Slight nerf to DS to promote skillful play
A good survivor being tunneled off the hook could easily run a killer for a minute or more, especially seeing as tunneling killer usually aren't actually that good, so a minute is absolutely fine. It doesn't need nerfing.
In fact, if downed with it active, it should be usable even if the timer runs out before being picked up imo (unless recovered by another survivor, of course) because otherwise a tunneler can, and usually will just wait it out if they don't want to be caught out.
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Ah, so remove the ONLY counter, to further punish GOOD players, which is why they want this changed? Also makes DS completely safe and a totally free escape with an open exit gate? That's fair. You're right, no issues there.
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As has been said before, you really need to dial it back; if they got to the end of the game with DS active get saved, they absolutely should still have that shouldn't get punished for doing well.
And downing a hurt survivor that was just immobile isn't doing well.
But seriously stop with the aggression ffs. Talk like a human being would to others in real life.
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Cleansing for NoED actually rewards you more now, SO GET CLEANING, YOU GENRUSHING HIPPIES.
I'M TIRED OF DOING 3 OUT IF 5 TOTEMS ONLY TO REALIZE NOBODY ELSE DID ANY.As you can see I have gone through this a plethora of times.Ruin isn't even that bad to go against, just stop holding M1 until the gen stops sparking and you can get on your way. Or just get better with skillchecks. And with these garbage totem spots lately, it shouldn't be that hard to find it.
You can afford to stop healing if you hear TR, even though you should have healed much further away ANYWAY. And if you get hit anyway, maybe you should have watched your surroundings instead of just sticking your face in a Z wall by the corner of the map.
I wanna know who's complaining about BBQ, because they... Mmmm... I wanna know how to be that full of #########. 40. Meters. 4. Seconds. Literally, this perk is only used for Bloodpoints. The aura reading is just a minor plus to reward anti-tunneling/anti-camping.
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I like how you take everything you don't agree with an as act of aggression. If this is aggressive I hope no one slightly raises their voice to you. Not sure how you'd react.
Please explain how they did well by getting downed off the hook, especially end-game? How do you know they did well? Maybe they just screwed around all match and constantly put their team in danger? Why do you deserve a free escape? As for immobile, you do realize they gave you immunity frames when being pulled off a hook right? There is a thing called body blocking and BT as well if it's an unsafe unhook.
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Rather than nerf the timer, how about this?
Add a condition that if someone who has DS activated unhooks another survivor or completes a generator within that span of 60 seconds, then the person with DS has it deactivated until they get hooked for the 2nd time. They'll get another chance to possibly use it if the Killer picks them up to give them a 3rd final hook.
This would make the perk more fair and not let it be stacked with things like MoM, so Killers won't have to deal with ludicrous survivor tank builds.
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I saw this suggestion earlier.
-Timer stops when downed
-Timer depletes when another Survivor is hooked.
Timer values are now: 50-55-60.
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Cant you just let the ds target slug?
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-People hate being slugged/complain about it.
-Slugging to nerfed.
-If they get picked up super fast/join with the person who helped them they can burn through gens while you're off in a chase.
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Are you serious right now? With shorter timer is will be more useless than it is right now. Stop tunneling and there won't be a problem.
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Except it's common for survivors to, knowing they have ds ready, throw themselves in front of the killer to try and save whoever else you're going after.
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Hmm if killer is close to the hook or someone if farming on hooked person, it's not his fault and don't deserve to be tunneled. And don't say this bullshit. Only tunnelers complain about ds xD
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Sometimes that happens, so what? If someone want to save someone's life with ds then it's their decision.
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I'm sorry but most people can track very easily who they have hooked or not, especially someone who has just been unhooked.
If you find the time to chase someone, down them, and hook them by the time you find the other survivor that may have DS active it'll only be active for a few more seconds, just wait it out.
If you make the timer any less than it is, you can tunnel and ds will be over by the time you've finished the chase/you'll only have to wait a few seconds after the chase is done to deactivate it.
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They nerf MoM to a trash perk. It's time for NOED nerf
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Well SpaceCoconut, what are your thoughts on the idea by now?
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I have 4TB of videos that show you're wrong, but you do you boo boo. Also, you don't deserve to get away cuz your teammates an #########. Why should I be punished cuz your team is bad, or you are bad? Also that's not tunneling. I'm not gonna let the weaker player go if I need pressure. I play fair, but christ the idea that somehow going after the person that's full health with 3 hook states is somehow the better option is insane.
