Suggestion: Pyramid Head Chapter

Daneryn Member Posts: 52
edited June 2019 in Creations

i am sure that this has been suggested before (probably many times) but I think Silent Hill's Pyramid Head would be an amazing addition to DBD! I have not spent too much time thinking up this power (so I expect it will have many flaws in it's current description, but hopefully you will get the essence of what I would imagine his playstyle would be like!

Killer: Pyramid Head

Power: Otherworld: This ability can be toggled on and off and is on a short cooldown.

While active, Pyramid's red stain is removed and his heartbeat is replaced by the sounds of non-directional sirens only heard while within his terror radius.

While active, survivors within the killers terror radius are pulled into the Otherworld. Here, windows appear blocked by the entity and all pallets are replaced by illusionary pallets. Survivors who leave the terror radius transition back to the real world over 3 seconds, however this is cancelled / reset if they re enter the killer's terror radius before completion.

The idea here is to try and capture the "oh no he's here!" feeling of Pyramid Head, as well as utilizing the trademark Otherworld transitions that Silent Hill is known for. 

For anyone un-aware, here is a clip of how the transition happens:

While active, as the killer approaches a survivor, from their view, as they enter his terror radius the map transitions to Otherworld accompanied by non directional sirens so they still have fair notice that Pyramid Head is close. 

As far as what the killer benefits from this is that even though survivors know the killer is in the area, they do not know from where and, add to this the illusionary pallets and windows into the confusion, opportunities for mind games become available. 

Like I said, there is much fine tuning that would be required to make this ability viable but conceptually I think it be a really cool killer to add to the DBD roster!



  • skills4u2envy
    skills4u2envy Member Posts: 2

    It's an interesting idea. I'd like to be chased by Pyramid Head but then I go through a window and he can't fit his head through it lol