Nerfing Ghostface is the start of a very dangerous future for the game

In the second PTB, most people wanted more buffs for GF as he was still too weak and you have decided that your community feedback is worthless because it goes against your vision for the character. Just because he can play like Myers doesn't mean that that gets rid of his original stealth purpose and versatility. He was barely strong enough in PTB for me to be hopeful enough to purchase the DLC and, with these nerfs, several people including me will not be purchasing this DLC at all now out of fear of buyer's remorse. Several fog whisperers (survivor mains too who are tired of seeing just three killers) I watch were so excited for there to finally be a third killer, outside of Spirit and Nurse (since Billy still gets decimated by the best of the best), who has potential against the best survivors and you are deciding to abandon that. Though, the majority still thought it wasn't enough and needed more buffs. Please reconsider and wait for more data before being hasty by pulling the trigger on your community.


  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    "since Billy still gets decimated by the best of the best" Holy moly - my eyes. I have never seen a good Billy to lose a match ever. Put that insta chainsaw on, SF, Bamboozle and just roll over everyone. I guess your Billy is just not good enough. I remember watching Jen a month ago with her friends playing and they usually win every single match and then there was this Billy who they knew. They literally got destroyed with 5 gens up.

  • CyberianFaux
    CyberianFaux Member Posts: 232

    I didn't say anything about my billy. I don't play the killer because I don't enjoy him. It is just a known fact he can be abused by SWF in a way Spirit and Nurse cannot.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    erhaps slightly increasing the time by 2 or 3 sec before being exposed.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    Oh give everyone a break, it's not the start of anything. They are doing what needs to be done to fix a problem.

  • JakConstantine
    JakConstantine Member Posts: 118

    He's just come out, how do you know this? Not everyone plays the PTB.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    The Depip Squad would like to have a word with you.

  • Sonicwb
    Sonicwb Member Posts: 39

    maybe for you. Not in general. This change isn’t dangerous at all.

  • Slimthebard
    Slimthebard Member Posts: 2

    This is borderline scamming. They should have released him with the nerfs cause now people are going a up his review percentage on steam and they are going to make more money off of him in the first few days than they would if they released him with the nerfs. The first few days/weeks for a game/dlc are the most important. This genuinely unethical.

  • CyberianFaux
    CyberianFaux Member Posts: 232

    I believe that may be the point. By doing things this way, they can make money off of GF and nerf him before survivors start to dislike him and review bomb them.

  • AltimaSR9619
    AltimaSR9619 Member Posts: 16

    I would kill to see footage of this game where your running over them with your pig. I guarantee it they stop trying halfway through the game or you get lucky with map RNG.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited June 2019

    I don't see how people are saying GF is that weak. I simply don't I have already been in staring contests with my camera and the Ghost for his to turn me exposed before I can detect him. If you are looking at GF you simply should not be stalk-able.

    Post edited by Jdsgames on
  • Sonicwb
    Sonicwb Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2019

    As I stated, it is not dangerous in general. I play both sides as well and we have plenty of killers. GF is fine the way he is. Play with him a little more and you will get the hang of it. Just because you seems his buffed powers before doesn’t mean that’s how it is meant.

  • Wooba
    Wooba Member Posts: 9

    Now now, everyone. Don't forget CyberianFaux speaks for us all. Yes, even you!

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    I feel like it would be best if we didn't have "top" killers, though, and all of them being moderately good would be better since you could then just buff the role without having top with about the affect it would have with the better killers.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    Wait, are we're talking about the slight buffs survivors got before his release (allowing them to see him slightly easier) or are we talking about a nerf that has yet to come? Ghostface can still stalk people if the first is the case. I've had multiple games where it went off multiple of times.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    From my experience in playing him today, he seems totally fine. I have plenty of time to get out of sight before survivors reveal me, and that isn't even being nerfed. It's not even a full nerf. It's a power neutral change, and I'm sure if survivors go back to revealing him without even looking at him again, they'll fix it. The only thing they're doing to nerf him is making pallet stuns break him out of stealth(they should, I mean he's already chasing a survivor so he's not really being stealthy, and in that case usually the survivor already is marked), nerfing the stalk rate add ons slightly(I've done fine stalking without them, in fact I have been using power recovery add ons to be able to stealth again quicker), and making the detection area slightly increased for survivors who are attempting to reveal him. They're buffing his killer instinct BASE AND ADD ONS, so if you DO get revealed you can see the survivor who revealed you longer. It seems pretty power neutral and I think he'll be fine.

