Leatherface’s Chainsaw Strength

olibob06 Member Posts: 26
edited May 2018 in General Discussions
Leatherface at release was a brilliant killer, as few knew how to counter his chainsaw. Now, at better ranks, his ability seems near useless, the chainsaw doesn’t really help in a chase unless there are no windows or pallets around, like in the center of Shelter Woods or small areas in Gas Heaven. I don’t know if it’s because i’m not great as him, or if others feel the same about his power. 

Please comment if you feel the same, and please leave suggestions below about how he could be balanced to fit in with better ranks.


  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405
    edited May 2018

    I feel the same. He's the fourth worst killer imo right in front of Wraith, Trapper and, Freddy. I'd like his power to have more mind-games so that good players can profit, one suggestion I saw was to have him be able to just tap m2 to make a sound as if the chainsaw was being charged (without the slow). Survivors would go for another loop and give LF a free hit.

  • olibob06
    olibob06 Member Posts: 26
    Techn0 said:

    I feel the same. He's the fourth worst killer imo right in front of Wraith, Trapper and, Freddy. I'd like his power to have more mind-games so that good players can profit, one suggestion I saw was to have him be able to just tap m2 to make a sound as if the chainsaw was being charged (without the slow). Survivors would go for another loop and give LF a free hit.

    Yeah i agree with your idea of the tap mindgame, but in my opinion he’s honestly better than Freddy, Trapper and Wraith. At the moment he’s the worst killer for me.
  • Knights_Hospitallers
    Knights_Hospitallers Member Posts: 5

    Besides hook camping he is very weak yeah.
    Ive been playing him lately just because him and myers are my only high leveled killers (just prestiged 2)
    and i almost never have a chance to, or ever use, his chainsaw.
    Once in a while ill see scratches leading to a hooked person and will get to saw down one of them, but besides those rare instances is garbage.
    Penalty time is very long, and the acceleration addons i think would be good (the chilis) don't work.

  • olibob06
    olibob06 Member Posts: 26

    Besides hook camping he is very weak yeah.
    Ive been playing him lately just because him and myers are my only high leveled killers (just prestiged 2)
    and i almost never have a chance to, or ever use, his chainsaw.
    Once in a while ill see scratches leading to a hooked person and will get to saw down one of them, but besides those rare instances is garbage.
    Penalty time is very long, and the acceleration addons i think would be good (the chilis) don't work.

    You pretty much sum up what I mean, the penalty is huge and the chili add-ons need a slight buff. About you being P2 as him, what do you think of his bloody sledge? I honestly don’t really like it as there is little difference to the original cosmetic but i’d like to hear your thoughts :)
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    LF is simply a worse Billy. You essentially need to buttride the Survivors to get his power to work, at about the same distance you could easily just slash them with Billy.

    Not to mention most of his addons are completely useless. All of the addons that increase his speed are absolutely useless unless you double stack them, and even then it is probably just better for you to get accurate and play Billy.

  • DrDannieburger
    DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

    LF really struggles with map pressure. That's his problem. He has no good mobility, and no efficient way to slow people down like Trapper would. His chainsaw is great in certain situations, but chase-wise, you have to be in the right place in the right time. He's a very situational killer that is often rendered power-less purely because of the map layout and his inability to actually use his saw with exception to advanced mindgames.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Leatherfaces power is to destroy dropped pallets faster and camp.

    That's it. He sucks with everything else but he's an easy to use killer.

  • I feel like Leatherface chain saw is good with add ons, without them, HORRIBLE even if you catch your little friend in a dead zone( An area without nothing)

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Leatherface's power design has been pretty faulty since day 1.
    It's rather bland and unnefficient. He's basically a nerf Billy with an AoE and an harder to miss rush, but that slows you down.

    I don't quite get the appeal for this guy, especially since he's TALLER than Billy, making him easier to spot during a lot of loops, especially because he's YELLOW.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    they need to buff his charging speed to 100% MS to stay on par with billy's charge, which comes with a lot of other benefits.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @yeet said:
    they need to buff his charging speed to 100% MS to stay on par with billy's charge, which comes with a lot of other benefits.

    Imo, they should give him an option to press M2 during his chainsaw rush, to dash in straight line over a fixed distance (like, 8 meters or so).
    That would give him some jumpscare factor, and some mindgames as well as the possibility to outplay more.

  • DarXide
    DarXide Member Posts: 81

    The problem with Leatherface is like others have said, his acceleration add-on's that are supposed to allow him to cover more ground don't actually do what they say. There's a video on the subreddit that showed the acceleration was merely more of a placebo or it isn't working as intended.

    There's also the fact that the chainsaw slows you down when you charge it so you have to be right on their ass for the chainsaw to even hit which doesn't even make sense.

    There's also the fact you can't throttle his chainsaw like you can Billy's. I have been severely ######### over by letting go of the charge a half second too early because I was trying to get the chainsaw off faster than I thought making it so the Survivor can now loop me even longer than they were supposed to.

  • olibob06
    olibob06 Member Posts: 26
    @Runvier said:

    Leatherface's power design has been pretty faulty since day 1.
    It's rather bland and unnefficient. He's basically a nerf Billy with an AoE and an harder to miss rush, but that slows you down.

    I don't quite get the appeal for this guy, especially since he's TALLER than Billy, making him easier to spot during a lot of loops, especially because he's YELLOW.

    Suprisingly he’s also the tallest character IN THE GAME. This limits his power to mindgame the survivors even more, as you can see him over most obstacles in maps such as Autohaven Wreckers.

    It also grants him the spot as the worst killer in DBD as even Freddy and The Hag are stronger than him.

