DS is useless if it's 60 seconds.

How about we change it so if you're the next person downed, you can use DS.
I get the point of "60 seconds" but it's so niche, that that goes by so quickly before you notice it. I think this change would be much more useful than 60 seconds since it doesn't put you on a clock to get downed or vice versa.
DS still punishes killers who dont tunnel.
So no,thanks.
If you can last more than 60 seconds after getting unhooked you dont need the perk,maybe you're better than you think.
13 -
Run up to the killer and teabag them.
You'll get to use it pronto.
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Yeah that's a no from me chief, that 60 seconds is so easily abusable at high ranks as it is, it should honestly run out when 60's is over when downed. I'll have downed dudes randomly body block for another guy, pick them up, and get stunned into oblivion because I was so focused on downing another dude that I won't notice it and it's already too late. It's gonna be even worse when Enduring gets changed to only be pallet stuns, DS is punishing enough already especially now that the obsession 60% of the time for me doesn't even have an obsession perk.
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So then you didnt got tunneled? LOL
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60sec is fine. The only thing that they should do is to freeze the timer while in chase and when slugged
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DS is STILL very strong, this topic has been covered plenty...why not look for the content you’re posting about that already exists before making a new thread? Yes, it’s great against tunneling killers, but it’s also great against killers not tunneling. A killer can down and hook 2 other people...come back after you, and your DS timer has not expired yet. There will always be suggestions from both sides, but in my opinion the Devs have this one well balanced. Any tweaks in either direction would heavily favor one side more than the other.
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It's fine as is. It's only problem is it can punish killers for when the survivor is the only one found after unhooking, or they did a stupid and accidentally blocked a hit.
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It is fine.
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Slugging is the counter play. It shouldn’t freeze while you’re being chased.
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To be honest, I think DS could be changed to a drastically shorter time, but will not expire when slugged.
A Killer who downs the unhooked person and keeps them on the ground for 60 seconds still tunneled.
And a Killer who goes after other persons and then downs and picks up the Survivor who got unhooked 58 seconds ago, is not tunneling, but will still get hit by DS.
Something like 15-20 seconds would sound ok.
Or, to make something from the idea OP provided:
When you are the next person who is downed, DS will activate and will be active until hooked or used.
When you are not the next person who gets downed, DS will become inactive.
(But the problem here is that in theory the unhooked person can have DS the whole game ready, when no one else gets downed. So I would prefer the time instead of the condition)
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DS is absolutely fine as it is now, plus it's getting buffed into ignoring Enduring next week. It doesn't need anything else.
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Nah, at that point it's less to do with being tunnelled and more to do with the issues old DS had. If you're running them for a full minute timer, then you don't NEED an extra hit to draw out the match, gens should be getting done. If you're just found again after a minute, consider swapping it for perks like Iron Will.
Gotta remember that there's 4 survivors and the game's balanced around people dying, not everyone being guaranteed a survival every time they feel like the killer did something they don't like. Chances are nobody going down for over a minute have made it much more likely 3 other people will live.
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The only issue with the changes being discussed here about it not freezing when slugged is that if this goes live, killers will just let you bleed out.
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Going to be honest, the end of your last sentence kinda sounds like you’re salty that you don’t get to use DS every match.
The perk does not need any buffs. The only thing DS needs is to deactivate once the Survivor interacts with something so it doesn’t punish the Killer for just happening to only find that Survivor.
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Or since it's in the description only activate it on last hook so the killer cannot immeadtly kill you
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If you dont get hit in 60 seconds you weren't tunneled. If you dont get picked up you got slugged. There are perks for both.