  • CyberianFaux
    CyberianFaux Member Posts: 232

    Or perhaps you haven't actually played against really good survivors to have a point of reference. I am talking about teams where (with no add-ons to speed it up as hag) they can pop 3 gens before you place 5 traps in a section of a small map as hag with ruin. Good survivors will only ever let you have hook pressure and never gen pressure on them since the time it takes to repair is too short and they never miss any ruin skill-checks from practice (I can even do that now because of so much experience against it with different numbers of pings).

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Start? You must be new here

  • CyberianFaux
    CyberianFaux Member Posts: 232

    Not at all but eventually people have to draw a line. It was always known that they made huge mistakes with Freddy and people gave them the benefit of the doubt to not do it again. Now they are about to repeat that mistake which is a line they are crossing that will bring down the game's community possibly for good with several people. Soon, the only community they will have is those that just started playing the game.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited June 2019


    The only buff is a reveal. In the grand scheme of dbd that scales poorly into high rank play. Lethality mobility is the defining strength of a killer. The nerfs hurt ghostface a lot. I dont mind the pallet stun change but fast stalk is there to allow you to compete with higher skilled players, who can deny your stalk using terrain and gain large distance very easily requiring you to refresh the stalk to stand a chance of getting the instadown.

    Very similar to fast saw billy fast wind up huntress these add ons are meant for red rank play. This is a hotfix hitting ghostface before even a week has passed. If even after three weeks had passed then maybe id agree with some of these nerfs but this nerf is coming before established survivour counterplay is figured out.

    For reference plague as a killer weakness was cracked after a months worth of play. People realised deny corrupt purge and don't heal will allow you to destroy her. Not enough data not enough time. This is a freddy job plain and simple and if you disagree rebutal these points.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    The only change I really care about is his detection radius increase. I get tired of the fact that in almost every game I play against him I could be staring right at him and it wouldn't even begin to pull him out of stealth. Hopefully the increase will make it a bit more fair as right now it seems incredibly difficult to pull him out even if he is in the center of your screen.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    @Zarathos One second to be exposed for a yellow and brown add on combination is massively overpowered. If you can't see that you're either blind or willfully ignorant.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Its not a great move for balance. Just look at red ranks and you can see where so called balance quickly turns to limitation. Ranked play is not an area to be concerned with balance other than from the top down.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    The game is already in a dangerous place, so I guess.

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    It fells like revealing him works like myers stalk. U have to see him and let's say more than 25% of him.

    And when the line of sight is interrupted the revealing process starts again...

    Whatever I think this is also a thing of getting used to him. I also had the feeling that he is harder to reveal through the fog. Also he is hatder to reveal on Korn maps...

    He just released a couple of days ago. This is not a time where anybody can talk of reliable data. Many people play him actually and we will see his win percentage etc. In 1 or 2 months. This is a timeline for something relevant. Actually everybody has got nothing more than feelcraft and this is nothing you can rely on.

    Maybe he is to strong maybe not. We will see.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    the huge 2 nerf on him was the detection area and the other that its that you cannot mark more the survivor that its marked

  • cwtfern
    cwtfern Member Posts: 136

    I just don't understand why the devs would hold a poll, see that the majority liked Ghost Face as is, and then decide to nerf him anyway. What the hell is happening internally that they blatantly ignore the results of their own research?

    They don't seem to realize how much of a difference these seemingly minute "balance" changes make at high ranks. He's already very easy to break out of stalk. Seems like he can be broken out even when you break line-of-sight long before the little "crescendo" sound finishes. Survivors have already learned how to completely deny him of his power, turning him into yet another M1 killer that requires chase meta perks. The add-ons also barely seem to do anything as they are right now, and yet they're also getting a nerf.

    He is, unfortunately, utterly useless at red ranks. The second they know they're up against Ghost Face, they become far too switched-on to ever be caught off-guard, and will break you out of Night Shroud before you even close those 8 meters.

    Again, this is only my experience at red ranks. He seems decent-ish in every other tier.

    The optimist in me thinks the devs have another strong killer on the drawing board, and that this slew of mid-tier killers is only in anticipation of another Nurse or Spirit. Fingers crossed, I guess.

