Make aura reading perks (object of obsession) not work on killers with no terror radius!

Ghostface's Night Shroud, Crouched Pig, Cloaked Wraith and maybe even perks that reduce the killer's terror radius to 0 like tinkerer should not allow survivors to see you with Object of Obsession or other perks.

Ghostface suffers severely from OoO and so does Pig. Their powers get completely countered by a perk.

Myers Tier 1 is also immune to aura reading so the other killers should be treated the same way.


  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Myers is a bit of a special case, expecially due to how his tier one is structured. i do agree that perks like tinkerer should block it temporarily, and cloaked wraith due to his invisibility, but removing it against the pig (While a nice buff) doesn't really fit since she isin't primarily a stealthy killer (and you can still see her coming from quite far away. that being said i would like it changed on the pig.

    It would be a nice change, i support it

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069


  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    Agree, being able to see wraith 24/7 which direction he is uncloaking in even is so bs lol, i'm invisible my guy. Much less visible than T1 Myers.

  • rayoxium
    rayoxium Member Posts: 113

    But pig is a stealthy killer, when they buffed her event scoring for ambush they wanted to encourage her stealthy mechanic. It may not be the best, but she is an ambush killer. I don’t think OoO is going to get changed though, it’s not ran enough, if it was in every game I’m sure it would be.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    You don't need to change OoO.

    Just make it so that it doesn't work when he uses Night Shroud. That's it.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited June 2019

    Totally agree in the ptb i had full swf and was also full claudettes with flashlight and all of them with damm object of obession xd

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    The only killer whose power is COMPLETELY UNUSABLE with OoO is the Ghost. Everyone else can still use their powers and there's a simple solution, seeing him within a certain range is required, and I believe their change list probably fixed the issue.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    So I actually just tested it in KYF, and OoO isn't cancelling the Night Shade mode.

    Does it prevent you from stalking but not cancel Night Shade?

    Trying to figure out what the complaint is. Everyone was saying it cancels his power, but now that I've tested it, he stays in Night Mode just fine while being looked at with OoO. Or by "cancel" do they mean essentially stay out of his LoS?

    Am I missing something?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Partially a agree with you, powers shouldn't become redundant because of a single perk, but in MOST cases, OoO at least has major drawbacks.

    Personally I don't think this could be a blanket change. Getting a new friend into dbd, it's amazing how much of a game-saver kindred is when every other player is a Wraith who thinks standing 1 meter from the hook is the top pro play to make. As his terror radius is 0, it would counter effects like this designed to protect you from camping into tunnelling.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Ah true enough. I guess that makes sense.

    I took it as the aura reading ITSELF cancels his power.

    Makes me rethink a lot of posts I've made recently.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I don't think it's needed to go this far. Piggy still has traps and can use dash attack to mindgame pallets and Wraith has map control + old windstorm so he cam mindgame with it a little. OoO has still large disadvantages so unless it's nescessary it should still reveal them.

    GF is different tho. He's 100% reliant on not beiing found to be able to use his power so he's only one with MM EW1 who should be immune to aura reading if not all detection perks.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Overall it's still true that someone with OoO can easily follow you and disrupt you far to easily to leave GF like he is now. If OoO disabled GF's power by just aura reading that would be obviously broken and needed to be adressed immediately.

    I think that making him immune to aura reading while Night shroud is active could be enough so that spine chill/premo are still usefull. Loopers don't use these two so I wouldn't mind them countering GF.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Yeah I'm cool with him just being immune to aura reading while in Night Shade mode. Would make sense too given the name

  • 8899
    8899 Member Posts: 4

    Make ghost face and the pig immune while they are crouched

    cloaked wraith should of been immune since 2016 because he is a stealth killer as it says in his overview

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Personally I'm ok with aura reading countering stealth abilities. What I'd like is for the killer to get a warning when someone is reading their aura, so they can adapt if needed.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    I'm agree. And make killer's aura reading perks not work on survivors while they're crouching too.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    I have an idea. How about all survivors are blind and have to run around until they die. That'll give me easy 4Ks. Let's do that.