

  • oh also, devs will not balance for you either, guess why i said you because i know youre a survivor main because ive seen you as only a survivor in youtube videos and youve said fast vault changes arent good adn dont get started on that here that is a whole different discussion point is we both have different sides and you dont have as much experience as someone who doesnt play your side but plays the side you dont have experience on.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    wow i'm famous

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437
    edited June 2019

    Holy chill out dude. Legion is around mid-tier, so they’re playable. I am someone who has played them to red ranks before reset. It is possible. You work for the down, you don’t get an easy hit. Wraith and pig are stealth killers, legion is not and never intended to be. They are suppose to get the first hit as stealth killers.

    FF is a tracking/pressure tool, not a free hit. Maybe you don’t play them enough to fully understand their nuances. What makes them actually work and what doesn’t. If you know their lunge while frenzied and bait out the juke, you will hit the person. Oh, and they can chain hits if you actually practice the ability. People may not be on top of each other but there’s someone who gets pinged with killer instinct usually.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited June 2019

    Well, they listen that they will remove red stun things now thanks to feedback if you're still think they're not listening yet

    Sometime they do, sometime they don't

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    They always listen, but there's a big difference between "listening" and "slavishly deferring to".

  • i get you mate, but i was trying to say miasma has no understanding of the game, he is comparing wraith to legion as you have said legion is not a first hit killer he is a group first hitter but i just can not seem to chain hits because they are just too far away and keep running, which is why i said his power is useless. i dont know mate, its just bad luck i think? well, i dont care anymore, ill switch onto a different game and play this only when i am utterly bored to death. to be honest, i will try infectious fright with 3 tokens of play with your food on myers at evil within 3, i think thats how you chain attacks lol.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    if they're really far away you don't chain hits and just chase the person you first hit. you can still zone them from a pallet or window by running in front of them though. plenty of the time people will spawn together and get on the same generator so you can at least tag two people, and even if you don't make it to somebody you see with killer instinct you can still chase them off a generator

    that being said you know absolutely nothing about me as a player so i have no idea why you're referring to me a survivor main purely because you've only seen me play a survivor in "youtube videos". like that's maybe the most nonsensical thing i've read on this website

    i'm currently rank 5 and i usually at least 2k with legion, and that's with sub-optimal perks since i've been prestiging him. you really shouldn't base a whole argument around assumptions that aren't even accurate

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    @miaasma What have you been using on them? Have you found a meme/fun build for them? Any preferred strategy? These are just genuine questions btw. I'm always looking to improve on my legion skills. You're also not obligated to answer. ☺️

  • alright miasma i apologize, you sounded like one of those survivor mains but its my fault for that. i guess i have to play more survivor to meet killers like you and see the difference. i hope you will forget this argument, im sure i will because i think its one of the classic ones here in these forums. besides, i only aim for 2k because i believe the same way devs do, because i think that allows for skilled ones to try their best and casuals to go altruistic and feel the game. i just hope Last Year actually comes out to steam so ill have another replacement to Left 4 Dead.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    my build at the moment is BBQ ruin spirit fury enduring (the latter two are rank 2 since i just p3'd him)

    the way i view legion is that he's an m1 killer who gets an easy first hit, similar to wraith except he doesn't get screwed over by windows or pallets to get that first hit and he also doesn't necessarily need to commit to the first survivor he sees, so enduring/spirit fury facilitate getting the down after you get that first hit. a lot of survivors will drop a pallet on you when you're in frenzy even after you've hit them with it, which is great because the pallet stun overrides the frenzy cooldown stun, so you can keep chasing sooner

    as for addons i've been using stolen sketch book and etched ruler, but to be honest i'm not sure what the best addon combination is for him and i'd love for someone who plays him a lot to tell me what works best for them. i know the pins aren't good since hitting someone already in deep wound with your frenzy and giving them an extra speed boost in a chase isn't worth whatever (temporary) effects you apply, and when i tried cold dirt it didn't seem good enough to use for strategic frenzy cancelling to be reliable

    ideally i want to replace ruin with something more reliable, like corrupt intervention

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    @OKUL_COCUGU no worries, i understand

    for what it's worth i probably have more hours into survivor than killer but i try to do a good 50/50 of both. i've tried playing predominantly killer during the bp event but the queue times have been discouraging

  • Creator
    Creator Member Posts: 360

    Then give pls Ghost Face immunity to detection perks!

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    Am I the only one that feels like the ENDURING NERF actually hurt the perk? It feels like you recover SLOWER!

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    You're new around here, huh?

    Myers and his perks got gutted a couple of months after their release.

    The Nurse received the largest set of nerfs in the history of DbD mere days after her release.

    And the list goes on.

    The Freddy fiasco is far from being "the only massive nerf".

  • Exa1ib3r
    Exa1ib3r Member Posts: 86

    yes, claudette main hiding in a bush having sex with it, you are indeed famous.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    I was not bad.

    I have play usually against rank 2-20 survivors because of the matchmaking and no matter if I had a beginner for me or one of that rank two's, I was never chanceless (well besids a few times against real good swf groups).

    Besides, the Legion without addons had never a free kill, if he had not play against potato survivors. That lets for you only open, that you either hate the old Legion in general, or you were one of those pesky Legion players who have only jump in a match if they had their op addons running.

    Since the old Legion without addons had make incredible fun and also survivors seem to like it, as I could read it in the endgame chat, I will never be "over it". It is too worthy what its lost, besides - the minority that has complain about the Legion of their pure hate has teach me a important lesson: "Never stop with your complains!" and what should I say... I have adapt.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    It is, because he is super fun to play against and have potential to be a top tier.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Regardless of nerfs being impactful or not he will not even come close to top tier killer. I know you already told us that not all killers have to be viable at high ranks (I still don't get it why are you changing freddy anyway... since he was pretty good against rank 20 survivors) but he still isn't even that strong to deserve a nerf.

    Survivors reported having hard time getting him out of shroud in chase - YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT HIM, in chase you look at the opposite direction so unless you are looping with a big amount of leeway or other survivors help you it is next to impossible to achieve anyway.

    Also from PR perspective it does look like few of the games releasing lately which "change" completely after a month from release. You released the killer and annouced that let's say a week from now he may very well be weaker or play differently... so why buy him now?

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    I think ther is many ppl who think like you and me.

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    Yeah I'm not buying anything else that isn't Billy/Nurse tier. To top it off, he's getting nerfed on release. No deal