I don't ask for much.

We all know that Ghost Face's perks are not that good. When i first heard about the perks on livestream. I was disappointed. Im all ears got a little tweak on PTB, and it is a lot more helpfull. I like to use it on huntress and nurse, but why the cooldown need to be so long? I mean it doesn't give exposed hindred or anything special, Decreasing this perk cooldown to 20 or 30 seconds would be just a nice buff and wouldn't make it overpowered,
Furtive chase is very interesting perk, but the benefints it gives aren't simply worth the effort. Terror radius decreased by 16 meters isn't worth the time to seek for the changing obsessions. I would make it, that the red stain dissapears when you have full stacks, or that terror radius is decreased by 25% instead of 4 meters so every killer can benefit from this perk. If you don't want to apply any of these 2 ideas. At least delete losing all the tokens when obsession is killed.
Agreed for them both, except furtive chase is useless to me because alls it does is decrease your terror radius in a chase, and in a chase only. The only thing good with furtive chase i can see is using it on Michael, as itll give him a 2 meter terror radius with all stacks (which will be confusing on maps with a lot of walls, like Lerys) though its still not that good or worth putting all that effort it to have it go away when your obsession is killed.
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It is also good on huntress, because she doesn't sing she's lullably in chase and she have 20 meter terror radius. So basically 4 meter terror radius is nothing.
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I'm assuming you have no problem with Thrilling Tremors from the lack of a mention.
I'm All Ears has a 40 second cooldown so that the survivor is able to still lose and/or mind-game you in a chase. 30 seconds even would mean that you could see the survivors aura up to 20% of the time; which basically makes it impossible for them to lose or mind game you in the majority of situations. I think the perk is in a spot where it would be dangerous for them to buff it to be perfectly honest.
Furtive Chase needs to do something different. After the Freddy rework, there won't even be a reasonable use case for it. It doesn't even make Deep Wounds dangerous, which was the one thing I was able to even theorycraft around when trying to find any use for it.
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I'm All Ears is pretty decent now. I think your buff suggestion is fair and wouldn't make it overpowered, but personally would prefer if tiers II and III increased the aura reveal by 1 second each. In other words, an 8 second reveal on a 40 second cooldown over a 6 second reveal on 30 - similar power level, different focus.
Furtive Chase should reduce terror radius when NOT in a chase. Devs could change the name to "Furtive Approach" if it bothers then, as well as put a limit do minimum terror radius resulting from this perk in case gen grabs become a problem.