
  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124


    They said in the stream that they will be adding more pallets that are unsafe and decrease the number of high value pallets.

    The second statement is just wrong. For example, if survivor is on a gen and sees you before you expose them then they will run to a loop now and if their good then they will most definitely get the stun. Another example is if you just saw someone do something in the open and you go to chase them and they find a pallet which they will mostly likely stun you with now your without Ur power for 40 full seconds.

  • Jake_Parks_prince
    Jake_Parks_prince Member Posts: 218

    Playing killer is so incredibly easy the fact you people complain shows youre all rank 20

  • Dbdsaltykiller
    Dbdsaltykiller Member Posts: 21

    Dude your total out of step out of the game. Im killer main no problem with the ghostface changes but i'll have fun in mean time. But saying we should be satisfied with 2 kills is ridiculous. 3 kills is normally a black pip at red ranks. I've depipped with a 4 k at red ranks. The games changed for killer only legion can comfortably pip with 2k at red ranks. You need to understand the fundimentals at killer red ranks before saying such a blinkered survivor main opion.

  • Jake_Parks_prince
    Jake_Parks_prince Member Posts: 218

    Everybody here is so weird like a killer isnt the most broken thing in the game and suddenly hes weak and useless? Honestly whats wrong with you guys you seriously need to play this game more and understand MORE PEOPLE PLAY THEN JUST YOU! "The devs never planned on nerfing him!" Yeah they didnt PLAN on it but then he ended up being too powerful of a killer so they nerfed him like they needed too. Just because a killer isn't top tier EZ 4K doesn't mean they the game is SuRvIvOr SiDeD. New survivor perks are so garbage honestly, poised? Trash. Buckle up? Trash. Mettle of man after nerf and even before nerf wasn't even that good. You guys take things too far instead of just playing the game and getting good sorry this game isn't easy go play little big planet if you want easy.

  • Infectious1X
    Infectious1X Member Posts: 9

    “Nerf” he says. Wow, so a few minor and necessary changes constitutes as a serious nerf now? Grow up.

    Most of you mf’s are overreacting so hard. I’ve come to the conclusion that most of you jokers don’t even want a balanced game like you claim. If something is unintended, such as GF’s ability to stalk already marked targets, you change it. There’s no requirement for compensation since it was never meant to be a thing in the first place.

    Whining and incessant complaining happens on both sides, but an incredibly small, yet necessary, change such as this one throws you obvious killers into the most pathetic temper tantrums.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Mettle of Man before nerf wasn't that good? Could you make your bias any more blatant?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    They do listen, they nerfed Blendette... and every black cosmetic...

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    legion and pig are both fine to be honest

    i don't really understand the outrage

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    They have stated many times that dc's are not counted @Peanits should be able to confirm this for you again.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Infectious1X I don't recall him saying the word "serious". And yes a few minor and necessary changes would constitute a nerf so long as the thing being changes is now worse (in terms of strength) than before.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2019

    That's a problem with the emblem system then as 2 kill 2 escape is what the devs consider balanced.

    The problem is you have to not do too well in any rank or you won't pip as killing quickly usually means a depip which is really silly.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    Yep, He sucks.

  • Catbucket
    Catbucket Member Posts: 335

    literally a bug fix, that feature made absolutely no sense and was very clearly not intended.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2019

    But a 2 die 2 escape is what the devs want for the game so to say the killer should be an oppressive force of nature goes against their vision.

    The genre is just a 4 v 1 nothing states the 1 has to be an overpowering that just what some people beleive it should be.

    The whole game needs a set amount of escapes for pips for one or it would create inconsitences in the matchmaking as it has been tried by making it harder and one side finds the queues too long at red ranks.

    The problem comes down to what players want versus what the game is and what the devs want, it's a game after all and the devs want it to be fun for all players.

    Maybe what some of the players seem to want is not what is best for the actual game afterall. Other games have came out and tried the other way and where are they now? DBD is still going strong 3 years later so they are obviously doing something right which the vast majority like.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Well then they shouldn't call their game asymmetrical its loosely asymmetrical at this point. Weak killers only further this point with maybe 4 killers remotely viable besides maybe Hag

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2019

    Why not? Asymmetrical just means the two sides are not of equal strength in essense which is true in this game but it's dependant on each players skill and knowledge as it's a game.

    The finer points are up to interpretation but not all asymmetrical games have to follow the 1 is so much stronger than those they verse so it's a massacre, it's just what some people think it should be.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    People are just delusional if they think anyone would play (or make) a game where one side is overwhelmingly stronger than the other.

    Asymmetrical means just the way the gameplay goes. Two teams against each other with a different number of players. Anything beyond that is just people having wet dreams of power.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @twistedmonkey Asymmetry has nothing to do with strength.

