It currently costs $87USD for a new player to purchase all currently released characters.

Tower_XVI Member Posts: 109

So I was telling a coworker today about this crazy murder game I play way too much and really trying to sell him on it. I was thinking about buying it for him when I actually stepped back and looked at the current store situation for DbD. I've been playing this game since it was only Trapper/Wraith/Hillbilly and pretty much buy every DLC as it comes out. Seven dollars every few months doesn't seem like a huge deal for me but I imagine the startup cost looks incredibly daunting for a new player trying to get into the game who happens to be unlucky enough to miss a sale.

Since we're currently celebrating our year 3 anniversary, wouldn't it make sense to create some sort of Year1 and Year2 character bundles just like Rainbow Six Siege does? It could help new players catch up on content without an insane initial asking price. I personally wouldn't be offended if people were able to buy older killers and survivors for cheaper than I paid honestly, especially if it helps bring people in.

Any thoughts?


  • Akisohida
    Akisohida Member Posts: 16

    And yet some of the Killers are nowhere near worth buying, IMO. (I'm looking at you, Plague, Legion, & upcoming Ghost Face)

  • Tower_XVI
    Tower_XVI Member Posts: 109

    I really feel like the collective bitterness of the playerbase is making us miss the point a bit.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Agreed. Everything does go on sale from time to time, but I'd appreciate if they made it easier. There should be a $60 all DLC included bundle every anniversary or Christmas period.

    I religiously buy all of the DLCs on sale, but I'd imagine it feels pretty crappy for new players.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I wouldn't mind seeing a bundle pack with like all original characters released so far. Maybe make it a "special edition" like the console version that came with The Spark of Madness and Of Flesh and Mud chapters.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I certainly wouldn't oppose it.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I agree, some discount would be beneficial (I’d like to think) to drawing new players to the community...perhaps even throw another freebie into the game much like the Huntress, whom was originally a DLC purchasable. Once hooked, these players will still bring in revenue by purchasing skins and other in-game character content.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited June 2019

    It isn't "pay to win" but having more than half the game locked behind DLC paywalls is getting a bit insane, and it's more than just a little daunting for new players.

    I have a new friend starting out who's been playing mostly killer. Every time they ask me a question about which perks are best I feel like I'm just saying "X, Y and Z locked DLC." They like Nurse but don't like most of the other default unlocked killers, they ask me which ones they'd like and again X, Y and Z locked character." They're incredibly put off that you're expected to spend at every turn, and $10 AUD is a lot to spend on a game that you already bought every time you want to be able to use a character.

    Surely AT LEAST older DLC packs could get vastly reduced. Many games decrease in price over time, but all of these packs are still charging the same rates that they did day 1.

    It also wouldn't hurt to at least bump PC up to the same base game as console, including Doctor/Feng and Hag/Ace. It's really sad that Feng basically comes with the perfect perks for a brand new player but they'll probably never be used like that. By the time anyone ever gets Technician, they're past the stage that it's useful. Similar to WoO.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933
    edited June 2019

    I bought all of the original killers with shards. I've had the game since launch, but I started playing only around 5 or 6 months ago. It doesn't take too long to save up shards. @se05239

    EDIT: I forgot to mention I play on console. We got Hag and Doctor for free. It may take a bit longer to get all of the dlc if you play on PC.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I REALLY want some way for the Devs to create a profile of every player so that they can hop from the console to the PC and still have everything they've already earned, it would help players transition from one platform to another.

    Having Bundles for the DLC would help newer players so they don't have to spend as much money just to start the damn game.

    Not only do you have to buy the DLC but you have grind each one of those characters to get their perks. Newer players wouldn't know what they're doing and probably not know to get Leatherface first.

    Year 1 Bundle, Year 2 Bundle, Novice Killer Bundle(Leatherface, Hag) etc

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The only thing really keeping me on the PS4 version is the lack of cross progression. If that ever happens, I will gladly jump ship.

  • Nyghtmaremoon
    Nyghtmaremoon Member Posts: 25

    Halloween the game and DLCs were like 50% off I think. I guess it will be again.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    The problem with the idea of having a bundle thats a fixed price but ever expanding is...The developers have to receive compensation for their work. At least with this game, the developer's have allowed an alternative method to unlocking DLC characters and perks. This is pretty rare if you look at others.

