How'd you do on the exam ?

Here's me.
92% here
some of these questions were kinda ridiculous if you ask me xD (like, when was the first time Not_Queen appeared in a stream? or whats the exact description of susies mixtape?)
i would have loved to see some more stat reliant questions though... like "what is X Killers movementspeed?" or "how long does it take to cleanse a totem?"
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98% I forgot how many heads a totem has because my totems usually last 3 seconds so I never get to see them.
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Remember that @not_Queen stream was #45. This is how our Queen raise.
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I got an A rating, so between 90-99%.
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96 %, A rating. Sucked up with Ace :/
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98%. UwU
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I got an 86, I don’t play feng, how am I supposed to know what her shirt is called :(
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100% A+
I'm nervous about hearing who were the first 20. I did it as soon as it came out.
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@NurseMainBTW When the exam announcement was 15 minutes old on their twitter, I did it so I think I made the deadline.. if I won anything though? Hah, my luck is garbage.
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like bruh “when did not_Queen make her debut?”
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90 out of 100 also. The cosmetic name and some lore questions messed me up a bit. But still an A, which is nice.
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Full marks. The best question is: Which offering increases the chance of being sent to Haddonfield? Watch the movie Halloween 100 times / Buy a house in Haddonfield. I'll never unsee that question.
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90% 😗
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True that! They could have just made 3 different answers by playing with the last name "Strode" like "Sdrote" or "Stroke"
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98% because I don't know Feng cosmetics.
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92% I know I got how the clowns mom died and Fengs nickname wrong.
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Did a pretty good job so far
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I'm also one of the 20 winners.
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How do you know ?
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I got an email from BHVR about 3 hours ago letting me know.
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I wish I was able to complete it within one hour of it launching, but was unable to participate at that time due to needing the ID.
I'm not going to even bother now T_T
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Well you deserve it the most for all your dedication to DBD. Glad to have you all this time doc.
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I scored a 90% and if I recall correctly most of the questions I answered incorrectly were lore related. The one I had no idea on was the Feng Min alias she goes by. I also recall I couldn't remember how The Clown's mom died.
Those are the two that stood out to me of the ones I answered incorrectly.
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A, 96%,
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I got 100% but I had to look up a few. A couple of the lore ones and addons I never use specifically.
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I guessed on the cosmetic ones. I didn’t expect to get a 100. Guess I know more about DbD than I thought I did.
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Share the wealth!
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Did a speed run of it in 2-5 minutes. Missed only 2. I thought it would be a bit more difficult. Didn't bother looking anything up either, wanted to test knowledge, felt like half of it was what series is each character from...
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I got 90%
Got screwed over by some lore questions and others I just got confused
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96% girl it was tough i had to take a guess for maybe 3 of the questions especially the not queen one
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Something like that:
How many skulls totem has?
Damn i should have cleansed totems when i could :(
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I got this... I feel smart... Lol
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JK I got 99% xD
all for the "not_queen debut", that was a real bruh momento there for me
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100%, but I didn't do it in the first hour so nothing for me I guess lol.