What 1st: Hex:Ruin or Nurses Calling

What should I get 1st for my Killers? I mainly play Myers and don't know which to get 1st since they are both good. (Already have most of the 'Core' perks such as M&A, BBQ, Brutal Strength)

My Hag is level 7 but my Nurses is level 0.

What do you guys think would be better to get on Myers.


  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Nurses was on the shrines 2 to 3 weeks ago?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’d say ruin

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Ruin for sure

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Ruin. Help you a lot slowing the game

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Ruin is more mainstream and helps slow down the game at the beginning of the trial but Nurse's can't be blown apart and you will have it till the game ends. You choose.

  • casedistorted
    casedistorted Member Posts: 58

    Nurse's Calling I find a lot more situational because you have to hope that Survivors heal within your terror radius basically.

    Hex: Ruin has way more general appeal and will always be useful unless it gets destroyed in the first minute of the match.

    I would say always go for Hex: Ruin especially now that all levels of the perk affect ALL survivors.

    Nurse's Calling is nice but unless you have it's max rank perk it has a pretty small area of effect.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Nurse's calling

  • InFernoZ22
    InFernoZ22 Member Posts: 32

    I mean that happens, I play survivor with Adrenaline and usually it's useless apart from when it's not. NC and Ruin are both good perks, NC might not be useful every game but since Self Care is so common, it's good.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Ruin, survivors are FORCED to deal with Ruin regardless of what they want to do.

    Nurse's on the other hand, is completely controlled by survivors, and smart survivors will rush through the gens not caring about healing whatsoever, minimizing your use of Nurse's.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Ruin best pick

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Ruin. No questions.