I think I'm giving up on survivor.

At least until rank reset is removed. Red/Purple ranks, to me, even if it's against Billy and Nurse all the time, at least I can more or less count on team mates who aren't complete bots. Not 100% of the time...but being put back to rank 12/13...my teammates are all idiots. Literally, all of them. Can't run a killer for more than 10 seconds, can't hit a skill check. Like, why is rank reset a thing? Why is matchmaking based on rank and not skill still a thing?
BHVR, please. You're a Montreal game studio. You're making us look bad with your nonsense decisions.
I had a game where I looped the killer for like 3 mins straight in the beginning, got hooked and saw all of my teammates literally running around the map. I’m sure you could imagine how that game ended.
10 -
i hate rank reset because i go up against newer killers and it makes me feel bad
i do not know why this is a monthly thing
7 -
Funny how it's always the rest of the people who play bad. Not me, of course. Them.
6 -
Funny how almost everyone can relate to this, and it's not just me. Funny how you came here to be condescending and add absolutely nothing of substance to the conversation. Funny how you're so edgy. :D
Legitimately, though. It's one of the biggest problems with rank reset. You're either a solo with boosted team mates who urban evade everywhere, or you're a team of god tier survivors bullying a baby killer.
7 -
That's actually my point.
"Everyone" relates to this. If everyone is so good, and the rest are so bad, how come "everyone" suffers from it? How come all the "everyones" don't run into each other in the lobbies as randos?
Oh, I know. That's because only the good ones are here posting. And the bad ones don't.
4 -
Besides, what substance do you want to add to your already substance-less rant?
"Everyone out there play like idiots"
Sure, you're open for a highly intellectual discussion.
3 -
It's a mixed bag like any multiplayer game when you're flying solo. I had a ton of fun tonight as a solo survivor at rank 12 after the reset. Had a few really skilled Huntresses and some not so skilled killers. Some teammates hid in lockers for no reason and others were super aggressive. No different than usual, to be honest.
2 -
what is this pedantic nonsense?
it's pretty well known that rank reset tends to match experienced players with inexperienced ones and it's one of the reasons why it's such a badly designed function
normally i'd agree that constantly blaming your team for sucking is a case of dunning-kreuger but in the case of rank reset there's plenty of substance for thinking your teammates aren't very good
8 -
Just be glad you're not the worst player every game.
3 -
Personally I enjoy rank reset. I have a couple of games after a month that I FINALLY get to see some killer variety and not just the same 4 killers every game(nurse, billy, spirit, huntress). I also get to enjoy a much more relaxing and fun game instead of insanely sweaty killers(or survivors, trust me I play killer too) I mean... They don't have any reason to rank up. All you get is more tryhard jerks most the time(on occasion you do get a fun and interesting killer/survivor to face off against, I do enjoy some good mindgames vs a good player) but I feel like ranking up just isn't fun and doesn't feel rewarding. I feel rewarded with ######### games and picky killers(like refuses to play vs survivors with items or just types of survivors).
3 -
I see lower ranks as a solo practice zone. If all my teammates are bad then I can use their mistakes to gain the emblem scores I need to pip. As long as I get that I can worry about survival once my teammates are at least on the same level as myself.
0 -
If you were R1 on the 12th, you'll be R10 on the 13th.
Do you know who else is playing R10 on the 13th?
R1 and R2 from the day before.
Where are all those "bad" players coming from?
If you had posted this on the 20th without having played a single day after reset, yes, you would be matched with people that were probably way under your ranking before reset, IF they played a lot and ranked up on those 7 days.
Otherwise, it's just parroting stuff without substance.
2 -
idk if you know how rank reset works but people in the lower ranks don't drop as much as you do
this means if you're rank 1 and drop to rank 10 you'll also have people who are ranks 13 and 14 on your team because of how matchmaking currently works
not sure there's a point in typing this to you though since you don't seem to really understand how rank works but want to be pedantic anyway
6 -
Lol, sure. Since they changed the rank you're dropped to, I've not been matched with people under R10 on the 13th of the month.
Maybe your argument could stand if R1 dropped all the way down to R15, such as it was before. Do you remember that?
But anyway yeah, it's always the rest of the guys who need to step up their game.
2 -
if by "always" you mean one day out of the month, then sure
i'm currently rank 11 and have had rank 14s and 13s in literally all of my solo queue games since reset
you should really get a better understanding of this topic before you accuse other people of having confirmation bias
6 -
I enjoy it. It lets lower level survivors see how to rank up by you shining like a star in a cold, dark realm. That, or you get chased for 3 minutes and die because no one wants to do anything. It's usually between those 2.
0 -
I specifically stated the 13th of the month. Meaning rank reset just happened and all the R1s are playing TODAY at R10.
I even said your argument would be valid on the 20th under certain conditions, but yeah, you can just keep thinking whatever you want.
I'm out, good luck finding good players out there.
1 -
I had a game that i saved this nea and i got well make he just keep running without looking behind that what i hate the most that ppl dobt look that have heal speed boost or bt but nah mate this is why its a problem with rank reset they should think of how they did good deathgarden with it
0 -
That's why people should finally ignore ruin and at least try to hit this damn hex skill checks.
1 -
Take a week off for all the ranks to settle.
0 -
And everyone is surprised that there are a lot of 4 men SWFs ,lol.
2 -
It can definitely be painful. It had got to the point I was anchoring teams. I'm mediocre at best and was the one holding ######### together.
1 -
Ofc, you think people can't count 1 plus 1? If you run the killer for straight 3+ minutes while beeing efficient with pallets and tried to keep the strongest up, get downed while 1 single gen was done, noone tries to rescue you, all urban evading around and once spottet they get downed in 10 seconds by a M1 killer even near pallets. U wanna say that Im the bad player in this match? F off man. Everyone experienced it and everyone knows it. Even killer mains. To many potatoes are playing this game and it's extremely frustrated in solo Q to have them in your team against a decent killer.
1 -
Had a game where we all died, a Claudette and myself were the only ones getting stuff done...Gens, Unhooks etc...we both died at the very end with about 24K Bloodpoints made (60k from WGLF & Double BP event) the other teammates? 3k and a DC....