"Killers are ruining the event."

Meanwhile, 6 insta heals, a ton of toolboxes, and several OoO in the last three matches I've played.
I don't get it. Those are all things that are a part of the game.
You know what's ruining the event? The consistent DC bug that is currently plaguing both sides when in the middle of a match. Makes it for an unfun time not to mention the loss of offerings that are brought for said event.
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@Johnny_XMan good point! Btw, tunneling and camping are also part of the game.
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@Tsulan I never said they weren't did I?
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The OoO are probably because of Ghost Face. You should probably expect that for a while until things settle down and Ghost Face is less played. Though I haven't seen anything about killers ruining the event or anything like that. I probably haven't been looking though.
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Oh no people using objects that are in a game
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@Johnny_XMan never claimed that. Just added it to your list
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@Tsulan I play killer too, so I know all about the stigma that follows both sides. Thank you for pointing it out though, there are far more important things to worry about, like a stable game where you don't suddenly dc.
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Offerings, add-ons, and perks are meant to be used...what you expect. Whether the survivor or killer, you can’t blame a player for ANYTHING they attempt to do to win.
6 insta-heals? Ah well, maybe more will escape, or maybe you just get more hits.
NOED? Who cares, cleanse totems, 90% of killers will run Ruin to slow the game down “just a little bit”...cleanse totems, now the killer’s handicapped to just 2 perks.
Adapt and overcome. If ya can’t, just keep practicing. We don’t need a sub forum for grievances against people who are trying their best.
Every game plan, whether SWF or killer has a weakness; find it and exploit it. Don’t worry, you won’t win them all.
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the only thing ruining the event right now is ghostface being bugged
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Ive always wondered why one side always says negative things about the other?
I also dont understand how Ruin, Add ons for Toolbox/medkits and other stuff makes a person toxic during an event. Isnt the goal to survive escape/kill survivors depending on your side?
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I haven't played the event yet because I'm staying at a relatives house. If people are useing OoO often than I'm just gunna use Insta saw billy with bbq or plague since that perk sucks against them.
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Just use the jump scare Myers build with a map offering; renders OoO completely irrelevant
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The event is ruining the event
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not as in: "The event has been ruined by the event"
But rather: "The event is that you are given the chance to ruin the event"
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Every event brings the worst in people. Its true that I could adapt and play anal bead spirit or insta saw billy, but ill pass and wait the event out.
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Actually I haven't seen anything bad during the event yea peeps still camp tunnel or 4 man swf with instas and flashlights but that happens just as much regularly
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Both sides try to ruin it for each other. Let's just have fun!
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I agree with this, both sides do stuff to ruin it for the other side, even in the event. Survivors with purple flashlights and instas, killers with moris and ultra rare add-ons, everyone wants to get their points, without caring for the others. And for survivors, they even ruin it for the other survivors, like everyone rushing for the saves instead of fixing, because they want WGLF stacks. I play survivor much more than killer and have seen this happen so much, lots of matches are cut short and everyone dies.
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@Dokta_Carter Some people seem to believe everyone should have some sort of mutual chill period ("soft farming" or straight up farming even) just because of the event. In my opinion playing normally will be perfectly fine no matter what.
Going out of your way to screw someone out of points as a primary objective is stupid though. I'm talking stuff like stuffing a revved chainsaw in someone's face on their 1st hook with 5 gens left specifically to deny them points, disconnecting to deny killers points/bbq stacks... that sort of stuff. And I have seen it even though its rare, schadenfreude is a thing for some afterall.
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I'll bust it down for you.
You'll always find the sweaty try hard killers out there. You know the ones where using all those things is necessary in order to survive.
They are not the majority of the population.
When you use all those things to punish a non sweaty Killer, you are teaching that player that they need to sweaty up their game to compete.
The OP was saying that when you face all that crap its hard to stay a "Survivor Rules" fair Killer, and actually enjoy the game.
There are many things in life that are "LEGAL", like smoking, sure you can smoke as much as you like, but whether you notice or not you are impacting your health in a negative way.
Same goes for this game, sure you can run as many toxic perk combo and items you like but you are hurting the general well being of the game. If you want less sweaty try hard Killers then do your part to make the game less intense for your Killers. And they in turn will be able to ease up on the toxic Killer actions.
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You seem to forget Survivors are just as capable, in fact moreso, to do toxic gameplay than Killers are.
