New player, need leveling advice

So I just started and well, I need some advice for how I should be levelling because I feel like im doing something wrong. My favorite Killer is Myers and my favorite survivor is David and both of these characters benefit from other characters teachable perks. In order to get perks I need bloodpoints and in order to get blood points quickly I need BBQ and chili.
So I bought Leatherface and every game I play, the bloodpoints I earn go into leveling him up so I can teach BBQ to Myers. I figured I would play allot of Killer with BBQ to get the bloodpoints for the survivors. My Leatherface is currently level 17 with Myers being level 11 and King being Level 1(because bloodpoints are going elsewhere) Every other character is below level 5.
So my question is do I keep leveling Leatherface for BBQ so I can play my favorite Killer with BBQ or should I spread out the bloodpoints? Also should I play Leatherface to get the bloodpoints with his BBQ?
Many thanks.
I personally don't know how anyone can play any match without either WGLF or BBQ.
I personally will level up a killer and not play them until I've gotten BBQ rank 3. As for survivor... I find getting the WGLF stacks a bit harder so it isn't a huge deal not to have it, but all the extra points you can get on a survivor the better.
When I level up a killer and don't play them until I get BBQ, i usually will end up with a bunch of puddings and a few BPS when I start playing them. This helps allot as you can get up to 60K + per match with average effort.
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Playing killer with BBQ is definitely the best source of BPs if you can do well with the killer. So you have the right idea. Playing Leatherface and using BBQ while you unlock it as a teachable would definitely be your best choice if you are able to do well with him.
As for spreading or focusing the points.... it's really up to you. When I was first starting out I spread my points out to get the teachables from each character I wanted. Then started dumping the points into the killer I main to get all the perks. Alternatively you could focus the points, but if you don't have any perks you are trying to get you are essentially just spending BPs on them for addons at that point. You can also unlock perks from the Shrine of Secrets each week so if you wanted to try and get lucky on a perk showing up in there you want you can just wait for that to happen as well.
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As I understand, as Killer, you get much more bloodpoints, just play Leatherface up until you unlock his teachable, you don't gotta play him after you get Barbecue, I personally like him but he's a little weak. Once you get Barbecue, go back to Myers and try to get it and level it for Myers, best I can say. Myers is strong, I recommend getting Bamboozle from Clown or Monitor and Abuse from Doctor for Myers, use shards for teachables in the store.
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@InFernoZ22 If you care about lvl effently rather than actually going for BPs and such...Theres a video tutorial for that.
THE TLDR of the video is to make a beeline for a perk with each new bloodweb right away to start the entity removing stuff as early as possible. From there, try to set it up so the entity will take multiple items in 1 turn and you use your BPs on the cheapest items you can.
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It's good to know I have the right idea, I don't mind playing Leatherface for the bonus BP's but it just takes a while to find a match.
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Yeah I have doctor so I can get M&A for Myers too. I also hear doctor with BBQ is good for BP's.
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Will do, thank you, yh I dont plan on playing Leatherface so I will go the cheapest way.
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If I could start over again, I'd make different decisions to prevent an excessive grind.
This is only my opinion and by no means I'm the holder of the absolute truth.
Yes, I'd play Leatherface first, both to profit from BBQ and to get it as a teachable. But here's the spin: DON'T unlock other teachables which will only clutter the bloodweb and make you waste millions of bloodpoints in the long run.
If you're lucky, you'll get both BBQ III and the teachable right at level 35. If not, keep playing until you get both. But remember, don't unlock other teachables.
Then, if the intention is playing Myers with a strong build (and keep some flexibility), I'd level the next characters for certain perks, playing as Leatherface and Doctor (with BBQ):
"Mandatory perks"
Doctor ------> M&A, hands down the best perk for Myers
Trapper ----> Agitation, you'll save a lot of time while carrying and will always find a hook
Nurse ------> Nurse's Calling, extra benefit from M&A
"Strong perks, real good"
Spirit --------> Spirit Fury
Billy ------> Enduring, coupled with spirit fury, you'll eat pallets and ask for seconds
"Good perks, not essential"
Clown -------> Bamboozle, extra benefit at Evil Within III
Trapper -------> Brutal Strength, for the ultimate pallet eater build
I don't use Hex: Ruin, but arguably you should also get it from the Hag
And remember to never unlock any other teachable. Even only unlocking these perks I mentioned will already need around 7 - 8 million bloodpoints. But getting them to tier III in Myers will take another 3 - 4 million if you have good luck.
If you make the mistake of unlocking other perks, it could take you 150 bloodweb levels (or many more) just to get BBQ III, for example. That's a lot of wasted time and points in perks you'll never use.
I have played Myers at R1 successfully with this simple build:
BBQ, Agitation, M&A, NC
coupled with Dead Rabbit and J. Myers Memorial as add-ons
With this build, I've only struggled against strong coordinated teams. But the same happens to all the killers (except 2 or 3) so, anyway.
Hope this helps.
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It's almost double BP have a look at my two legion videos for farming BP.