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Do. The. Totems. Idiot. If you cannot do something this easy, your team deserves to die. MoM was absurdly broken and the fact any of you defend it says a lot.
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Or sometimes in the heat of the game you don't remember, and you're not individually counting every singe person in hopes they don't have DS. Also there's nothing saying you have DS. The OBS can even be randomized so I have no clue.
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Why survivor should be punished if his team is bad? Of course with team is always better but with randoms? They don't think. They only think about their own asses.
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It punishes people who tunnel the guy off of hook and/or can help prevent being farmed instantly
If you hate it so much, go for a different survivor or slug them for a whole minute if you are that kinda person.
It hasn't been a problem since the change.
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Why should I be punished for your mistakes? I didn't screw up, your team did. Why would you encourage it and make perks that reward these mistakes? You're telling a killer, that he's going to be punished, for playing optimally.
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Be me, goes after different survivor. Hooks them, sees BBQ aura. Chases survivor that didn't heal, didn't bother to counter me in a locker, and goes down quickly. Pick them up cuz no marker. Gets DS'd. They run to a pallet and extend the chase longer than it should be.
You all keep saying ######### about tunneling off the hook, but it's not always the case. Especially people who roll up to body block or take aggro knowing full well they're gonna force you to eat a stun.
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Because it's still a team game at its base. There's a difference between not thinking and thinking about yourself. Sometimes it's tactical to sacrifice a teammate. Happens in pretty much every game where there's a team component. Don't like it? Play for yourself or join a swf.
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oh come on, the majority of survivors are very differently dressed, if you can't keep track of a 4head survivor that you'll just hooked then you're the only one at fault.
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I don't always pay attention, and my memory is pretty bad in the moment. Not everyone is perfect at video games like you are, I know, but we do exist. Even if I did they might not have the claws and why would I not hook someone I found after hooking someone?
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"I don't pay attention"
Woe is me, lets nerf DS because you can't be bothered to think "dwight with blue shirt was just hooked".
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Woe is me, I'm a bad player and went down but it's ok the devs gave me a free escape cuz someone cried about dying in a video game. Also, way to ignore the, "My memory is bad." Sorry for having problems I'll just pop some tylenol and I'll be able to fix that right up.
Also, read what I said champ. If I hook someone else, and somehow down you after that, you didn't get tunneled.
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Why do killers always do that "I'm bad and I went down etc" bs.
You know full well 95% of the time DS procs because of a tunnel, some hooks, like the basement are heavily tunneled "just get to a pallet 4Head". Sometimes you can't, you're injured there's literally nothing you can do, sometimes it isn't as simple as "you're just bad".
If your memory ain't great stop staring at a computer screen for 30 minutes, it's no ones fault your memory is bad and I pray that you get your issue sorted but ######### shouldn't be nerfed because some people can't remember the last person they hooked.
If you're tunneling, you're trash, if you're close enough to the hook to tunnel, you're usually close enough to get two hits on the unhooker and not have to worry about it.
If you hook someone, and see an injured survivor on the BBQ and chilli and someones just been unhooked maybe slug them a little. The game isn't hard.
Also, nothing says free escape like one time use, 60 second time limit, missable. -1 perk slot.
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As the killer I had many matches with bad survivor team, but sometimes in this team there is one good looper who deserves to escape because his team ######### something up. And you know what? I am letting this person go because I am not a ######### tryhard. It's not hard :>
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Because you did something stupid to go down again that soon. Just put on another crutch or play with people who you know will block for you. Or don't go down near the basement. As someone who plays legion, I can't tell if its an unhooked or someone not healing/just mended. Oh, and I'm mostly a survivor player (because apparently this is important in arguing here) since I spent more time with them. Wanna talk about a bug? I can aim for the unhooker and hit the hooked/just unhooked person.
DS procs from abuse. I play with someone who purposely goes down to hit the killer with DS.
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If you've just hooked someone, and then suddenly that same person is sprinting at you, hit them, down them & slug them.
What's the issue? lmao, make the timer any shorter and it'll be useless.
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Then that's how you play. Most will go for that 4k because sacrificing is the main category. I am guilty of letting people go if their team ######### them over, but I usually know I've pipped by then so it's win-win. If they're good at looping, then they should be more helpful to their team and take your attention or do gens. There's multiple components to this game that you're overlooking.
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Seriously? How old are you? Don't call people special or idiots. It's ironic that you're complaining about people getting their "panties in a bunch" when you're the one who has to resort to insults and name calling in arguments.
