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General Discussions

Ghostface shares a flaw with The Pig. Stealth gameplay needs improvement.

Member Posts: 1,032

Okay, now I believe it must be a consensus on the whole community that Ghostface is really, really weak.

He really is, and one of the main reasons is because he is the first killer whose power COMPLETELY relies on stealth, and relying on stealth is not viable. Come on:


There are only 2 maps actually fitting for stealth. One is really good for that (Lery's/Treatment Theater) and the other still have some rooms where it won't work (The Game/Gideon's Meat Packing Plant). SInce there are 27 maps, you may play for whole nights without seeing these two.

Jumpscare Myers (with Scratched Mirror and Monitor & Abuse) is one of the funniest builds, but it's only actually good on these maps, and that's why is commonly used with a map offering. You can make the build work on other maps, but if the survivors are good you're probably going to have a hard time.

Even if some other maps have lots of covers, there are many open areas too, and sometimes you have to go through them to reach survivors fixing a gen. An example: The gen which always spawns close to a gate and the killer shack on Azarov's Resting Place. There is no way to surprise a survivor there. Killer's models are also bigger, so you can't hide on smaller covers like the survivors do. This is why I find playing the Pig on Autohaven Wreckers pretty frustrating. And good luck playing Scratched Mirror Myers on Blood Lodge.

Also, there are 5 cornfield maps, and while it's useful for hiding survivors, not as much for killers. It counters stalking too, so good luck for any Ghostface there.


Survivors have some perks that give them information, but only ONE is an issue here. And it's Object of Obsession. Many players are equipping OoO on PTB because they know it ruins Ghostface. But honestly, it pretty much ruins the fun on The Pig too. I like playing Pig because of her sneaking and charge attack, but she doesn't have the aura reading protection The Shape has on Tier I. So, if a survivor has Object of Obsession, you can't sneak up on him at all. And if it's SWF with a single person using this perk, playing stealthy is completely useless, they will always know where you are because their friend with OoO is telling them.

A perk allowing to counter a killer ability to some extent is one thing (like Dead Hard for Nurse), but a perk making the ability completely useless for the whole match is too much. And unfun for the killer.

The difference is: The Pig loses one of her abilities, but she still has RBT s and her charge attack for chases. Ghostface, on the other hand... poor M1 boi.


That's why I believe that:

  1. The Pig should have protection against aura reading while crouched, just like Tier I myers. Let's not forget that she can't be crouched all the time because she gets slower. So, it wouldn't be unbalanced.
  2. The Ghost should get the protection when his power is active.
  3. This game needs more maps fitting for sneaking and stealth gameplay. It would also make more fun. Not only on new maps, but the upcoming map update should consider this.

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  • Member Posts: 8,864

    Honestly, handing out T1 myers lvl anti-tracking could actually be pretty nice on other stealth type killers while using their stealth abilities. Your right about many maps not giving any chance toward stealth manuvers though, or rather mindgames in general. I hate looping around waste high debris for example, because theres no point during the loop where the survivor loses sight of you, so its completely brainless. You just have to run in a circle until you eat a pallet and hope theres not alot more similar brainless pallets around.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Yeah, that's a problem too. You can't mindgame those loops at all. Autohaven Wreckers and Haddonfield are the most problematic on this.

    But at least it seems the devs acknowledged the problem with the loops. On one of their streams, they said they will fix the walls with spaces you can see through on the map update, because they don't favor mindgames and "work like a fence". I hope they do something about the actual fences too.

  • Member Posts: 1,858

    That's good to hear, Michael Myers and any Stealth Character are great additions and really make the game the funnest out of other killers

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    I'm really glad to read this. Looking foward to it.

  • Member Posts: 112

    @Janick THANK

    YOU <3 I’m glad it’s being acknowledged

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    @Janick Please don't forget our Wraith boy..

  • Dev Posts: 170

    stealth killer(s)... Yes

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @Janick Thank you :D huge QoL fix for stealth killers

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Also, the point of view should be raised to the actual eyelevel on killers. Pig for example cant look over tall grass when crouching, even though her model clearly stands out of it.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Stealth detection and aura reading perks have nothing to do with why stealth killers aren't viable as hardly anyone runs them anyway. The thing ruining stealth killers is as you mentioned, map design. There are very few maps that they actually work on as too many maps have huge open space to see the killer coming easily.

    It's secondly map design because most stealth killers have no map mobility or loop counters. You can be as stealthy as you want it isn't going to make them viable. There are too many loops always within reach. If a stealth killer can't reliably get a hit out of stealth, there stealth isn't good enough.

    Along with maps getting fixed to better suit them, most all the stealth killers need large improvements to make their stealth more viable.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Yeah, that's really annoying. You can't even see your target after crouching.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Aura reading perks might not be such constant as the map problem, but they are a big part of the problem too. Object of Obsession may not be used as much as MoM, Self-care and Dead Hard, but is still used, and anytime you face it with The Pig (or now Ghostface too), it will make your power useless, even at Lery's Memorial Institute.

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited June 2019

    For some reason everyone forgets about him when talking about stealth :(

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2019

    When it comes to aura reading, yes stealth killers/Insidious need some protections in place.

    When it comes to Spine Chill/Prem, HELL NO. There perks are made to counter killer stealth tactics. The reason T1 Myers is an exception is because he moves at 105% speed so it would be completely game breaking for him if you were told he is coming to get you.


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