About MLGA

Is it still safe to use? Or do you risk getting banned?
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0 risk of banning. Eac doesn't care about that + they can't detect it anyway.
@TheBean can explain it to you in detail, he's more like an expert than me.
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You won't get banned for it, ever. Well you "could", but it won't be detected.
The program does nothing that any other network monitoring application doesn't do. It doesn't actually block anything, ALL it does is find the relevant network information (latency, connected IPs) and present it in an overlay. That's it. People that claim it actively "blocks" connecting to people in the first place are hilariously misinformed.
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@Sairek hell, it doesn't even do much of a good job at that, you can change a lot of files, but as long as you're careful and don't screw with any of the core files EAC can not give a #########.
What EAC does give a ######### about is LightingService.exe causing security violations. A system program. I can't play until I shut it down. And shutdown.exe. I shutdown my PC with DbD open and it cries a river of tears about security violations.
In any case, I'd like an answer to this.
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Thanks for the replies everyone
@AetherBytes MLGA stands for Make Lobbies Great Again. Allowing you to determine pings of others. It is mostly used by people to block the ping of those you don't wanna run into again such as people who cheat, camp/tunnel etc.
I'm not an expert either though so probably might have missed something.
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to expand on that, the in-game ping indicator is inaccurate and shows pings as being higher than they are, MLGA allows you to see the more accurate pings of other players
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Since its grey listed, I'd not risk using it. I've never used it anyway, so I don't care too much.
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Can confirm this.
+ MLGA allows you to adjust your playstyle midgame because you can monitor the ping and when you notice lag spikes you know to drop pallets earlier as usual.
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MLGA won't be any good once Dedicated Servers come out since you'll only see the server you are connected to. So you'll only have a few more months to use it.