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Because slugging isn't always the play to make. Let me just sit in this one area while others do gens. Once I finally leave or hook them I'm down gens or someone had the balls to pick the person up. I've been on both sides of this. It's frustrating and stupid for the killer. I've been that ######### that picks people up from the ground as survivor or gen-rush punish.
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"sometimes slugging isn't always the play"
But complaining on the forums about a perk and then ignoring slugging is the play? What?
Slug & find someone else, people usually come off gens to heal.
do any of you even play this game?
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Can you at least quote correctly? I'm complaining as a survivor and killer, because god forbid someone can be both on this forum. If you can't see the alternative plays that can be made by survivors or how risky slugging can become, then have you played? Or do you enjoy playing with/against potatoes?
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Just remember who you hook, I've had the ds thing happen to me multiple times, am I here crying it needs to be nerfed AGAIN, NO, because I allowed it to happen by not remembering, it's my fault.
Once the bad killers realise some times things are their fault they'll get over themselves and become better players.
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I love how you just assume my issue is the time. I never said my stance and yet you just love to put words in my mouth.
My issue, since you so politely asked, is that I can hook someone else and still get DSed. Then I see people arguing it's an anti-tunnel perk. By definition, this is false. Survivors are being rewarded for bad plays even when you try and go for the other person. I play for trades. I should be able to do this without being punished.
Also love how you assume this conversation is me crying. I wonder what gave you that impression. Please tell me. I am honestly confused since I haven't attacked you personally like you seem to be doing.
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so my point still stands, remember who you hook & slug.
It's such a weak ass perk now, slugging is very viable, chase other people.
Deal with it, it's weak enough now.
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So weak it's still meta. Mkay. Nice cherry picking by the way, especially since you ignored about most of what I said. Since you're clearly done and set in your ways, I say good-day and maybe we can have another discussion in the future. 😁
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lmao, it's "meta" because killers tunnel all the time. It's in the same situation as a lot of killers call ruin. You pretty much have to run it
Yea, maybe once you figure the game out we can have a discussion about how weak ds is.
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@Boss lol I forgot I made this thread.
I see a lot of ranting and railing and personal attacks which is pretty normal for a thread like this.
Not many people are actually discussing the timer change which I thought was pretty fair. No mods or devs have chimed in either way so it's just become a den of frenzied bias.
People suggest slugging, but people hate slugging.
People suggest keeping track of the time, but it's not possible to do in the heat of a match as a killer, especially during
There are always alternative solutions to problems through gameplay choices, but when those choices hinder fun gameplay for both sides then the core problem should be looked at.
A reduction of 5-10 seconds on the timer would be enough for survivors trying to escape to be able to do so if the killer isn't tunneling.
Survivors deliberately using the timer to their advantage would be problematic, but would only get one use out of the perk that way.
I dunno.
People can't have discussions anymore. It's all name calling and ranting without considering the bigger picture.
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Reducing the timer though will lead to a lot more instances where a survivor is straight up tunneled and chased upon being unhooked, but outruns the perk window or uses enough of the time up that any killer with a brain will know just to wait 10 sec or whatever to be safe. How is THAT fair?! The counter argument of “well, if you didn’t get your DS off that means you took up enough of their time anyway” is dumb. That tunneling killer should still get DS’ed. Reducing the timer should be off the table unless we want to get into stopping the clock during chase and when downed.
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@SpaceCoconut Even if you lower the timer it won't stop abuse. It can still trigger during the endgame when gates are already open or when survivors suicide on purpose or jump in a locker to get ds to activate.
A better fix for it would be that ds deactivates if certain conditions are met.
What I think would be fair is that ds should just deactivate completely after egc is triggered. I've had some frustrating situations where I've downed someone close to the exit gate only to know that there is a chance they might have ds which would instantly lose me the kill. Recently I've even had a situation where 2 survivors deliberately waited around the exit gate, both having ds and waiting for me to pick them up only to shank me and run out.
Another scenario where ds should deactivate is when the killer hooks another survivor. Ds being an anti-tunnel perk, doesn't need to activate since the killer is obviously not tunneling if they've hooked another survivor.
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The way I see it. If you complain about a average perk being stupidly unfair or whatever, you end up with a perk with little or no use. *Cough* mettle of man *cough* *cough*
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No, I take his blatant aggression as an act of aggression - the caps, the tone, everything, are blatantly akin to him screaming in our faces and telling us we're wrong.
I've not once called anyone else I disagreed with aggressive on this forum, either, so your strawman doesn't hold up.
Edit: Oh, it's you saying it about yourself, I just realised. Changed profile picture had me confused. That makes it worse...