A question for red rank/experienced survivor mains

Before I start, I just wanna clarify that I’m not talking trash or trying to start a flame war. I genuinely want to hear honest answers. Thank you.

My question is: What is fun about playing survivor after you know all the ways to destroy killers?

Gen rush, pallet looping and not falling for mind games are key to winning. I know people who just play survivor to bully with their friends. How’s that fun though? Also, don’t you get bored doing gens? I think it’s really boring. Running loops against m1 killers who have no anti looping ability is also boring to me.

If you’re playing with randoms who are potatoes, it’s not really always the killers skill that killed you, it’s your teammates stupidity. I find that frustrating which is why I don’t usually play solo. I hardly ever play survivor anyways though.


  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    To find new perk builds to run. New ways to play around certain killers. To see what you can get away with.

    Sometimes the aspect of "my teammate may be garbage " in itself makes the game more challenging/dynamic.

    Or let's be honest: grinding that sweet BP to level killers.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Not a survivor main by any means, but I'll chime in. Survivor is much more chill. I don't have to be fully plugged in to succeed. It's not the same game to me. DbD killer and DbD survivor don't scratch the same itch. I know what I'm getting into when I play solo survivor. If I'm not in the mood for it, I just don't play it.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Destroying killers is the fun part, no one likes holding m1 on a gen.

    I mean if looping a killer isn't fun to you then what is ?

  • iTz_KilLaZ_x
    iTz_KilLaZ_x Member Posts: 300

    It’s chill in the sense that you don’t have to sweat but is it fun?

  • iTz_KilLaZ_x
    iTz_KilLaZ_x Member Posts: 300

    It’s not that challenging though. I like a challenge which is why I decided to learn how to play all the killers optimally

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Mind games are never safe, so they continue to be fun. Also finding great looping routes is fun.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Just a game to play with my friends. The game is more intense than any other game I have played before. I personally play with random perks, play with new friends or just set drinking rules while playing it.

    But I propose the same question to killers. How do some killers find it enjoying playing the same killer every single game. I get bored playing a killer for more than 1 or 2 games so I swap to a new one but i constantly see the same killers everywhere and I don't understand it.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    I'm not a survivor main but I thought I'd reply anyway because I play a good amount of both at red ranks. To me they're different games. If a killer is coming at me with a knife with the intent to striketh me down dead, and I'm stuck in a world that I've ran around in for thousands of hours knowing there's a fair chance I won't escape.. yeah, I'll have fun while doing it. There are certain unsaid rules I follow if the killer is playing a fair build, so for example, I won't loop buildings/structures with ######### windows... but I'll definitely do it if I'm getting a good mix of 3 blink range exhaustion bead dying ebony light sweat. I'll probably throw in a few teabags too. It's all in fun, right?

    As a killer, I know it's unfair when survivors don't follow the same rules and sweat just as hard, but eh. This isn't a game I play for esports type fulfillment with ladders and a proper rank/MMR system. I leave that for other games if I want to play serious. I play this game to roleplay, for the grind, and to have fun because it's still a challenge against good players or bad RNG.

    I don't know how fun it is to bully with friends. Not my experience because I play solo and when I play killer, I've never felt like I was being bullied. I see them as ######### around and being #########, but being bullied is a silly term for me.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    As a killer main I find that I have the most fun when I play for just that reason. I don't care if I win or loose. I don't care if I get a 4k or a no k. I have played up into red ranks and I have had matches where I get wrecked. I have also had matches that I kicked booty and got 4k.

    I enjoy the game for what it is. If I get looped so be it if I get out played so be it. I think if you play killer or survivor you should just go in with the mindset of I am going to have fun win or loose.

    I always say gg and move on. Never get jaded. It's just a game.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105


    The question you are asking is strange and the answer is very obvious

    Every game is always different in some sort of way.

    It is like asking a chess player why he is not getting tired of this game. Doing always these moves, beat those peaces, defeate the enemy...

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    every game is different. Had tons of different spots that occur.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Not a survivor main but, I like evading the killer, being chased and trying to save the last guy at endgame.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    i don't "destroy" good killers

    abandon the mindset that red ranks are all about bullying the poor killers

    plenty of killers who aren't good at all reach red ranks by using omegablink nurse or instasaw or something like that

    killers who are good beat me all the time and they're my favourites to go against. i like feeling like i've outmaneuvered a good killer player, especially one who knows me. even if i die at 4 gens because i play like an idiot i'll have had fun

    solo survivor is fun because it's total chaos and i never know what team i'm going to end up with

    survive with friends is fun because we play like boosted idiots and farm each other

  • knjhw
    knjhw Member Posts: 50

    When your urbanly evading and a surivor comes running right along side you crossing his scratch marks in your direction continually following you until you get hit by the killer😂 thats called a no hook save. Theres ways around having fun in the game. As much as you play not having fun you can find ways to start having fun again. Just because other survivors are bad doesnt mean you wont do good either.