    For example Spy Party is an Asymmetrical game that is a 1v1, so for the game to be balanced you would expect an average winrate of 50/50.

    Remember, a balanced game is just a game where all roles have equal odds of winning. Those odds are how you determine a roles strength, we call nurse strong because she is good at achieving her wincon and we call freddy weak because he is bad at achieving his wincon.

    This is why I don't get why the devs want a 2k average. Because if you compare the different sides wincons (escape vs kill everyone) it should be clear that a 2k average would mean that the game need to be incredibly swingy in order for it to be balanced.

    I've found that instead having a 30% escape rate produces the most interesting results in terms of a kill curve. Note that in order for this to be balanced the 4k rate would ALSO only be 30%, so not a free 4k or anything.

    Anyways the reason why I say 30% specifically is that you can take a 50/50 winrate at the endgame (or in other words the odds of a 3k are the same as the odds of a 4k) given a 3k and work backwards from there in order to get a 30% overall winrate. What that means is that the game can remain perfectly balanced even if someone dies, for example in the event that the Killer tunnels.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited June 2019

    The problem its that devs dont play killer so much to see how its the lvls of every killers and think why theres too much nurses or billys cuz they have map preassure mobility etc meanwhile ghostface got nerfed but the wierd part its the 8m noise that he makes why he needs to have a noise its suppose to be a stealth killer i dont get it also 30s cooldown on hes power wow... It takes along time i said too many times how to make him good but nothing its like they dont listend and also dont care for the community

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    @op (Again) wrong. They do listen. To survivors, that is...

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212


    That'll be great for when I'm bringing add ons that are literally "consolation prize for your power being disabled for a ridiculous amount of time!"

    Or I could bring add ons that let me use my power more efficiently, oh wait they're being nerfed.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2019


    Technically it is as it's about the sides not being be equal, one side being stronger is just one way of them not being equal and also why some games specifically use the term and also why the players jump onto it for this game believing it should be that way.

    Balance is extremely hard to get in any game unless both sides are equal and players of equal skill are matched together like the most competative fps/moba/rts games do.

    When it comes to any game where it's 1 v many balance becomes so much harder to achieve and why if you look at asymmetrical games there are always complaints about one side being OP.

    30% may sound good on paper but who want to play a game where your chances of dying are roughly 1 in 4 games? As I said the games that have treid this haven't done too well and since DBD is the only one to keep any sustainable userbase maybe in part that is due to the 2 die 2 escape vision.

    For myself the 2 die 2 escape isnt the issue, the issue is that game balances over all the ranks and all the players can be in any rank no matter their skill level and the whole userbase is plunged into one big statistic and reset each month.

    When you see a 2k hour player matched with a 50 hour player then that is more of an issue and why the new objectives we have asked for probably haven't been implemented.

    My idea to fix this was that the matchmaking needs to stop using the rank system and use more stats outside of it, the rank system then gets changed to a simple ladder reward system so even if you are on lvl 15 of it you get matched with players around your own skill level rather than where you are artificially sitting due to a number which is exploitable next to your name.

    There is no reason a killer who can 4k most games should go agaisnt those who escape less than 25% or for survivors who escape over 80% should verse a killer who averages 1 or 2k max.

    This also means they can start to look at balancing seperate matchmaking areas. Say it had 5 tiers like bronze, silver, gold, diamond and platinum. Each one can then be balanced individually for the 2k scenario and once you are in a bracket you can't derank out for at least the first 50 games so it can get your actual mmr.

    This may have other affects such as longer queue times in some areas which would need looked at, the other aspect is it may become more competative creating even more toxicity.

    Right now what they can change is so that swf play where the highest ranked player is situated not the lowest or an average between them.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    If the add-ons were too powerful, why just don't increase their rarity?

    We have Iri-Hatchets Huntress, insta-saw Billy, Omegablink Nurse, Prayerbeads Spirit.

    Why all of a sudden you start nerfing add-ons with hotfixes?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    You've spoken the most sense out of anyone I've seen on these forums in a while. @Janick you should read this post I replied to.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    That can only come from someone who was never really into one of them and also like to see killers in general gutted.

    It is not even what survivors wanted besides a small but vocal minority. As a former Legion main, I have not followed the pig discussion much, but even by the Legion I have seen some survivors on the steam and dbd forums that were against the patch. That had enjoy the state before and that were only the forums. What I have read in the forums was nothing compared to my endgame chat, where mostly survivors had thank me for a good, or challenging game (I don't link to a picture of that again, if someone has doubt he should search that thread where I have post a screenshot by myself for evidence).

