The problem with the MoM nerf.

I sometimes get completely random protection hits and whenever I take a hit sometimes I don’t get a protection hit. (You can also get a protection hit while you’re hooked.)
The conditions to earn a protection should be as follows:
- There must be a survivor within 8 meters from you.
- That survivor can not be downed or hooked.
- Take damage from the killer when you're not hooked.
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I thought it was taking a hit when the killer is chasing someone else and you get hit (whether it's actual protection or not).
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Protection scoring is limited to the first survivor hit.
This is why you sometimes won't get a stack when bodyblocking a hook.
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@AetherBytes I sometimes get them without even getting hit so it is probably bugged.
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Apply your idea to my idea and we should have a good protection detection system!
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@Visionmaker but why do I randomly get a protection hit?
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I dunno, sometimes you heal someone from dying because you took a hit. That should still be protection.
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I have the same issue. I never understand protection hits since they seem bugged.
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it sounds like less of a problem with the mettle nerf itself and more of a problem of protection hit detection
it's been wonky for a long time so hopefully they put some effort into fixing how they work too
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Yeah protection detection is messed up.
There's time where I stand right next to an injured survivor (at the gate for example), the killer walks up and hits me and I get no stack for WGLF. The only way that genuinely seems 100% consistent is taking a hit while the killer is carrying someone.