they disagreed with said, but with their argument instead? Are you unable to formulate your own sentences and structure?

    Oh wait, I get it. You're trying to make me realize how stupid I sound. Well, that might have worked you actually had any argument to stand on.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    you're advocating for detection perks to not detect killers when they would be most useful, you know, the main reason why the very few people who do run detection perks, run them. I see it as bringing the right perk for the right game, such as bringing bamboozle and getting lerys. I find bamboozle to be bs, and even more so on a map like that, but the killer gambled and was rewarded.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    This is the same thing with wraith and pig the fact that your always revealed hurts you more than any other perk

    Yea that does sound dumb because you just compared a killers power to survivor cosmetics that are not supposed to affect the game. Also I'm ok with other detection perks because they don't tell you exactly where the killer is.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Should OoO not activate entirely (as in killer can't see them), then? So like if the killer can't see you, you can't see them and the trade off for that is that you can't see killers while they're hidden.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    And in my opinion, it should be considered taking the wrong perk for the wrong game.

    The only reason people don't want this is because it would actually make Stealth Killers really good.

    Premonition and Spine Chill have uses outside of stealth Killer counter. Also, Entity forbid you actually pay attention instead of using a perk that does the searching for you.

    Entity Forbid you actually use just a modicum of skill, and using your eyes doesn't even require that. Stealth Killers ONLY have their stealth going for them. They should be immune to detection perks so that they can actually utilize their kit to the fullest extent. Your detection perks will still work on them, just not in their stealth modes.

    I don't think that's asking too much. This isn't suddenly going to make every stealth Killer Nurse level, or even Billy level. Wraith will still be bad even with this change. And this is because anyone worth their salt doesn't need detection perks against Stealth killers.

    Their power should not be nullified by something that literally requires you do to NOTHING

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I'm ok with detection. Perks but OoO is a special one that is used to tell you where the killer is until their near you. This perk is used to distract the killer more or less while telling you what they are doing. This is fine on any OTHER killer thats not reliant on stealth. You put a pig, wraith, or ghost face against a swf group useing OoO and you chance of winning has greatly been reduced simple because you cannot use your power effectively while your presence on the map is always known.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Yes the trade off would be that even if your looking at them but they don't have a TR than the perk does not reveal anyone.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    you're asking for detection perks to not detect the killer when the person using the perk would need it most. not to mention detection perks are already pretty weak compared to the rest of the available perks. I still believe it to be the right perk for the right game, but to each their own I guess.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    There is a perk called OoO that takes away the stealth from a killer when they need it the Most more so than a survivor needs to know where that killer is due to the killer needing that stealth which is their power to win the game.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    last time I checked the opposing side's perks aren't meant to help you.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @artist it is if the outcome is determined before the game starts.

    Since that basically means that you roll a die and if it rolls correctly then you get a huge boost and otherwise you get a huge hindrance.

    Imagine if the survivors had a perk that at the start of the trial would randomly give them either permanent 15% haste or permanent 15% hindrance with 50/50 odds. That perk would be terrible for the game.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    This is a balance change in case your not aware there should not be a perk that completely shuts down powers. If you think this is ok than your basically agreeing that the old stbfl and relentless combo was ok. That's the level of power this perk holds over stealth killers.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    please, that would mean it would be literally impossible to catch a survivor if the outcome was in their favor. having object vs a stealth killer only gives you an upper hand in getting a head start if they choose to chase you. hardly comparable to LITERALLY being unable to catch someone lol

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    it's a nerf to an already okay perk. great sometimes, but a pocket-snitch others

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited June 2019

    Object is used in swf groups 99% of the time when its used so if everyone knows where you are you can't get the free hits with pig and wraith which you need otherwise you just a m1 killer. If your just a m1 killer you more than likely going to lose flat out since it takes 30+ seconds to catch people most of the time more if they are good regardless of your skill.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    so it's stronger than normal because of swf? can u tell me something that isn't? also rarely are those groups actually highly coordinated, and something that'll be near-impossoble to win

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Honestly they should just have it so it doesn't work vs stealth powers, which they've already done with tier 1 Myers...so why not the others?

    It's an easy fix, in my eyes.

    Actually...does it work on crouching pig? I've run it exactly once; only to get Adept Laurie and never come across it when playing the pig specifically.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    because myers is handicapped in tier 1 with a slower movment speed and shorter lunge, pig and wraith aren't.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Dude always knowing where a STEALTH killer and giving that info to your team is the best thing you can do against a stealth killer. You get ride of there free hits. You can't just say its rarely used so it shouldn't get nerfed or people rarely play optimally with this perk or anything. The fact is that this perk gets ride of there stealth and turns them into m1 killers without free hits or the element of surprise, nothing you say changes this.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited June 2019

    Crouching pig is slower than tier 1 Myers. And her lunge in this form has a charge time.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    I didn't say it is rarely used and therefore shouldn't be nerfed. u lose out on a benefit because the survivor brought a perk designed to help him in situations like those. just like how u can lose out on the benefit of distance after stunning a killer because they have enduring/spirit fury, just like how u can lose out on the benefit of more vaults because the killer has bamboozle. it happens!

