Any word on dedicated servers

ShaneQ Member Posts: 134

Title says it all really, August 1st will be the first day of fall. What are the chances dedicated servers will be launched by then?.

Or is this going to be like optimisation and suddenly become an ongoing process with no real ETA


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    First day of Fall is September 23

  • ShaneQ
    ShaneQ Member Posts: 134


    Oh damn. I guess I'm slow I thought Summer was May,June,July,. Either way I want them servers lol

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756
    edited June 2019


    no harm, no foul

    June 21-September 23

  • Perelie
    Perelie Member Posts: 433

    That's so long away that you guys should really do something about DC's before then. You can't keep holding it off, it's a huge problem with the game so please stop ignoring it.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    We are still banning people for disconnecting with our current system in the time being. We have not stopped just because a new system is on the way.

  • Perelie
    Perelie Member Posts: 433

    You keep saying this but I'm still getting DC's constantly, and when I talk to other people in the post-game chat they also talk about experienced many DC's in their matches too. Heck, the last match I played since I made that point I got 2 DC's in the same game.

    Please can't you at least allow compensation points for us who have to deal with this? Because you lose out on so many points when people DC early.

  • tataway
    tataway Member Posts: 1

    In my experience people who troll dc are less of an issue than people who dc for loss of connection 6-10 games on a bad day im kicked for losing connection with host and its not my internet i have a specific tracker for those blips just to ensure its not me and it cant be the host because everyone else on my team is still in game. people are on the gen 1 second and gone the next. this ruins the game on so many levels but they want to bleed us for cash and not put focus where the real faults are.

    I find the fact that behaviour interactive is working on mobile and has the balls to sell our information for profit all the while not addressing core issues as a first priority to be a shameful and self destructive act that will just run this company into the ground.

  • prof_teabagger
    prof_teabagger Member Posts: 121

    Because different people DC just here and there so it seems like there should be a lot of people banned with 1 DC per match in average.