Rank System Proposal

This rank system reminded me of the famous game I played. I know there's still an imbalance.
My suggestion is;
- Rank 1 [1500h++]
- Rank 2 [900h - 1449h]
- Rank 3 [750h - 899h]
- Rank 4 [600h - 749h]
- Rank 5 [450h - 599h]
- Rank 6 [350h - 449h]
- Rank 7 [250h 349h]
- Rank 8 [200h - 249h]
- Rank 9 [175h - 199h]
- Rank 10 [150h - 174h]
- Rank 11 [130h - 149h]
- Rank 12 [115h - 129h]
- Rank 13 [100h - 114h]
- Rank 14 [85h - 99h]
- Rank 15 [65h - 84h]
- Rank 16 [45h - 64h]
- Rank 17 [35h - 44h]
- Rank 18 [25h - 34h]
- Rank 19 [11h - 24h]
- Rank 20 [0,1m - 10h]
These figures are examples, A person's experience is always revealed by training and working. Share your thoughts on this topic suggestion. (:
Hours played isn't always a good indicator of skill gained.
Plenty of AFKers out there, plenty of people who depip deliberately because they can't handle higher ranks consistently.
They really need to fix the emblems so that efficient killers aren't punished, and thus forced to stay in ranks below their skill, but otherwise the ranks are decently balanced until you hit red.
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Afk I don't know the topic but if the player shortage is detected the old system will continue to match as continued. When I have a job I sometimes forget that the game is open, and I agree.