At this point, I've accepted stuff isn't toxic. I'm not blaming the players. I'm blaming the game. It isn't the fault of the player for using everything to their advantage to win the game, as long as it is within the confines of the rules.
The problem is, the game ends up being super frustrating for both sides because of this. There isn't anything wrong with using what the game gives you.
There IS something wrong when those things are no fun to deal with. This goes for both sides.
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My entire post was that toxic survivor behavior breeds Killer toxic behavior. And vise versa.
But my point was also this, just because you can, doesn't mean you have to. If you want a less frustrating game, play the game they way you would want it to be played against you.
Before the DS nerf there were so many players that played both sides that never used DS, because as a Killer they hated it so much. They knew it was a broken ass perk, and refused to expose other Killers to it.
In the end YOU are responsible for YOUR actions. If you believe strongly that something is not good for the game, you just won't do it even though you could.
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Dude I love Insta heals and Decisives and all, more BP for me. ;)
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What's ruining the event for me is the matchmaking and queue times taking way too long, especially when i end up playing a ######### map or not even playing because someone crashed while loading in.
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Uhm, what? Before the DS nerf, DS was one of the most used perks right behind SC, this was proven by the devs statistics.
Regardless, gameplay can not be inherently toxic unless you are exploiting or breaking the game.
Handicapping your gameplay with mental shackles like this is what drives this game into the ground imo. People should go crazy with all of their most powerful stuff as much as possible. This could force the devs to actually realize the state of their game.
Besides, I don't find things like Prayer Beads or certain Survivor perks as "broken." The only thing broken in this game is SWF, because the game does not have a reasonable way for the Killer to account for it, and the lack of information is supposed to be part of the balance.
I don't care what other players think. I'm here for my fun, not yours. I'm not going to handicap my gameplay and potentially ruin my fun just because someone else doesn't like the stuff I use.
This would be like refusing to play in a Smash tournament just because they allow Bayonetta to be played. You refusing to use your most powerful gear doesn't mean that the Killer is toxic for using his, it means you are handicapping your own gameplay for fear of ruining someone else's fun, and in turn, have your own fun ruined.
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Yup. Lost multiple pips and even a couple gruesome gateaus yesterday due to killers dc'n. I messaged one of them and he replied with "I have no idea what happened." I know he didn't dc intentionally because he popped a pudding.
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Wow man,
You are dead set in your ways. I'm not even sure you understand my points.
- Before the DS nerf there were so many players that played both sides that never used DS, because as a Killer they hated it so much. They knew it was a broken ass perk, and refused to expose other Killers to it.
Please notice I said So many players .. not all, I also qualified this with people who play both sides.
Its your typical outlook on life that ruins things. Its SOMEONE elses job to police MY behaviour. If I can do it well , f'it I'll do it until they take it away.
- I don't care what other players think. I'm here for my fun, not yours. I'm not going to handicap my gameplay and potentially ruin my fun just because someone else doesn't like the stuff I use.
This is exactly your right, but when you people play this way it removes their right to complain about other people using everything they have at their disposal to have their fun at the expense of yours. But really isn't there a mid ground where both sides have fun.
You should look up Moral Highground, you can play less toxic, and you may lose but you still win in your own eyes because you didn't use toxic move alpha.
Its all good man, you have your way of having fun, and hope that SOMEONE else will make the game better for you. Where as other play the way they want the game to be because THEY are making the change they want to see. And the second way is more off to see results then waiting around for someone else to make the changes.
You mentioned this...
- The only thing broken in this game is SWF, because the game does not have a reasonable way for the Killer to account for it, and the lack of information is supposed to be part of the balance.
Here is a perfect example where SWF COULD play together and have fun by not sharing info, just laughing at their friends getting chainsawed right in front of them, and the like. Many SWF play that way they make the effort to NOT share game breaking info because it ruins the game on a base level. They understand it and just don't do it. But many people take your way of playing SWF, and use it to report all Killer actions, all things right down to "wait a second on that gen until he hits me so I can use Adrenaline". And it is the second way... your way that is the problem, isn't it?
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Big surprise that you'd post a needlessly divisive topic like this. This is literally trolling but somehow that's ok on this forum.
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Bugged how? Aura breaking him out of stealth? It doesnt anymore.
What else is bugged with GF?