I have a confession

Hi my name is Gardenia...I've been with dbd for 3 years now...I'm getting better but, I have problem.....
I have an addiction.
I run Boil Over in hopes that it works but it never does, but I can't leave the perk alone. It feels like I'm gambling, send help.
I went to rehab for dbd and saw other people who have problems like those who run no mither and we share a bunk bed together.
Thanks for reading :)
I recommend 2 grams of vitamin C divided in breakfast + dinner
then go for a walk daily at least 1 hour
all that may relax u and stop playing DBD
regarding boil over I dont get it... you wont increase your wiggle out chances, just the "shakes"
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Hmm, may I recommend something to help increase your chances so you can enjoy your addiction more? Run unbreakable, flip flop, boil over and saboteur for the ultimate chance of being slugged and never even being picked up by the killer! Why worry about escaping the grasp when you can just prevent even being grabbed in the first place! It's fantastic! :D
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I have an addiction to Hope. I don't want to run it, yet I find it proccing game after game.
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I love it!
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I understand your pain...
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I sometimes use Technician just because I like to pretend it is useful, but deep down...I know the truth.
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I'm addicted to tenacity (+ unbreakable). I've had killers downing me, losing me and then looking for me for a solid minute before leaving. Or herioc moments of last second saves / opening the gates just right when the killer thought he was safe. The speed boost when crawling also looks hilarious. I'm hysterical about the perk. But it's also useless most of the time.
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hope is amazing and very underrated
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I also run hope in my current build. I really like it, but i am not sure if it really helps. I got downed in endgame using it and i escaped using it. It is one of those perks that is hard to tell if it helps you or not. There are quite a few of those. Dance with me for example. That is the perk that i really want to use, but often dont...
Edit: But these perks add to the fun of the game as not everybody runs the same meta build
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Run hope with sprint burst and adrenaline. Start sprinting just before gates are powered.
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Where is my post? Nevermind. Hope good stuff...
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First step, remember this 👆🏻.
Second step, admitting you have a problem.
Third step, keep running it, I want you to use that perk slot to make my life easier. :P.
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I saw Boil Over do a thing yesterday. Killer was carrying a Kate and got a bit greedy trying to hook her in a corner, and the moment I saw him get stuck on a barrel for even half a second I knew I had watched something wonderful even before she wiggled off his shoulder.
Later I also made Tenacity do a thing. Somehow just crawling away while the killer was breaking a pallet and kicking a gen was enough for him to completely lose track of me, and I crawled my way to somewhere another survivor could pick me up 😄
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I can feel your pain.
Hugs and kisses,
Oprah Winfrey
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my problem is im gay n i love trapper