how is everyone feeling about the event tomorrow?

im pretty excited myself, we've got cosmetic fixes, new killer, an event hopefully similar to the last two with a chance for free/cool stuff and a few minor changes too!
I really hope everyone has fun with the event this time and don't just spam the forums with hate, unless its about event progression because they had a problem with it last time and had to fix it. I wonder what the new stuff will be though? maybe some red eyes for killers? full fleshed out cosmetics? or maybe some of the new charms they've been talking about that be cool, i'd love to see a little entity tendrile hanging of the survivors similar to the rabbit foot on the ace cosmetic!
what are your guy's thoughts on tomorrows event? and what time do you think it'll be released?
I'm kinda shocked that they doing event after 2x bp. It's kinda cool
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im guessing they did it so people would have fun with the event since the second objective usually give a few bloodpoints or maybe its just so everyone wont just run reaaly toxic builds :D
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They probably didn't want all the farming to happen during the event so they did the Bloodpoint bonus early. This event is like super serious bro.
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yeah, that makes a lot of sense it is their anniversary
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Not sure how to feel
It could be almost nothing like presents in the bloodweb again.
No objectives/cosmetics were leaked. Doesn't seem significant at the moment but who knows?
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Event= more BPs so Im excited
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This is how I feel.....because half of this community can be amazing...the rest are spoiled narcissistic brats that ruin matches for others at the drop of the hat.....
Still lacking accountability and a "we're sorry" for these players rage quitting/DCing because they were outplayed/lost/endgame was achieved....
I always start these events hapot and excited...but usually by the last day I'm sick and tired of the players because they're petty AF...
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Says in here we should be getting information either today or tomorrow just before the start.
Meaning i'm not excited, as i don't know what the event will be.
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Just hoping it launches with very few issues. I'm off thursday and friday and hoping to play some.
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wait an event new Pog cosmetics yeee boyyyyyyy