    I believe he needs a rework like The Doctor Cube (Not the highly disappointing Wraith Cube) so that better ranks are able to play him and be able to rank up. He needs to be made a viable killer. 

    •Remove the slow down at the beginning of the animation and make the charge start with a small speed burst and then a slight slow down.
    This will make him better for mindgames as he could use the beginning charge to his advantage.

    Leatherface is in a loop with a survivor. If he does not try any mindgames, he will have a huge disadvantage in the chase.If he were to fake going towards the boxes, and then use the chainsaw’s speed boost to dash towards Meg, he could cancel it and use his mallet to take a free swing.For comparison, let’s say that this is how far the lunge would travel.

    This would be a great addition to his power, and it would benefit greatly to Leatherface’s strength.
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @olibob06 said:
    @Runvier said:

    Leatherface's power design has been pretty faulty since day 1.

    It's rather bland and unnefficient. He's basically a nerf Billy with an AoE and an harder to miss rush, but that slows you down.

    I don't quite get the appeal for this guy, especially since he's TALLER than Billy, making him easier to spot during a lot of loops, especially because he's YELLOW.

    Suprisingly he’s also the tallest character IN THE GAME. This limits his power to mindgame the survivors even more, as you can see him over most obstacles in maps such as Autohaven Wreckers.

    It also grants him the spot as the worst killer in DBD as even Freddy and The Hag are stronger than him.

    I believe he needs a rework like The Doctor Cube (Not the highly disappointing Wraith Cube) so that better ranks are able to play him and be able to rank up. He needs to be made a viable killer. 

    •Remove the slow down at the beginning of the animation and make the charge start with a small speed burst and then a slight slow down.
    This will make him better for mindgames as he could use the beginning charge to his advantage.

    Leatherface is in a loop with a survivor. If he does not try any mindgames, he will have a huge disadvantage in the chase.If he were to fake going towards the boxes, and then use the chainsaw’s speed boost to dash towards Meg, he could cancel it and use his mallet to take a free swing.For comparison, let’s say that this is how far the lunge would travel.

    This would be a great addition to his power, and it would benefit greatly to Leatherface’s strength.

    What I'd actually like for his power is :
    Interrupting the usual rush, by pressing M2, would make him to DASH forward with his chainsaw, over, let's say, 8 meters, downing any survivor it hits. No more AoE tho, just single target.

    It would give him some tricks and mindgames, as well as a jumpscare factor.

    Not sure about your opinion about the Hag tho.
    In my eyes, Hag is easily in the top 4 of killers in the current meta. And the removal of the vacuum will make her even more effective.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited July 2019


    Post edited by Acromio on
  • Deverer
    Deverer Member Posts: 24

    What makes him so useless is how he walks slower than a survivor when revving the saw. It makes those times when you can actually use the saw so rare against competent survivors. I really wish the actual chainsaw frenzy lasted longer than 3 seconds so you could actually use it better in a chase.

    If not that then just give him at least nurse or survivor speed while revving (Billy is survivor speed when revving for comparison).

    Though if they do anything to buff, probably one thing to balance: If he gets pallet stunned during a chainsaw frenzy, he should go into a tantrum instead of a normal stun. Should be rewarded for hitting that high risk stun.

    However they may have to fix his addons first before they try anything.

    He should be that killer who truly punishes you for bad positioning.

  • Deverer
    Deverer Member Posts: 24

    What makes him so useless is how he walks slower than a survivor when revving the saw. It makes those times when you can actually use the saw so rare agains. I really wish the actual chainsaw frenzy lasted longer than 3 seconds so you could actually use it better in a chase.

    If not that then just give him at least nurse or survivor speed while revving (Billy is survivor speed when revving for comparison).

    Though if they do anything to buff, probably one thing to balance: If he gets pallet stunned during a chainsaw frenzy, he should go into a tantrum instead of a normal stun. Should be rewarded for hitting that high risk stun.

    However they may have to fix his addons first before they try anything.

    He should be that killer who truly punishes you for bad positioning.

  • Deverer
    Deverer Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2018

    (sorry for triple post)

    Post edited by Deverer on
  • Deverer
    Deverer Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2018

    (sorry for triple post)

    Post edited by Deverer on
    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    olibob06 said:
    Leatherface at release was a brilliant killer, as few knew how to counter his chainsaw. Now, at better ranks, his ability seems near useless, the chainsaw doesn’t really help in a chase unless there are no windows or pallets around, like in the center of Shelter Woods or small areas in Gas Heaven. I don’t know if it’s because i’m not great as him, or if others feel the same about his power. 

    Please comment if you feel the same, and please leave suggestions below about how he could be balanced to fit in with better ranks.
    You want play leather face like a pro ?
    Follow th instructions :
    1_pitch perks: iron grasp.agitation.ruin.insidious
    2_down a survivor with your hammer and put them into basement
    3_hide behind lockers
    4_get at least 2 kills 

    Now if they found out about it no matter usually the come down the stairs and they will tbag you after they did that you simply chase them and down them with hammer as well . meanwhile if some1 tried to rescue while your chasing block the entrance then you will see the power of leather face .
    Even in the original movie leather face does the same trick.
    He just waits they will come to him with their own feet but they don't live to tell the tale !!!
  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    I mean he was kinda designed for camping.

    And he has a good perk so that's really the main reason to buy him.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    With the chargeup and cooldown animation for the saw I highly doubt you are any faster than just stomping the pallet away.

    To me it always felt even slower.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm actually running perkless Bubba. Attempting to derank out of red, but it's not really working. Taking pics of my matches, so maybe I'll upload the set later. It's rather surprising how well he does against solo survivors.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Why are you necro'ing?

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    The comment you replied to was posted in 2018 before Freddy's rework.