    With a game like COD for example, if you dont have the same DLC as everyone else, the playerbase gets split and you simply dont ge to play with them. No amount of grinding changes that. You dont get to unlock a lootbox through gameplay which gives you a mappack.

    With this game, the developers try to make each DLC priced pretty fairly. Ive been playing since October, and even though Ive bought several perks from the shrine, as well as Plaugue using shards, I still have over 20k. As a killer main, that means im set for the next 2 killers (6 months) before I have to worry about it, and by that time...Ill have gotten even more shards.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Why would a new player want all characters at once anyway?

  • Tower_XVI
    Tower_XVI Member Posts: 109

    They could run into killers they find interesting as a survivor, watch streamers play killers they're interested in, or need perks from killers they dont' have. Just about every killer has at least one useful perk, and the SoS only updates once a week.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited June 2019

    I think thats why they implemented the iridescent shards system. 2 characters almost 3 per devotion level.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Your friend can completely live without Legion, Plague, Ghostface, Freddy and Piggy (arguably).

    Maybe he can buy certain characters with shards, and perks in the shrine.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    Just have him unlock everyone else using shards. If he likes the game enough he'll be playing it more than enough to do so eventually, leaving only certain killers and suvivors in Auric Cell territory.

    If he ends up not liking the game the default options are more than enough for everyone playing less than 100 hours.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited June 2019

    Iridescent Shards

    I have a friend who is determined to unlock all that he can and not a pay a penny on the game.

    Doesn't get you everything sure, but most the Meta and/or "OP" perks or just better perks in general are all unlockable for essentially free, you even get 3 of the best killers for free.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    The Nintendo Switch release seems like it's going to bundle all the non-licensed killers up through Spirit into the initial price tag. 2 years ago when the PS4 version came out, they did the same thing (albeit far fewer characters lol) and the pc version at that time got a simultaneous bundle that was $30 instead of $15 or $20 but had the same amount of content in it. I could see them doing this kind of thing again for their original content.

    Unfortunately, the licensed content is probably not something they can get put into some sort of bundle.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Been here since day 1, and i also don't care if they decide to make a bundle for it.

    I mean, if i should get angry for every time a game or DLC goes cheaper or on sale, i can be mad at almost every game i own currently.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Meh, why does it matter that it's 87$?

    Anyone coming into this game needs to be told it's content that's been slowly released over 3 years, additionally over half the content can be bought using in-game currency that you earn via playing.

  • PwnyFish
    PwnyFish Member Posts: 70

    Mmh, The only issue I see is with the perks. They are only available in the Shrine of Secret or if you buy it, which kinda sucks and is getting close to a pay2win.

    I mean, I bought some of the latest DLCs like Pig, Clown, Legion and Plague just because I wanted the perks. The killers are rather weak and disappointing.

    A better way to get to the teachable perks would actually be really nice(a non random way or at least less random)

    Even 2 shrines, 1 for killers and 1 for survivors would be better.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited June 2019

    Its $36 for all of the licensed DLC, Shape, Freddy, and Pig are all $7, Ash, Ghostface, and Leatherface are $5 each. Everything else can be gained through Shards at 9000 per unlocked character, and you obtain 9000 for every 30 hours of gameplay. So to obtain both the killer and survivor for each of the DLC's you can get with shards that currently comes to 360 hours of gameplay. Say Gamers play for an average of 2 hours a day, that would mean that they would get all of the current characters in 6 months of play, while other less devoted gamers will achieve this in under or about a year. Its a grind for sure, but not so terrible in comparison to other games with grind mechanics that would eat up a year of time while requiring their players to play an average of 4 hours per day to get what they want without spending money (cough "Warframe" cough). On top of that the licensed DLC sets aren't necessary, of them only 1 is a good/decent killer so far (waiting for the final verdict on GF), and their teach-able Perks often pop up in the shrine (aside from BBQ&Chilli) which can also be purchased with shards. Overall, you're looking at just under a year of play to get all of the current DLC characters that can be purchased with shards, and most if not all of their teachables from the shrine.