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Again a perk should not be able to shut down powers like OoO does with stealth killers. At least the perks you mentioned have counter play. They gunna block vaults don't run to the same window twice, enduring with sprirt furry just drop pallets before they are in range for a stun, you can't counter play a perk like OoO because its only activation requirment is distance and there is no killer perk that prevents your arua being read. Idk how you see this being fair my only guess is you run perk and enjoy being immune to ambushes.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    those perks I mentioned have very limited counterplay. u don't always have another place to run to or enough distance to safely drop the pallet. that's besides the point tho. sometimes u gain a disadvantage because of what the opposing side brings to the table. u lose the stealth aspect of wraith, u still gain the movement speed bonus and whatever other benefits ur addons give u, u lose the stealth aspect of pig, u still have your dash (sometimes) at loops and your RBTs. their powers aren't completely shut down as u say. and for the record, the last time I ran object was several months ago. I find other perks more beneficial, without receiving a downside.

    ALSO my game looks like this, wraith is completely invisible to me so i rly should be running detection perks cuz I'm always getting ambused but i don't, cuz like i said, I find other perks more beneficial (one more note before bed, only 2 perks come to mind that prevent a survivor's aura being read. sole survivor (aka useless) and distortion (limited to 3 times). plus I don't see a perk like that for killersbeing very beneficial).

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    it's your choice to enter and exit crouch mode. a myers can't just choose to enter and exit tier 1 lol

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    Fundamentally, stealth killers just don't fit. The whole point of 'stealth' is to get the first hit. OoO negates this possibility, with spine chill and premonition to a lesser extent. Combined with the downsides built into the stealth killers kits, it's pretty much just making them m1.

    Either perks like OoO need to be changed or killers base kit. This is thinking of easier, quicker fixes. For long term, the whole idea of stealth in this looping hell needs to be re-evaluated by the devs. It might be a mechanic that should be nixed, especially since the game has become a version of tag than hide and seek.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Graphics have nothing to do with this argument and you just agreed with me that they lose their stealth the whole point of the killer. Wow you can't catch people of guard but don't worry your slightly faster and you might get a hit before they reach a pallet if the OoO was not paying attention. Wow you can't catch people off guard for grabs or hits and your power slows you down but don't worry you can get a hit at a small amount of loops with your dash depending on what the survivor does and you get reverse bear traps to hopefully slow the game. Wow guess what Ghost face YOU LOSE because you will never get to expose someone and your stealth is completely meaningless.

    This is what you agree with and I think that based on this perk being able to do all that, that it should not be able to be activated if the killers TR is 0. thank you.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2019

    People are talking like OoO reveals them entirely. It reveals a killer until they're within so many meters. At that point you can still circle around and lunge as pig, or stealth around as Wraith and get a surprise hit. Your terror radius is 0, so at that point they still don't know where you are. They may know you're in the area, but that's literally all they have to go on, so I don't see how this ruins any killer. As for Pig/Wraith being M1 killers, they ARE M1 killers. Pig has a lunge but I rarely ever see it actually hit someone. I generally evade the lunge because I'm always looking out for the killer and I don't use OoO. As for claiming the OoO user is using it to get your attention, you can EASILY ignore the OoO user and save them for last if that's the case. The others will likely be weaker at running you around and people don't usually leave an area completely when they know you're near as killer so you will eventually find them. Also OoO works on tier 1 Myers I believe, so why wouldn't it work on other stealth abilities? The main issue I have with this idea is that it renders a perk pretty much useless, as if a killer knows you have it, they'll just stay stealthed as long as possible(in Pig/Wraith's case forever pretty much) and render it useless. I'm of the belief that no perk(including hexes) should be made to where it just doesn't work at all. I'd even be all for nerfing those perks that can be as long as they're still useful enough while being usable.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I will say that even with a game running well with great resolution, wraith can bug out and become completely one with the environment too. I had that the other day and was rather surprised. I do still believe the pig and ghostface are a different beast, however.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    ok im actually still up. my graphics weren't part of the argument, I was just saying I don't run detection perks even with them, since u assumed I did. the movement speed from wraith also helps with map pressure, not just getting hits before pallets. and I disagree with detection perks not being able to work against killers with 0 terror radius. obviously neither one of us is gonna change our minds if we haven't already so far, unlucky I guess

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Actaully the perk stops working after a certain distance and when you in the TR so because you didn't fact check over half of what you wrote is nonsense. Also I only want it to not activate if the killers TR is 0 so if your friend is in a chase you still see them. As for the hits you won't get any if they know your near since its very easy to spot wraith and pig especially if you know which way they are coming from. Finally this perk would not be useless because it works normally with other killers. Just because its REALLY good against these 3 killers and decent on others depending on you SKILL does not mean its is balanced especially when it negates the who point of a killers power.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Good lord, are you running the game on a TI-83 Calculator?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144