You can use doc instead of legion with the same builds
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And the same path could be taken with your survivor.
It's been a long time since I played survivor at a high rank, but I could say you may want to go for these teachables, depending on your playstyle:
"Runner/second chance perks"
Meg: Sprint burst, Adrenaline
Claudette: Self care
Nea: Balanced landing
Feng: Lithe
Laurie: DS
Adam: Deliverance
"Stealth perks"
Meg: Q&Q
Jake: Iron will, Calm spirit
Nea: Urban evasion
Feng: Alert
"Good teammate perks"
Dwight: Bond
Claudette: Empathy
Ace: Open handed
David: WGLF
Jeff: Aftercare
Ash: Arguably, new MoM will fit in a "good teammate build"
-----------bond, empathy, aftercare, have slightly different effects and conditions, but you'll do fine with only one of them
0 - gonna STRONGLY disagree with Condorloco about not unlocking the teachables. This would make those perks impossible to get on other killers and remove build diversity. If for example, you wanna grab Knockout from leatherface to try out a slug build...Youd have to prestige leatherface and lvl him all over again.
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Wow, thank you very much for the knowledge bombs.
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I must tell you, you're wrong. Teachable Knockout and Franklin's keep popping up in LF's bloodwebs if you don't buy them. Any teachable from any character behaves similarly.
Say, if you want them after all, all you have to do is level up a couple bloodwebs for it to appear again. No need to prestige anything.
I know this because that's how I've treated my newer characters' bloodwebs. I don't unlock useless teachables that only pile up on top on the horrible grind.
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No prob man. @LordGlint also said something very important about efficiency in the bloodwebs, you'll save a trillion bloodpoints if you also do as he says.
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I got my LF to level 35 and bought teachable BBQ. Will it appear in Myer's tree at a lower level? (Like uncommon)
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If you want to main someone you level them up last to get other perks. As survivor you should lvl up David and Nea first, no matter what. Dead hard, were gonna live forever, urban and balanced are top tier perks. Next Claudette for self care and then whatever you like. Maybe prestige David to get new perks. If you like Myers consider leveling nurse and Doctor first as he benefits from monitor and abuse with nurses calling the most in entire game. Bbw from Leatherface is best killer perk, also gives double points.
On characters you know you will not play much, go cheap. Always take a perk and then as cheap as possible. I highly recommend buying Leatherface and Doctor with Feng dlc, they all have really good perks.
Worth a mention: quick and quiet, adrenaline from Meg, unbreakable from Bill.
Edit: Once you paid for teachable (shrine, or this killers bloodweb) the perk has a chance to appear in any killers bloodweb. So yes :). Keep in mind, the more perks you unlock, the less likely it is that this 1 specific perk will appear in bloodweb. Its also harder to get them to tier 3.
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@InFernoZ22 Yes, it's possible. I've got BBQ as soon as the level 3 bloodweb of other killers. It's all RNG though.
The thing you've got in your favor right now is you have a clean slate, and with only a couple of teachables unlocked, you guarantee you'll have all perks at Tier III when you reach level 50 (approx 1,600,000 bloodpoints).
That's why I would try to go first for the 2 or three teachables I'd deem "very important"m and then go full Myers all the way to level 50.
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About the Prestige thing, there will be a lot different opinions.
Mine is, it's not worth at all. Specially on Myers since I'm not impressed with the bloody cosmetics you get as rewards. Maybe Leatherface looks real cool all bloody. But other than that, it's just a HUGE, ENORMOUS time consuming task. Especially if you plan to play other characters too.
But there will be people saying it's all worth it. So on that one, it's all up to you to decide.
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Don't go game > bloodweb > game > bloodweb. Have a few games in a row, then spend, you feel a lot better and like you're making a dent in the bloodweb getting to BBQ by buying most or even entire bloodwebs out in a single swoop compared to buying 2-5 items only.
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It depends. If you want the fastest way u should spam killer games with bbq and chili. Otherwise level up a survivor you need for perks until 40 then the survivor you like.
i think meg and feng are perfect starters for the perks they give.
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Killer is definitely better for this, but if you're struggling for BBQ stacks, then I say try to stack up We're Gonna Live Forever on your favourite survivor; admittedly you could end up causing losses on your team through this...maybe a good idea would be to level up Bill and get Borrowed Time to ensure you don't do stupid saves/can safe hook people being camped, which newer players will experience a ton more anyway.
Also this weekend there'll be a double bloodpoint event if it's not already started; a great chance to use farming perks.
Another additional perk would be Dwight's Prove Thyself. As survivor, I always combo this with WGLF to get maximum bloodpoint outcome and it has the advantage of increasing gen efficiency if multiple people stick together.
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So Im leveling Myers currently to get BBQ, level 13 currently I believe, once I got BBQ on Myers I will play him allot to get the BP for: Sprint Burst, Self Care, WGLF and not sure for the other perk.
Then I will level up doctor for M&A (I could do I now as I have doctor but I do want to play some survivor sometimes xd). I have allot to get over this double BP weekend