    And I bet we can say the same about the pig.

    Also many survivors dislike it that they only meet the nurse, spirit and billy in red ranks. They would like to have a change more often if you look into the countless threads about exactly that topic.

    But a change can only happen if more killers are viable in red ranks. That should be logic, or did someone really to expect killers, to play low tier killers in red ranks? Well... maybe that small minority from before I guess... but besides them, no one would do it.

    Strong killers are a win for both sites. Killers have then fun with their killer of choice (a thing they mostly pay for since all the chapters cost money) and survivors have finally diversity under their opponents.

    In the name of every killer who is not part of the "red rank elite", please make the killers more viable, devs. That means either take "reworks" back, or in other cases from killers that had the luck until now, to be not reworked, buff them and what the few red rank killers matters... Don't nerf them to hell please -_-.

    Not every survivor likes a easy game, even I can understand that this thought comes up, after reading X nerf threads in the forums, but a look in the endgame chat speaks often a different language, if the killer has not play toxic (aka. facecamp, or tunneling for feeled centurys).

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    I've had fun with ghost face, but these nerfs everyone is freaking out over wont be too big a deal I dont think. The only thing in worries about is the 8%increase in detection.

    The add ons for marking someone faster are a little broken at the moment. I stacked the pink one that stalking is faster while leaning with the purple that increases stalk. Sorry I dont remember the names. But anyways those 2 combined are stupid broken.

    Discordance popped so I checked on the gen, peeked around the corner and I had 3 survivors marked in like 1.5 seconds, bout 30 seconds later I had 2 in dying state. So I think a small reduction in effectiveness will be good for balance.

    And anyone crying about not being able to stalk marked survivors. Just gitgud dood, learn how to stalk them to 99 then catch them in an unfavorable position and pop the last bit and insta down.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited June 2019

    I have play over 30+ matches as Ghostface since his release, I can say almost 90% of survivors does not know how to play against Ghostface

    when they are running they do not point their camera at me, meaning i can get infinite duration of stalk because of this.

    I agree with the changes on everything, that marked survivor being able to stalk is OP and broken, needs to hotfix asap

    But the 8% increase in detection is going to hurt Ghostface, you only need 2-3 seconds to get reveal. During a chase its actually really easy to Break Ghostface

    Its just the fact that Marked survivor is bugged atm, so you can get Infinite Duration

    Remember Freddy? ppl don't know how to fight against him at first and there were so many OP threads plz nerf

    Please give it more time Devs before nerfing him, (I am talkin about the 8% increase), the rest of the changes honestly sounds fair

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    I respectfully disagree with a couple points you made here.

    First of all nerfing the PC game because a controller is harder to use is not a PC problem and we shouldn't be punished for it. I know you want ot keep the code bases as close to the same but once you start stunting your PC product because of Console limitations you hurt the people that made consoles even viable.

    Second, I've seen games where people just run through the game dropping pallets, rank 20s drop pallets when they hear a heartbeat. Just because the pallet was dropped doesn't mean the Survivor saw anything. The excuse they must have seen you to drop a pallet is false.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    Dropping a pallet alone does not break him out of stealth, he needs to be stunned by a pallet. In the event that someone is panicking and dropping pallets because they heard a heart beat, he would not be broken out of stealth. Moreover, they wouldn't hear the heartbeat and start panicking in the first place because Night Shroud removes the terror radius. This is consistent with other killers like the Legion, Leatherface, the Hillbilly, the Spirit, etc. Pallet stunning a killer nearly universally ends the killer's power.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Technically yes it should not remove the power duration but Ghostface is different from the others as he does has two powers, stealth and stalking to expose.

    Stealth in theory should be something that when seen has to restart but it could do with a shorter cooldown or maybe just remove a percentage of the bar, it's just a way to sneak up on people to try and expose them or get a hit after all.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    edited June 2019

    This /\...... man I'm so at ease knowing that my killer instinct will last long enough in a tight match.... xD

  • FlamingkittyUmad
    FlamingkittyUmad Member Posts: 313

    Freddy was the only massive nerf, Ghostface got a tiny nerf AFTER being buffed and you people act like it's the end of the world

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    any change to ghost face makes me nervous, what about the majority of players who use mouse and keyboard?

    He's super fun and similar to Michael Myers

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i stopped reading at "as a former legion main"

    previous legion downed people for free even without exploiting

    current legion gets you a free hit and then requires you to actually play the game in order to down someone

    if you're complaining about current legion then you aren't the type of player the devs are balancing for and the rest of us are happy for that

  • Dragon_of_Fantasy
    Dragon_of_Fantasy Member Posts: 50

    This title is pretty weird when MoM got nerfed. I thought that was from the devs. listening to the feedback.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    the devs pretty clearly listen to feedback. much of the changes that went into new legion were directly from veteran players' suggestions, and i imagine the freddy rework will at least attempt to address people's problems with current freddy

    MoM nerf, DS nerf are also examples of the devs listening to feedback

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    Why you don't say directly then, that you don't know from what you are talking and just like to be on the hate train? That would be at least honest.

