A suggestion for NOED

Mr_Digi Member Posts: 151

Hi, before people complain and say "noed is fine", we all know its not. I would just like to share a proposal for change, so hear me out <3


No longer a Hex perk

Activates with the End game collapse

Deactivates when the end game collapse timer is half way

Reason for this idea:

Now, this happens: Killer downs someone, hook them next to totem... then get free kills...

And from what i've seen, people dont like free escapes and free kills

This will give the killer the possibility to get someone on the hook easly, but it will aslo give survivors the chance to go and save

This could also be good with Bloodwarden. With this change it will still be a instadown perk

Please give feedback, and other suggestions. If you dont have anything positive to comment, just dont comment :)

What do people think about a change like this?

will the perk be more balanced?

@Peanits @not_Queen What do you think? <3


  • Injuryble
    Injuryble Member Posts: 62

    "If you dont have anything positive to comment, just dont comment :)" lol

    i think neod needs a change but i dont think tahts the way to go

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Changing NOED the way you suggest not only makes the perk much worse for the killer, but will most likely make it even more frustrating for the survivors since it's no longer completely avoidable or able to be disabled. Kinda like how the perk was before totems were a thing, but with one more reason to 99% gates just in case the killer has it.

    If I were to change NOED, I'd get rid of the most frustrating part (insta-down) and replace it with a massive movement and action speed boost (like 15% mspd, 30% aspd). I feel like this keeps it in a powerful state without it feeling so awful to play against.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Noed is fine and has counters, I’d rather keep the current counter.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited June 2019

    I like how your preemptive rebuttal is to just say their wrong with no actual argument backing it up.