Entity Blocker Broken For How Long Now?

It's been a few months that Entity Blocking/Bamboozle have been broken and not working. Why is it there is 0 discussion about it or mention from the devs about a fix? Guarantee if DS had an issue it'd be fixed within a week and hotfixed. As well as many other survivor perks/mechanics. Why has this been allowed for so long?
Curious. When does this happen exactly?
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Randomly the entity blockers won't stop you from vaulting and you go right through them. Not sure if anything specifically triggers it
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It's completely random, and many survivors are totally aware of it. It just randomly doesn't work. Both the 3 vault block and Bamboozle. It'll show the effect, the sound, everything but the prompt shows and you can still vault it.
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It'll be fixed after sounds. See what I did there?
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I haven't played the ptb, but according to the notes, they did something about it. So hopefully, it will be fixed when the next patch comes out.
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If I overlooked it in the notes, that's my bad. Here's hoping they did.
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as far as i know none of that appears on the survivor's pov. some people dont track their own vaults during chase and are more focused on what the killer is doing.
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Well, windows in overall are broken,
not only for survivors..
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Yeah, actually this bug already happened since the clown is introduced. However the bug only happened 1 time in 100 match. Nowadays, this bug happened just like 1 time in 10 match.
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There are times when you see the blocker, and it pops up and you can just go right through it. It's like the grab bug. Been around forever, they refuse to acknowledge or fix it. Though if this one is getting fixed, great.
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“Guarantee if DS had an issue it'd be fixed within a week and hotfixed.”
You mean DS that doesn’t work if you are right under the hook, from some grabs or for whatever other reason?
I agree that entity blocker is a problem, just don’t turn this into “us vs them”.
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You guarantee theyd do it if it was DS?
You sound a little one sided.
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That's disgusting.
Why does it never work in my favor like this as the killer? :(
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There is a bug with bamboozle aswell, it happens that the visuals doesn't appear and unless you heard the bamboozle sound effect (which happens to be difficult since the sound is broken for how many months) u will look like a rank 20 trying to vault it.
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I see it happen a lot, I almost always run Bamboozle and it kinda ######### me over here and there. I'll see the window "Blocked" and the survivor will just vault through it anyways.
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DS is bugged though. You can hook them/be hooked before the ds registers.
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Had it happen again just now.
Weird to me since i never had it, now it happened twice in 2 days.
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Didn't know it was bugged, never run it.
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@BadMrFrosty They... uh... they fixed sounds in the next update.
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Lmao so basically never, devs #1 priority should be the sound, but it seems like they're just making the sounds worse and worse by every patch with their so called "fixes"
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@Caretaker I do. That's how I know its bugged (also seen it happen to streamers).