  • GhostfaceneedaNerf
    GhostfaceneedaNerf Member Posts: 30
    edited June 2019

    Ghostface its a P2W KILLER has sprint from Meg survivor + run while crunching from The Pig killer and Nea the survivor + stalking from Michel Mayer but instant + kill in 1 stab from Michel Mayer but faster + watch survivors like bbq and chile from leather face + run more than survivors or Legion even without use his sprint + long weapon lunge from Freddy + his own habilitys like block engines = block the main target of survivors + learned habilitys from other killers, etc,... just need teleport from Nurse right ??. Literally 90% killers switched to him, you dont even see the old killers anymore unless you play 24/7, i bought recently Michael Mayers and i feel scammed cuz he can stalk and oneshot in less than 5 seconds while i need the whole match to do the same with Michael Mayers, totally game breaking, all matches as survivor against him, he killed the whole party in less than 2 mins even with obiously noob player handling him. Nerfing him its a must, or someone give me back the money i spent on Michael Mayers/Laurie DLC so i can use that money on buy the p2w killer.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Can you stop copy and pasting this everywhere, rank 20 Survivor main?

    You made a entire account to copy and paste a poorly written, hard to understand reply about GF...

    GF does not have Sprint Burst. Run and crouching means nothing if it takes forever to stealth everywhere. Pig doesn't have the major weakness of being able to be broken out of crouched mode.

    Myers also has the advantage of higher movement speed + higher vaulting speed at T3. GF does not have this. GF feels a bit slow actually compared to, say, Legion's movement speed.

    Thrilling is also nowhere near as good as BBQ&C.

    Long weapon lunge? His knife has a smaller hitbox than Legion's knife, tf you on???

    People also switched to him because he's the newest killer and everyone wants to play him. This happens with EVERY Killer and EVERY Survivor. It'll die down soon.

    It also takes a while for Myers to inflict Exposed on everyone by the way. GF can do it faster, but it's harder and takes longer to actually get into a position to do that.

    You're just bad, cry harder @GhostfaceneedaNerf 🤣🤣🤣

  • cwtfern
    cwtfern Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2019

    "Literally 90% killers switched to him, you dont even see the old killers anymore unless you play 24/7"

    🤣 Yeah that's what happens every time a new Killer comes out, idiot. Everyone is trying him out. You're either trolling or actually completely stupid. Either way, you need to gtfo.

    Now that it's been a few days and the verdict is that he is weak, you actually barely see him now, especially at red ranks. All the Killer mains took "I'm all Ears" and "Thrilling Tremors" and then quietly dropped Ghost Face is in the garbage.

    "i bought recently Michael Mayers and i feel scammed cuz he can stalk and oneshot in less than 5 seconds while i need the whole match to do the same with Michael Mayers, totally game breaking"

    Myers is stronger than Ghost Face. If it takes you the whole match to reach T3 with Myers, you're either going against top tier survivors or you have no idea what you're doing. Most likely the latter.

    In all honesty, devs shouldn't even consider the opinions of Rank 20 crybabies like you. Brown rank players may be the majority, but they also have no idea what they're doing.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    This. Plus either his add-ons are badly thought out or they're bugged; I ran one while exposed for TWO minutes yesterday and when I got hit was still exposed. Sad part is that I only got stalked because the player abused the reveal cancel that came with the buffer. Once all people playing GF realise it's there, which most already should, it will be causing huge issues especailly since on top of that the way you have to center him on your screen is awkward and he can stalk you in places you cant reveal him a hell of a lot. Needless to say I'm glad they're increasing the detection zone size...

  • cwtfern
    cwtfern Member Posts: 136

    That is definitely bugged. There's no combination of add-ons right now that grant him more than about 60 seconds of exposure on a Survivor, in my experience. The rare times a GF has actually exposed me, I've almost always been able to loop him for the entirety of the exposed timer.

    I've had the opposite experience, and find GF extremely easy to break out of Night Shroud, even when he tries to break line-of-sight. It takes him more than twice as long to get you exposed as it does to reveal him, and don't forget that revealing him also deactivates his power for at least 30 seconds. I'd say that's a fair trade off. Just because he can mark a survivor does not mean it's a guaranteed insta-down. If you see him coming, either break him out of Shroud or simply run away and you're at pretty much zero risk of being marked.

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    I like the fact that on all of these forums about Ghost Faces nerf, not a single dev has responded.
