Why do I keep getting ranked with red and purple?

Member Posts: 3,022
I'm green rank. The highest I've ever gotten so far is rank ten, though I usually idle around 11 - 13, both on survivor and killer side. Yet nearly every match I've had this week have had at least one purple rank or more.
At the same time, I've had a few matches where I'm against Rank 19-20 survivors. Is it just low player count at the moment when it happens?
Sometimes matchmaking just gets drunk and you get sent to the Twilight Zone, I've had games where me as a rank 3 survivor ends up in a lobby where the highest rank of ANY other player in there is 15.
If a SWF party has very spread out ranks (think something like 3-6-11-14 or something) obviously someone will look out of place no matter what rank the killer is.