Do you play or Dodge 3-4 Man SWF

It depends for me personally I don't enjoy playing against them, it makes my games a lot harder and ruins the fun for me, especially when they loop none stop and communicate, what about everyone else?
Play. Learn. I like a game that I dont know if I'm going to do well or not.
Why play only on easy wins?
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It depends on which and how many items they are bringing. Playing in a 3-4 SWF is a big advantage in itself.
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If I know the team is good, I'll bring a strong killer. I couldn't care less if they communicate. Good survivors solo queue will know what to do anyway. Looping non stop is THE game, so you really should learn how to counter that by zoning them out or by being able to identify really bad setups and knowing when to drop chase.
I don't dodge SWF.
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I used to dodge SWF a while ago as I got tired of the cheeky messages after every game but not anymore. It takes way too long to get a full lobby so I accept pretty much everything at this point.
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I used to dodge any SWF, but with SWF becoming only more popular, the menu time got longer than play time, so i stopped.
I don't really differ 2-man SWF from 3- or 4-man SWF.
Any SWF party who wants to keep their party alive no matter what is more than welcome actually.
Wraith's really good at punishing that mentality.
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Depends on my mood. I won't normally, but when I play either legion or spirit as a default, it ruins the fun of switching targets as they communicate it instantly and it's easy to tell who I'm going for based on that, after all. For a killer such as Billy it wouldn't be much of an issue, though.
That said, earlier I managed to get an entire 4 man SWF to DC against me and double pipped for it; I was proud. Tinkerer Spirit ftw. :P
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I don't dodge and I don't let a swf determine how or who I play. I make it fun for me and ignore any messages afterwards. If someone is looping me to hell, I leave them and let them follow me around as I pick off their friends.
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It depends on how many toolboxes. 1 or 2 yes. 3 or 4 no. 4 flashlights sure lol.
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I use to dodge keys awhile ago though.
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Depends on how they look.
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I never dodge.
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i play it
- q times suck ass
- i dont rly care if they communicate or not
- the extra challenge can be fun too
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I don't dodge and can only sometimes tell if it is swf. 2, 3 or 4 man. In some scenarios if they are swf you can use it against them. Some of them are overly altruistic.
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I play exclusively SWF. You can wipe us out. It can be done. I have found the things I personally hate actually help us win - hook camping and tunneling - because we know 100% we are safe to do gens. The unpredictable killers that roam after hooking, lure runners into less loopable areas or refuse to chase players running distractions will pick us apart.
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Depends on my mood. Perk synergy and maps are the problem, not SWF. 4x MoM, Adrenaline, DH/BT/DS, and a couple instaheals with a Haddonfield/Badham offering isn't an organic challenge to me. It's just taking advantage of poor foresight on the part of the devs. I'd usually rather play the normal version of a game rather than the BS version.
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i never dodge lobbies
i dc on haddonfield keys though
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I'll dodge depending on my mood at the time. I don't want easy games, but I don't want to deal with the extra stress that swf generates at times. Also I have terrible luck so when I do get SWF it is always one or two red ranks carrying their low rank friends through the climb. Other competitive ranking games put a hard limit to how much of a rank imbalance there can be between teammates. Usually they limit it to within two or three ranks.
Maybe with dedicated servers and changes to the ranking system coming we'll be able to a play where dealing with that stuff is more tolerable.
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Play. Especially double BP events, cuz the fact I main Wraith with silent bell, Plague with Thanataphobia, and Spirit with prayer beads, doesnt matter if its 4 man SWF (im lying it may kinda matter), 3 man SWF, or 2 man SWF, they all fall hands onto my 3 specific mains, because I practiced those those specific 3, and I got good.
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Nope, I dont really care anymore cause a match is a match
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Dodge. Always.
From past experiences it's always just a really boring unfair match with max toxicity. No thanks.
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I play every game because i am looking for a challange. You only get good if you face the best and eventually you can beat them. Playing against weak opponents wont make you a better player.
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It can take me upwards of 15 minutes to find a game. Why the ######### would I dodge when my lobbies take longer than the actual game?
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I'd say alt+f4 on Haddonfield/Badham offerings is good for mental health. It's just never enjoyable.
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I don't even look at the screen while I wait for a lobby so I just need to guess mid game
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Apart from ping dodging due to any legit mechanic in the game shouldn't be allowed from either side.
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I think I have dodged twice in the last 6 months. Both times I remember dodging were 4 P3 Claudettes and just wasnt in the mood for it.
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Play. I usually tab out in lobby and only tab back in when I hear the match starting anyway, check offerings used and play to be honest.
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3-4 flashlights or 3-4 toolboxes? I'll definitely dodge.
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I start lobby / Ready Up/ Walk away to go get a drink/ Enter Match.
Enjoy, try to make the best of it and have fun.
Dodging is not part of my strategy.
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Recently I should be dodging but I'd rather not wait for another lobby.
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for a swf of 3 or 4, i equip prayer beads, yakuyoke amulet, my best build, and then an ebony mori. not cause they can be hard but because i really, really hate survivors. they expect to stomp me? nah, its then who dont get to have fun .
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Nah... But I make their lives MISERABLE.
Dodging ❌
Playing my regular Wraith ❌
Impossible Skill Checks Doc on the Game Map ✅
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No, I never dodge. Developers nerfed killer queueing times to discourage dodging, and it seems to work out. If I identify a 3-4 man SWF team though, I equip my megablink Nurse. You want an easy game? 2 can play that game.