Just shut it about the GF nerf

These were Bug fixes and QoL adjustments. They didn't gut him like legion, they tweaked some things since he could be very broken in some situations. I'd know, I played him in PTB, and plan to main him. His addons were a bit OP, and it was nigh impossible to break his stealth midchase. Plus it makes sense that pallets break it. You're not exactly unseen if someone just dropped a pallet on you.
TL;DR: These were tweaks and sensible edits. Stop bashing the devs for making a good call, despite being pressured not to.
"bug fixes"
The removal of the stalk meter increase is a blatant nerf
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Shhhh.... saying stuff like that is how the mafia gets you.
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Doing this kinda throws out the window the idea of them listening to their community about changes and doing last minute changes, I don't like having to wait to save my money and not buy what I want cause it will get changed into something I don't want, like cosmetics.
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@ShrekIsHot oh they are listening to the community. To majority of our community. Not at those 20% part that killers form.
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without killers there wont be a game , and it seems devs rly want thatt because even if nurse is op not everybody enjoy playing her :_)
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i mean why would they care about legion , they jebaited us into buying him and now they wont make money with him so they are like f,k him
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@Nobu I wasn't told about the legion changes, what are they?
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Wait. Hold Up. What they doing? Because I might actually stop killer altogether depending on your answer and play this as a straight party-game with friends.
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We love seeing whiny killer mains about something that they haven’t even tried yet
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This "try before complaining" ######### is getting old
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I'm sorry, but is that meant to be insulting me, @moonlunn ? Cause it's not very effective since killer is my favorite role.
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You can't see that red aura around survivors when you hit them with FF, but flashing of that FF symbol is increased, they added offset to it and more consistent size.
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This accusing every complainer as a killer main is getting old.
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hes still trash and gets owned at high ranks
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He is 8% easier to detect and he can’t stalk an exposed survivor anymore.
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What do you call what’s happening lol
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I'm a SURVIVOR main complaining. Stop giving a just as important part of the community a bad rep.
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@AetherBytes you spoke wise words... (Quick I'll hide you while they try to chase you down with pitchforks) :P
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Im also unhappy about 3 more months of Hillbilly meta. As far as I’m concerned, they’d did not even add a new killer.
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@moonlunn A killer main telling people to stop complaining about a killer nerf. Doesn't make sense to insult me about whining about the nerf, when I'm whining about people being pissy about it.
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Are you for real? Welp, you lost one person who actually enjoyed playing as legion.
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Lmaoo y’all are taking this way to far like y’all don’t know what an “exaggeration” is but enjoy the negativity I literally don’t care
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Judging by your quote bellow
We have determined this to be false.