    Everytime someone trys to avoid a conversation it says already enough and obviously you haven't read the rest, because I already showed that this "the rest of us are happy for that" argument is not working and is more of a opinion of you and a minority as "us".*

    Edit: Well at least if you understand under "us" every player that plays, or has play the game.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    idk what that means

    legion rework was great for the game

    sorry you aren't getting free downs

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2019

    I dunno what people were complaining about. I've looked at Ghostface right in front of him and not broken him out of stealth whereas he exposed me on PS4. This change will do nothing but make it so that if you DO see him, then you can actually expose him. As for playing him, I've had fun with playing him and I feel he's in a pretty good spot. If you're worried about him becoming trash tier after a change like this you're being ridiculous. If you think he needs a buff(I mean he does have a problem with the gen rush, but that's not really his fault), talk about that. Don't complain about an issue that is being fixed. Very rarely have I been exposed as GF unless I was out in the open stalking someone, and even then sometimes I would get a full stalk bar without addons that decreased stalk time.

  • miasma you should play legion yourself because all you've said is about old legion but old legion is now gone and we have an unique M1 killer whose power is useless and only gets you a decisive strike seriously i see survivors mending right after i am looking for other survivors in ff and they aren't even scared because legion has a 4 second stun. the only reason to play legion is to farm BP and black pip. i am not going to explain to you how his power cant chain hits like its supposed to but in a short way it only sounds good on paper and it doesn't work out in the game at all. this is why i'm telling you to play legion yourself and catch up with the present and how other players actually feel instead of assuming. and i am saying it at the end i was a legion main but i don't play legion anymore as much because of how boring he is.

    in a simple equation: downs =/= fun; being able to use killer = fun. there's a reason why some people main a specific killer rather than others because they like that killer and their power. now tell me again old legion's power had no counterplay. no it didn't, but this legion has a punishment to himself/herself for trying to play him in the way YOU expect him to be played. if that is how you see counterplay, you do not know the word. counterplay is when you do something against what the other player has done so that they have a challenge; it is not to be mistaken with getting a free advantage because the killer has tried to make a play. Mending in front of legion is a stupid counterplay on paper, but it is actually not stupid because you will not get punished for it as a survivor as legion has been punished instead. Yes, tell me that it is not stupid because similarly survivors do not cleanse against plague to get gens done fast and save time in the cost of being 1 shot. Legion may be able to 1 shot people after the first hit, but the thing is, you can just M1 normally to get the same results minus the 4 second stun.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    Devs listen but do what they think is the best for game.End of story.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i play legion

    his power gives you a free first hit and can get multiple people off gens. he's basically a wraith with added gen pressure

    the people who complain about current legion are bad killer players, full stop, and the devs aren't balancing for you, no matter how many poorly phrased paragraphs you type on a forum

    get over it

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2019

    how do you happen to find more than 1 survivor on a gen by the time you get there? you do realize he has a 32m tr now? ive said you would assume me, and you do have the right because i have assumed you did not play legion. ive told you why his free first hit is useless when you can m1 without a decisive strike afterwards. and hes not a wraith because wraith doesnt have a terror radius and he gets a sprint burst that can only be countered by a pallet or window (same as legion) but the only difference is he doesnt get stunned afterwards. again, he may be able to vault pallets and windows, but he can still get looped like a wraith even in his sprint. i am not even counting the perks both for killer and survivor. moniter and abuse helps, but even myers will always be better at sneaking because he has a lower terror radius than monitor and abuse gives. sprint burst counters both, but the difference is wraith can cancel his decloak at will and dont get punished for it. LEGION GIVES THE SURVIVOR A FREE ESCAPE AND ITS NOT WORTH TO PLAY LEGION BECAUSE SHE CAN NOT GET THE FIRST HIT AS GOOD AS A WRAITH OR A PIG CAN. PIG HAS MORE GEN PRESSURE BECAUSE AHE HAS A SECOND ABILITY THAT ACTUALLY IS A THREAT. STOP SAYING LEGION CAN CHAIN HITS. HE CAN NOT. I will never believe that you play legion yourself, and if you do it must be only once against some solo survivors in rank 13-7. ######### poorly phrased paragraphs, i wonder when you will stop undermining people and actually talk sense to senseless people, because that is the only way you will be credible.