    There's no need to spend $87 for every DLC character, and they also tend to go on sale for around $3-5 during seasonal sale's events. So my suggestion is to wait for a sale if wanting to purchase any of the Licensed DLC characters, and just play regularly to grind for the rest if you don't want to spend any more money on the game.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Would be nice to see a "bundle" of sorts but the DLC typically goes on sale following big releases anyway. Also unless you are dead set on the characters in question you really don't need to spend any money on the game (aside from initial purchase).

  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2019

    I'm sorry, what? Six months (or half a year for those that find one way of explaining it more intense than the other) isn't that much of a grind? A year for those we aren't dedicated?

    There was a crappy mobile game that I used to play for a bit that had a lot of issues, but the worst one was the grind. You had to collect pieces to upgrade a troop, but the only way to get pieces (outside of a roulette wheel or paying them upwards of $50 or more for their 'bundles') was to set a task for pieces. Every six hours, you would get between two and six pieces, but most often two. Eight to twenty-four pieces a day (if you maximize your time) doesn't seem that bad until I tell you that the best troops that only gave you two to six pieces need either 250, 500, or 1000 pieces to upgrade them. We did the math, and it ended up being nearly a year depending on how many you needed and that was WITH you maximizing your time.

    Grinding to get things for free should be an effort, but it shouldn't be such an effort that it takes so much of a person's time for a pitiful reward.

    I just recently got to 9k Shards and I was excited because I can get a new Killer, only to remember that the licensed killers require actual money. Still excited, I looked over all my choices and...I still have my 9k shards because I'm not interested in any of the killers.

    I may spend my shards if I can find perks in the Shrine worth my time, but honestly I doubt there are any perks that will make the Doctor more viable.

  • Pudding
    Pudding Member Posts: 70

    yeah.. and having the same price for a full (purple rarity) outfit is okay too because hey... 21k shards on some and you got it :)

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    DLCs have gone on sale for ps4, but that only happened a few times. Is it bad that my heart actually skipped a beat when I saw the number? As someone in debt from school, this just makes me depressed.

    I like the idea of shards, but yeah they are annoyingly hard to get. If there was another way besides leveling, that would be awesome. I prefer this to spending actual money, but I'm wasting my life trying to get the required amount of shards. It just isn't worth it then.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    As I good remember the switch version will have 10 survivors and 9 killers? Something like that.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You don´t have to buy them all at once. Just buy the base game and add a chapter if it convinces you.

    There are games out there, where the whole content costs 250+$

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287

    I mean, I got nearly 7000 shards yesterday alone. Granted I played for like 8 hours in a bloodpoint binge, but still.

  • Tower_XVI
    Tower_XVI Member Posts: 109

    I understand what people are saying about the shards, and I appreciate that it's an option. However I beg everyone to consider that methods for acquiring content don't need to be exclusive. Having that option for those wanting to spend nothing and just earn through game time is absolutely great! However, I think that the F2P elements would work beautifully alongside content bundles as well.

    I also understand that there are games whose content is even more cost prohibitive, and I think it's a huge bummer because that's definitely been a strong consideration of mine when looking into new games. I just hate to think someone would be turned off to this by seeing the vast majority of the game locked away initially with no real feasible buy-in.

    The input has been superb though, and I love that everyone's been really level-headed with their experiences and opinons.

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287

    Look at it this way - all the survivors are the same, and there's only 3 killers worth a damn. All the best survivor perks come from base game survivors. There. Cheap game.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,010

    All things considered, $87 is not that much. Especially when the game offers plenty of ways to earn the majority of its content completely for free.

    The best killers and survivors are all free, anyway.

  • browalker15
    browalker15 Member Posts: 93

    And they can take my money each and every damn time! Unless of course the make a killer on par with the previous version of Ghostface. Then no.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    In the same position as you. A friend at work who always hated the look of the game got it on games pass and likes it but stated that outside of micheal he doesnt want to buy all he individual packs

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    You don't have to buy every killer and survivor all at once

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    ummm, you get shards pretty often. Dont know what other people are trying to say, if you really enjoyed this game, and played it often enough to be able to consider PURCHASING characters, then you more than likely have the shards to do so

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,010

    Nor should you, considering how much time investment it takes to make any one of them viable.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I wouldn't mind but I don't think it will happen since all original killers are grindable and all licensed have set costs because of the license.